A new DeadPoly update 0.0.5b released on PC. According to the official DeadPoly patch notes, the latest update 0.0.5b addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s DeadPoly patch 0.0.5b will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
DeadPoly 0.0.5b Patch Notes – June 12,2022
- Building interior spawn system fixed to work with existing saves, my bad
- Building interior spawn system expansion (more buildings now spawn interiors, and more interior options coming very soon)
- Items from the interior spawn system should no longer despawn when you pick items around them
- Fixed bug with interior spawned items and floor spawn items causing floor spawned items to fluctuate
- More items have become salvageable
- World interactable update (many items can now be picked up that couldn’t before, or are interactable in some way like harvesting resources or breaking down)
- New build parts
- New collectibles
- New melee weapons
- Brass from scrapping guns has been reduced to about half of previous
- Cars / buses / etc no longer change colors when hit (AND NO LONGER TURN WHITE WHEN DEPLETED!)
- Some Busses no longer have doors or poles in the middle to block your movement
- Hired a landscaping company to come clear out the overgrowth inside the apartment stairwells
- Changes to Discord API to try and fix admin crashes
- Multiple Learning Curve Adjustments (fancy way of saying I’ve learned something new, so I’ve redone something previously done in a better way)
- Autosave is now a preference in game settings
- Invert mouse is now a preference in game settings
Changes and fixes thanks to community feedback and engagement:
- Players have found the Time Stone (menu now pauses the game in single player)
- Tomato, tape, and money case have had their magical powers of levitation removed
- Game no longer forces FPS to 120 every time you launch it
- Achievements “Did You Just Start The Zombie Apocalypse?” and “It Was A Nice Thought” are no longer mutually exclusive
- Reinforced crates built weight doubled to match other crates
- Garbage Bin is now an interact option to delete items instead of doing it automatically when the inventory is closed