A new Elite Dangerous update released on PC. According to the official Elite Dangerous patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Elite Dangerous patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Elite Dangerous Patch Notes – June 10, 2022
- A fix has been implemented to address landing issues for Anaconda Pilots.
- This was a nasty one whereby Commanders would be unable to land on planet surfaces. You can now touch down as intended.
- A fix has been implemented to address frequent stuttering encountered during gameplay, often seen when descending towards a planet surface.
- A fix has been implemented to address missing facial hair on Commander portraits.
- This fix to facial hair also includes fixes for other Commander customisation elements not displaying correctly, such as tattoos and more (Issue tracker reference ticket: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50359)
- A fix has been implemented to address the Shipyard UI softlocking if “Disable GUI Effects” was set to On.
- This fix benefits both regular and VR Commanders.
- Commanders are now correctly able use X/Square input when using a controller when navigating on foot.
- This issue was caused by multiple inputs being allocated to the same control scheme, which would then incorrectly mask one another.
- General crash and stability issues have been implemented.