A new Don’t Starve Together update 618572 released on PC. According to the official Don’t Starve Together patch notes, the latest update 618572 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Don’t Starve Together patch 618572 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Don’t Starve Together Patch 618572 Notes – July 4, 2024
- Merm Tools can’t be used by players.
- Bat Bat can now drain life from most things again.
- Lowered waterproofness and removed insulation from Portasol.
- Added new rain sounds for Portasol.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Crab Guards and Crab Knights failing to abandon breaking ice floes.
- Fixed the Bootleg not working with controllers.
- Fixed bug where Winona could not Dismount from a Beefalo using controllers while holding a Portasol.
- Fixed Winona getting wetness locked after being saved from death.
- Fixed bug with W.I.N.bot resetting its spawn point whenever it goes offscreen.
- Fixed bug where dismantling a Spotlight does not clear its last target.
- Fixed bug with incorrect fuel state when Winona’s generators are used to charge WX-78.
- Fixed bug where Wagstaff’s Cacheboxes can get stuck if you take your Inspectacles off while it’s giving out loot.
- Fixed snow and other ground effects accumulating on Vine Bridges.
- Fixed missing cuff symbols in the Close Examine animation.
- Fixed a crash related to BERNIE! Shrinking size.
- Fixed a Wortox inspection line typo.
- Fixed Wurt’s announce line for sheltering.
- Merms will no longer use tools (that do less damage) to fight.
- Fixed Shoddy Tools turning invisible when floating.
- Fixed Mutant Merm duplicating when they are attacked by their leader.
- Fixed a second Merm spawning when a Lunar Merm reverts back to a regular Merm.
- Fixed crash sometimes when colliding with Salt Formations.
- Fixed irreplaceable items being destroyed by Powder Monkey raids.
- Fixed projectiles launched from Boats having the Boat’s velocity added to them in the wrong direction.
- Fixed entities teleported off Boats not showing up for some clients.
- Fixed buildings being blocked from being built near things that are fading out after dying.
- Fixed broken Hound Mounds and chopped down Driftwood blocking your path.
- Fixed some talking animations for Wurt’s Guest of Honor and Archaic skins.
- Fixed Crossbones Trawler skin missing part of its shadow.
- Fixed Superior Communal Kelp Dish scrapbook picture size.
- Fixed missing cold particles for the Robin Egg Ice Box skin.
- Fixed glassed full moon icon art.
- Fixed some errors in Pig and Prime Mate art.
Notes for Modders
- Component function sanity_replica IsSane now properly returns the result.
Download Don’t Starve Together update 618572 on PC.