BlazBlue Entropy Effect update is now available to download on PC. According to the official BlazBlue Entropy Effect patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s BlazBlue Entropy Effect version will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
BlazBlue Entropy Effect Patch Notes – Nov. 27, 2024
Now, let’s start with the most important ones:
- Introducing a new mechanism for Taokaka. The redesigned Taokaka will have higher performance and a better control feel;
- Expansion of Mind Training content, including new Space Covenant and Trial, as well as a series of adjustments and optimizations to mechanics and values;
- The unlocking rules for Mind Crystals will be changed to completing task conditions and consuming AP. The strengthening rules will be changed to consuming Fragmented Mind. Fragmented Mind consumed before this update to unlock Mind Crystals will be automatically returned after the update;
- Alpha Space will replace Omega Space as the fifth stage of Mind Training. The relevant content of Omega Space will be reintroduced in other new gameplay in the future;
- Save logic optimization, the achievement unlocks progress, and the Entropy difficulty system can only be transferred between saves through the [inherit] function after the update. The main menu video style obtained after clearing the ending will support cross-save unlocking and Steam Cloud Saving.
- Mind Upgrade level cap increased to level 91;
- A music player has been added to the left of NPC Neo, which can be used to play BGM obtained through various methods such as completing achievements and unlocking Prototypes. If you already have the corresponding Soundtrack DLC, you can directly play the corresponding tracks;
As usual, we did some polish here and there and fixed a lot of bugs:
- A new AF-91ACT Avatar has been added to NPC B.C, unlocked by default;
- You can now directly enter the Mind Crystal Enhancement interface at NPC Neo;
- You can now enter the out-of-training store at NPC CL-1, the Janitor robot, who stands just at the right of NPC Neo;
- The BGM unlock method that was originally enabled by default in the high Entropy difficulty has been changed to completing the achievement [Getting Better];
- Adjusted the pricing rules for purchasing in-game buffs or disabling debuffs in the out-of-training store. The price will increase with the number of purchases per time;
- Removed the number limit for each Prototype to obtain [Fragmented Mind] by killing Elite enemies of various difficulties;
- Optimized the display of the hidden effects of Potential;
- The big screen will randomly play highlights from our community;
- Added 3 in-game achievements: First Signs, Unraveling the Mystery, Getting Better;
- The [Summon] key has been renamed to the [Action] key;
- The controller settings now include a Global Key Combo switch. When enabled, you can configure individual action commands to use key combos;
- You no longer need to spend Exchange Points when performing multiple draws in the Sortitio Space;
- The numerical strength of the positive effect [Skill Damage Increased] has been enhanced, and its hidden trigger count limit has been removed;
- The Tactic [Place Mine] now deploys one additional mine.
- New Tactic [One More Mine]: There is a chance to release 3 mines at once;
- The toxin damage triggered by the Tactic can now be stacked, and the duration of the toxin from the Double Tactic is extended;
- The damage of Tactic [Endless Ice Spikes] is now calculated as a proportion of the damage of the basic Ice Spike;
- Fixed an issue where Hakumen’s Potential [Sekka] might trigger the wrong move during charging;
- Optimized the command input timing delay after Jin’s jump;
- Fixed an issue where Ragna could not trigger dodge correctly when using the command [↓ + Dash];
- The input command of Es Potential [Type:Slasher “Gawain”] changed to [↑ + Action Key (previous Summon Key)], slightly reduced invincibility time and adjusted its numerical strength, and can slightly advance the dash connection during use;
- Es Potential [Type:Assaulter “Tristan”], [Type:Slasher “Galahad”] added hidden effects;
- Es Potential [Type:Slasher “Galahad”] enhancement effect adjustment;
- Adjusted the priority of Es Potentials [Type:Slasher “Gawain”, [Type:Assaulter “Tristan”], [Type:Slasher “Galahad”] and [Type:Shooter “Breunor”] with other actions;
- Noel’s Potential [Zero-gun: Sleipnir] input command has been changed to [Hold Action Key (previous Summon Key)] to release;
- Noel’s Potential [Shroud Fall] input command has been changed to [Hold Skill] or [↓ + Skill] to release, while also increasing the interrupt priority of [Shroud Fall] when performing other airborne actions, and removing the restriction of reticle not being able to penetrate walls when the reticle is moving;
- Noel’s Potential [Universal Enhancement] will now take effect on Dash Attacks that have not been enhanced when entering the dodge state and will extend the duration of the dodge effect triggered by the derived command [Dash · ↑+Attack] of Potential [Type XIII: Revolver Blast];
- Reduced the interrupt priority of Noel’s Potential [Zero-gun: Fenrir/Bullet Rain] using [Dash · Skill] to scatter grenades and [Attack · Skill]to dive and explode. Now, holding ↑ or ↓ will prioritize releasing other moves;
- The input command for Kokonoe’s Potential [Armament No.8EE vE.24 “Meteor Carpet Storm”] has been changed to release with [Action Key (previous Summon Key)]
- Optimized the display of Kokonoe’s ground flame effects to avoid excessive obstruction of vision;
- Fixed the issue where pressing the Jump key after Hibiki quickly gets up may trigger the Potential [Double Wing Rapid Cyclone];
- Fixed an issue where the Defiling Eye’s tentacles might disappear when Hibiki attacked it with his Attack;
- Fixed an issue where Hibiki could not correctly use the command [↑/↓ + Dash];
- Fixed an issue where Hibiki’s Potential [Staggering Cuts] could not turn when activating the five slashes combo;
- Adjusted the priority of Λ-No.11-‘s moves [Sword Summoner EX] and [Exiga Nail] to make their logic more consistent;
- Optimized the text descriptions of some Potentials and moves, without affecting their actual effects
- Optimized the AI of some enemies, attack and hit judgment range, etc.;
- Fixed an issue where some enemies’ shields might be nested;
- Fixed an issue where some enemies’ ranged attack behavior was abnormal;
- Fixed an issue where the Thunderbolt attack summoned by enemies could be blown away by the Silpheed summoned by Rachel;
- Fixed an issue where the attack warning and actual damage judgment of some moves of the Elite Enemy NAN-FIRE BITE were inconsistent;
- Fixed an issue where the attack warning and actual attack range of the Butterfly Swarm attack of the Elite Enemy Oread were inconsistent;
- Fixed an issue where the Butterfly Swarm of the Elite Enemy Oread appeared from the middle of the scene;
- Fixed an issue where an abnormal display occurred when fighting the Elite Enemy Sweeper;
- Some other bug fixes and optimizations;
Download BlazBlue Entropy Effect update on PC.