A new Deceit 2 update 5.3 patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Deceit 2 update 5.3 will address some of these issues and bugs.
Read what is new and fixed in today’s Deceit 2 patch. Read the official patch notes below.
Deceit 2 Patch 5.3 Notes- December 12, 2024
Terror Changes
- Morgus’ Jack in the Box now stacks up to 3, and Morgus starts each inbetween with 3 boxes to place.
- Morgus’ Jack in the Box’s animation now lasts slightly longer, and has been repositioned to see more of the monkey. The trap slowdown duration has been changed from 1 to 0.875.
- Morgus’ music has generally had its volume decreased.
- New audio has been added to Morgus picking up bananas.
- Wyrton now only spawn wolves when using the howl ability – each ability activation spawns one wolf, up to a cap of 4 per Wyrton. Howl cooldown reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
- Wyrton’s wolves now show indicators on the targets hit by their howl.
- Wyrtorn can now always see outlines of the wolves.
- A sound now plays to Wyrton to guide him to players that have been howled at.
- Wyrton’s footsteps are now louder and ‘thuddier’ when sprinting, and quieter when walking.
- The terror chase audio now ducks in volume in response to the player’s heartbeat sound.
- Two new tasks have been added: Master Chest and Bonfire.
- A ‘Random’ option has been added when selecting a terror or curse during the game start period.
- The Infected can now use mutations that you don’t own if your infected partner owns them.
- Players are now unable to talk whilst being soulstriked.
- Cosmetics can now be equipped right after purchasing them.
- All vote related UI now hides as soon as a player is killed.
- Mutation descriptions have been updated.
- The looping audio of the heat vision goggles has been improved.
- The intro camera sweep has been reworked.
- The Cinema and Surgeon lights tasks have been given audio improvements.
- Various improvements have been made to the initial load of the game.
- Translations have been updated – thank you to our volunteers.
- Handcuffs now play an idle animation.
- The Mask & Heat Goggles now play a “Force Unequip” animation when running out of charge.
- Removed sprint/walk sound changes
- Decoy use animation length reduced
- [FIXED] In certain circumstances, players can speak whilst they are dying.
- [FIXED] The ‘days remaining’ text on the daily login screen is incorrect.
- [FIXED] Seagulls can be clapped away before they land.
- [FIXED] In certain circumstances players can teleport via portals during the reality phase.
- [FIXED] Morgus only gets 1 indicator when multiple boxes are triggered.
- [FIXED] Occasionally, Morgus’ Box can get stuck on screen.
- [FIXED] Occasionally there are issues with holding your gun as the Menace.
- [FIXED] Occasionally the player you’re spectating’s hand can get stuck when activating a blood altar.
- [FIXED] Heat Goggles show in hand when switching back to them whilst equipped.
- [FIXED] Various Soul Guides on Wurgen are facing the wrong way.
- [FIXED] The Mask doesn’t force unequip when running out of charge.
- [FIXED] The Mask shows in the hand while equipped.
- [FIXED] The Rock, Paper, Scissors emotes don’t play correctly.
- [FIXED] Killing a Menace doesn’t spawn a banishing portal.
- [FIXED] Daisy chain handcuffs don’t correctly play animations.
- [FIXED] The season tab doesn’t consistently progress after each game.
- [FIXED] The ring highlight on the phone task is misaligned.
- [FIXED] Hit reactions can cause other animations to be cancelled.
- [FIXED] Text describing Wyrton’s ability is outdated.
- [FIXED] Text describing the Season Bundle is outdated.
- [FIXED] An escape door on Wurgen is missing its chains.
- [FIXED] Various spots in the maps are unintentionally accessible.
Download Deceit 2 update 5.3 on PC.