Apex Legends update 1.97 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Apex Legends patch notes, the latest update 1.97 added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Apex Legends patch 1.97 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Apex Legends 1.97 Patch Notes – June 7, 2022
- Addressed a bug where Wraith ultimate disappearing when deployed close to Harvester wall
- Addressed an issue where some players are reporting that the final day Treasure Pack is not granting any of the items
- Fixed bugs related to Rampage charging VFX, UI inconsistencies.
- Addressed stability and performance issues.
- Other minor under the hood fixes.
Addressed the following changes previously.
- Addressed bug where players were unable to scroll downwards when looting a death box or black market.
- Addressed bug that was preventing players from getting Rampart’s Heirloom even after buying all 24 event packs.
- Addressed bug where players could skydive faster after spamming Ping.
- Addressed issue with players seeing the 888 Elite Mode Badge constantly unlocking.
- Addressed bug where dive trails were not rewarded properly.