A new Farthest Frontier update 0.9.3 patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Farthest Frontier update 0.9.3 will address some of these issues and bugs.
Read what is new and fixed in today’s Farthest Frontier patch. Read the official patch notes below.
Farthest Frontier Patch 0.9.3 Notes – July 19, 2024
[Major New Features]
- The duration of a game day has been increased from 5s to 8s at 1x speed. This change was made to improve overall gameplay flow and make villagers get around less frantically, and to provide a more relaxing pace at 1x speed.
- Military Companies are now displayed on the buttom of the HUD for quick selection.
- This update includes significant optimization changes aimed at improving performance, particularly in large settlements.
- Desirability radii have been significantly increased across most buildings, particularly large ones such as Theaters and Temples, to increase flexibility in town layouts.
- Updated detail lighting and shadows on buildings.
- Trees have received a visual update.
- Fixed an issue where builders would leave a build site with 13 work left instead of finishing the job.
- Fixed an issue where resource windows could remain stuck on screen if the resource ends up in the fog of war (ex. a boar).
- Fixed an issue where the Map Details tooltip would show Medium for the map size regardless of actual map size after reloading.
- Fixed an issue where Crypts could be salvaged, or deleted during a relocation, resulting in potentially hundreds of buried villagers vanishing.
- Fixed an issue where relocating a building could duplicate it.
- Fixed an issue where villagers inside the Town Center would ignore cold exposure risks.
- Fixed an issue where wild and barn animals would ignore nearby farms for munching. Your crops are once again at risk!
- Fixed an issue where wolves could attack raider camps during initial Town Center placement.
- Fixed an issue where students could graduate without a teacher in the school.
- Fixed an issue where the game could fail to load if the town has over 21 military companies.
- Fixed an issue where military units dying could reduce the total soldier monthly upkeep multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where soldiers with shields equipped would not have them visible.
- Fixed an issue where Barracks and Cavalary Stables were counted together for building counts. This fix also applies to fences and walls.
- Fixed an issue where villagers sometimes carry invisible or incorrect tools.
- Fixed an issue where graveyard builders would stack up on a single spot.
- Fixed an issue where Compost Yards would stop working if they are both full and there are no fields available to deposit compost onto.
- Fixed an issue where the Crop selection window would not fit on the screen at minimum supported resolution.
- Fixed an issue where droughts could trigger during Winter.
- Fixed an issue where rebuilding a storage building would reset its storage limits.
- Fixed an issue where milking and fruit harvesting were not affected by Production Limits.
- Fixed an issue where Forester Camps would continue to plant trees with tree planting priority set to 0.
- Fixed an issue where the Hunter traps widget could appear incorrectly, ex. when the Hunter Lodge is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where rogue animal icons would sometimes not appear.
- Fixed an issue where Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables could start in an Unhealthy state despite having no animals in them.
- Fixed an issue where Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables could become stuck due to rogue animals being in queue for butchering.
- Fixed an issue where some harvestable objects were in season for much shorter than intended. This fix is not retroactive for existing saves.
- Fixed an issue where the Herbs requirement for Shelter upgrades would not highlight green when met.
- Fixed an issue where items gained/lost per year would reset on reload.
- Fixed an issue where corpses became invisible after reload.
- Fixed an issue where spoilage indicators would reset after reload.
- Added Retreat to Barracks button to rally flags and the Barracks and Cavalary Stable windows. Activating this option forces military units to return to their garrison and ignore all threats along the way.
- Max zoom has been increased.
- Wolves now stop respawning outside of wolf dens once several years have passed. Less wolves now spawn on Pioneer and Trailblazer difficulties. This is to remove annoying/spammy predator attacks in the late game, at which point these cease to be a meaningful threat.
- Foraged resources now indicate when their yields are penalized by environmental factors (ex. buildings nearby). Regrowing trees can now rejuvenate a foraged resource impacted by tree cutting (this change is not retroactive for foraged items already near replanted trees).
- Disabled production limits on Traps, as this was redundant with the traps slider and could cause Hunter Cabins to become stuck.
- Increased vision radius on the Town Center to increase visibility at town creation. This visibility scales with tier.
- Increase vision radius of most buildings.
- Increased Health of most buildings, particularly Shelters.
- Increased work area of Forager Shacks and Hunter Cabins.
- Increased worker count for the Trading Center to 4.
- Towers can no longer target other buildings.
- Raiders, as uncivilized as they are, no longer heavily prefer roads for approaching your settlement.
- Raiders no longer run towards your settlement, giving you more time to prepare for an incoming raid. Raiders instead now charge once they see a valid target.
- Raiders are now more likely to target Shelters and production buildings, rather than going straight for storage and gold supplies.
- Archers with 0 arrows now retreat to restock their arrows.
- Archers will now only melee attack if out of arrows and manually commanded to attack by the player or they are actively being attacked by a melee raider.
- Hunters will now retreat from raiders if they get too close.
- Archers and Hunters now have a base bonus movement speed.
Download Farthest Frontier update XX on PC.