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Thursday, January 23, 2025

For Honor Update 1.11 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox One

For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC is now available for download. The new update brings two new heroes The Highlander (Hybrid) and The Gladiator (Assassin). In addition, there are two new maps also which includes The Sentinel (Knight-themed map) and The Viking Village (Viking-themed map). Check out full details below.

New in For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4 & Xbox One Patch Notes


New Heroes

  • The Highlander (Hybrid): a difficult-to-master, but hard-hitting Viking. This unique character can switch between two stances, Offensive and Defensive, as they wield a mighty claymore.
  • The Gladiator (Assassin): an easy-to-play Knight who boasts a high attack speed. They excel when it comes to stamina management and easily keep enemies at a distance with their proud tridents.


New Maps

  • The Sentinel (Knight-themed map): all that remains of a once-proud fortress is its cliffside watchtower. Keep an eye out for functional ballista placements among the ruins. This map is available in all game modes.
  • The Viking Village (Viking-themed map): has long been deserted, but the mead hall at the top of the main street can still get pretty rowdy…if you know which lever to pull. This map is available in all game modes except Dominion.

Duel Updates


  • With For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, the trap doors during Duels no longer open at match start, they are triggered at 25 seconds.
  • Duel location on broken bridge has been altered to include larger fighting space.

Tower Ruin

  • Duel location on balcony catwalk now has full railing along the lookout view.
  • Duel location at top of tower has been removed and moved to lower garden area.


  • Duel location on the bridge has been removed and moved to the lower area.

Game Modes

Ranked Duel Tournament (BETA)

For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC introducing the Ranked Duel Tournament feature in BETA.

  • Tournament: join a tournament and play 3 to 6 Ranked 1v1 Duel matches through qualifiers and playoffs. Tournament specific rewards are available based on your Duel Tournament progression.
  • Ranking: Every Tournament match will have an impact on your Player Rank. Players need to complete 20 placement matches to get an official Ranking.

Players will need a renown score of at least 1 to unlock access to Tournaments and Ranking

Duel Update

High mobility in Duel can enable some characters to easily stall by running away until the clock runs out. This is frustrating for the opponent and not fun to watch. To counter this, we are introducing those two changes:

  • “Anti Run Away” system
  • Time out victory is awarded to the Player with the most HP remaining

The “Anti Run Away” system works by tracking characters’ navigation to identify who is running away and who is in pursuit. If the system confirms that a player has been running away for too long, it applies different boosts and penalties to the duelists.


  • Navigation Speed reduced by 20 %
  • Automatic Stamina drain over time


  • Navigation Speed increased by 30 %

The Speed bonus and penalty allows the pursuers to catch up. The Stamina drain acts as a last warning to the runners who will end up Out of Stamina if they don’t resume combat.

In addition to this change, we’re updating the win condition on time out in order to make the player with the highest HP remaining win the current round.


  • For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC added a “First Blood” special kill ! Whomever kills the first hero will be awarded a once per match Renown bonus of 7 points.


Chip Damage

  • Chip Damage on attacks dealing 0 to 20 damage increased to 18% (from 2%).
  • Chip Damage on attacks dealing 21 to 45 damage increased to 18% (from 5%).
  • Chip Damage on attacks dealing more than 45 damage increased to 18% (from 10%).
  • Chip Damage will however still not be lethal.
  • No Chip Damage is applied when your attacks are Deflected, Parried, or Interrupt Blocked*.

*Note: Interrupt Block occurs when a Light Attack is Blocked, or when a Light or Heavy Attack is Superior Blocked.

  • Chip Damage stacks with Chip Damage Gear Stat, damage buff from Feat / Boost, Revenge damage bonus.
  • Chip Damage does not stack with Attack / Defense Gear Stat.

Revenge State Update

  • Revenge Activation is now immune to Melee Attacks.
  • While in Revenge, Attacks won’t be interrupted by Melee attacks.
  • While in Revenge, Melee Attacks* no longer Unbalance.
  • While in Revenge, Shield Boost has been increased from 50 to 70.

*Known issue: Centurion’s Jab post-Heavy Finisher still unbalances, it will be fixed in a future update.

Disabling Moves

For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC making important changes to reduce some Melee attacks’ stun lock capability:

  • Centurion’s Charged Heavy
  • Valkyrie’s Sweep
  • Shinobi’s Heavy Finishers
  • Conqueror’s Sprint Shield Bash
  • Warlord’s Crashing Charge
  • Raider’s Stampede Charge

All these attacks push synced-up reactions on their victim which can be interrupted if the victim gets hit again during the initial reaction. Some other specific attacks are completely uninterruptible during the synced-up reactions and won’t change, such as Shugoki’s Demon Embrace and Lawbringer’s Long Arm.

The reason we’re updating these attacks is so they become compliant with our generic reaction anti-stun-lock rules. In For Honor, attacks push different kinds of reactions:

  • Generic Reactions: Hit reactions for weapon attacks, Bump reactions for melee attacks.
  • Synced-up Reactions: where the attacker & victim play two synced up animations.

Generic reactions have an In-reaction variant that is pushed if an entity is getting hit by two opponents very quickly. The first attack causes a normal reaction, if the second hit registers during the initial reaction, the In-reaction variant is pushed, which guarantees uninterruptibly if a third hit occurs. This is how we’ve limited stun locking so far in a group fight. The problem is that the In-reaction system has only worked for Generic reactions.

From now on, all the above-mentioned attacks’ synced-up reactions will also be able to be interrupted by In-reaction variants. For instance, a Player pinned down by a Centurion’s Charged Heavy will no longer be pinned down a second time if another Charged Heavy hits him while the first reaction is still playing. Instead, the second Charged Heavy will cause an In-Hit reaction. The damage of the Charged Heavy will still apply, but it will free-up the target.

In addition to these changes, For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC making a few more states invulnerable to these Synced-up Reactions to further prevent stun locking:

  • Counter Guard Break
  • Guard Break Timeout
  • Unbalanced

Out of Stamina attacks

  • Warlord no longer has Superior Block on Light Attacks when Out of Stamina.
  • Warlord no longer has Super Armor on Heavy Attacks when Out of Stamina.
  • Valkyrie no longer has Superior Block on Light Attacks when Out of Stamina.
  • Conqueror no longer has Superior Block on Heavy Attacks when Out of Stamina.

Combat animation system

  • [Bug Fix] Attacks with Superior Block property on startup no longer play a Hit reaction animation against the Shinobi’s long range Heavy Charged attacks.
  • [Bug Fix] Heavy attacks no longer switch to Light Attack animation when the opponent uses Guard Break.

Guard Switch

  • [Bug Fix] For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC resolved an issue causing Guard Switch not to activate in the correct direction under specific timing conditions.


Feints Defense

  • [Bug Fix] Kensei, Warlord, Valkyrie, Centurion can now block 100ms into their Feints.

Zone Attack OOS

  • [Bug Fix] Valkyrie, Nobushi, Shugoki, Raider, Kensei, Conqueror, Peacekeeper can no longer Cancel out of Zone Attack when Out of Stamina.




  • Teleport Kick range increased to 2.75m (from 2m).
  • Teleport Attack range increased to 2.75m (from 2m).


  • [Bug Fix] In a mirror match-up, Shinobi can no longer Teleport if the enemy uses Back Flip after being Deflected.

Guard Break

  • [Bug Fix] Counter timing on long range Guard Break is now consistent with regular Guard Break.


  • [Bug Fix] With For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, the tackle can no longer hit enemies on the higher ground.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a visual bug where characters would appear to partially enter obstacles when Shinobi would use a Throw while they’re right beside the obstacle.


Crashing Charge

  • [Bug Fix] Crashing Charge will Cancel out when hitting an Unbalanced opponent.


  • [Bug fix] The Rank 3 Warlord bot are able to use Parry Shield Bash again. (Rank 1 and 2 do not use this move.)


Charged Heavy

  • [Bug Fix] Charged Heavies no longer pin the Shugoki if the Shugoki’s Uninterruptible Stance is active.


Blind Justice

  • Blind Justice can now be Feinted.
  • Blind Justice can now be followed by Shove on hit.

Judge, Jury and Executioner

  • [Bug Fix] With For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, Judge, Jury and Executioner Unblockable Finisher now triggers Execution window of opportunity.



  • [Bug Fix] Raider bots can now cancel Zone Attacks and Raider Fury into Stunning Tap.


Unlock tech

  • [Bug Fix] Cobra Strike and Sidewinder Form can no longer become un-parryable if unlocked at the right time.


Crushing Counterstrike

  • [Bug Fix] Crushing Counterstrike now uses Miss Recovery when required

Unlock tech

  • [Bug Fix] Warden’s “Out of Guard Mode” Basic Attacks can no longer be un-parryable when performed Out of Stamina.


Unlock tech

  • [Bug Fix] Valkyrie’s “Out of Guard Mode” Basic Attacks can no longer be un-parryable when performed Out of Stamina.


Unlock tech

  • [Bug Fix] Crashing Thunder can no longer become un-parryable if unlocked at the right time.

Demon Embrace

  • [Bug Fix] For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC fixed Demon Embrace camera issue when used in a corner.


Zone Attack

  • [Bug Fix] Improved Zone Attack’s defense to start at 100ms into the first strike.
  • Area of Effect was reduced to more closely match the visual of the strike.



Riposting Stab

  • [Bug Fix] Riposting Stab snap duration is now consistent regardless of the stance of the Deflected attack.


Wind Gust

  • Wind Gust range reduced to 2.5m (from 3m).



  • Duration reduced to 15 seconds (from 20).
  • Sprint Speed buff lowered to 20% (from 50%).
  • Defense buff reduced to 45% (from 50%).
  • Attack Buff removed.


  • Duration reduced to 10 seconds (from 30).
  • Removed the ability to toggle Feat.
  • Added Un-interruptible effect.
  • Added Slippery* effect.


Can’t Bleed

  • Added 3 seconds duration when hit by a Bleed
  • Added 5 seconds cooldown when duration ends

Smoke Bomb

  • Reduced duration to 10 seconds (from 20).
  • Added 10% Sprint speed buff for caster.
  • Removed Shield buff.
  • Allies in Smoke Bomb area of effect gain Stealth and can’t be locked on.
  • Enemies caught in Smoke Bomb area of effect lose UI and can’t lock on.


Feat Cooldown in Elimination

  • Feat Cooldowns now carry over between rounds in Elimination



  • [Bug Fix] With For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, Sliding down a ladder and hitting someone won’t cost an additional 25 Stamina.



A full pass has been performed on Neutral Colors Palettes in order to include further account for for Attacker or Defender Colors Palettes.


All Warlord helmets now include material change.


Daubeny’s Shame: the chosen material is now partially applied to the ornament in order to give more customization options while keeping the intended artistic direction.


  • [Bug Fix] Warlord’s Discobolus: added missing Mood Effect event.
  • [Bug Fix] Kensei’s Using the Fore!: fixed clipping issue.


Map Design

  • [Bug Fix] Harrowgate – Fixed AoE still visible on-screen after destruction of lanterns.

Player Engagement


  • [Bug Fix] For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC fixed a bug where the Stamina Reduction gear would not apply its effect on moves requiring a Hold input.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where arrows in gear comparison would always show 3 arrows when comparing against values of 0 or default gear.

Chip Damage Gear Stat

The values for Chip Damage gear has been updated following the fight update addressing the defensive meta. The following values have been modified, depending on the Gear Stat Stats undle:

Bonus for Common gear:

  • Original: 00% to 41.60%
  • Updated: 6.00% to 20.00%

Bonus for Rare gear:

  • Original: 00% to 54.40%
  • Updated: 11.00% to 27.20%

Bonus for Heroic gear:

  • Original: 00% to 64.00%
  • Updated: 14.00% to 32.00%

Bonus for Epic gear:

  • Original: 20% to 80.00%
  • Updated: 18.60% to 40.00%

Penalties unchanged for all gear

New Legendary gear added

For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC added 4 new Legendary weapon visual for all heroes. 2 Legendary armor variations also given to all heroes except Highlander and Gladiator, while 1 Legendary armor variation has been added for Highlander and Gladiator. New Legendary Gear Stats for weapons also added, exceeding previous maximums for both bonus and penalties. 36 new Stat Bundles for weapon added for legendary with gear. Legendary gear can now be looted from Reputation 7.

Hero menu: Realtime visualisation

The Hero menu now preview Executions, Emotes and Mood Effects in real time in-game animations instead of videos.


  • [Bug Fix] For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC fixed a bug where players would not be granted the Active Duty achievement even when meeting prerequisites. Achievement will be granted to those qualifying at next deployment.

New Faction War feature: War Banner

The War Banner has been added to the Faction War functionality. Selecting a territory with the War Banner will send all generated War Assets to this territory, until it is manually removed or the territory becomes unavailable for deployment after a territory update. The War Banner can be placed on the Faction War map before, or between, matches.

Faction balancing

Tweaks to the formula balancing the amount of War Assets generated between factions with their amount of active players. The conditions for players considered active have also been refined.

Capital increased in size for Vikings

Winners of the last season of the Faction War now have two territories as capitals. The territory directly adjacent to the Viking capital is now part of the capital (impossible to take for other factions)

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where Off Season reward screen would display “Round 6” instead of “off season”

New Faction War territories added

9 new territories, 3 per faction, added to the Faction War map. The Viking Village and Citadel maps have also been added to the Faction War map and accessible by playing on the fronts.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where the Valkyrie Reputation 18 outfit would not unlock when reaching the listed requirements

Increased Reputation cap

10 new reputation levels have been added, rewarding 1 new exclusive outfit per 2 levels. Heroes can now go up to reputation 40 instead of 30.

Increased the loot frequency at the end of the matches

The loot gained at the end of matches has been increased for all game modes. Loot is given more frequently and has been rationalized per hour across game modes with current Meta. The speed at which loot is gained has been increased by the following amounts:

  • PvP: Dominion; increase of 33%, Skirmish; increase of 27% Elimination; increase of 37% Brawl; increase of 35%, Duel; increase of 32%
  • PvAI: Dominion; increase of 14%, Skirmish; increase of 26% Elimination; increase of 14% Brawl; increase of 9%, Duel; increase of 40%
  • Private Matches: Dominion; increase of 60%, Skirmish; increase of 64% Elimination; increase of 57% Brawl; increase of 29%, Duel; increase of 40%

Review Crafting prices

We have made tweaks to crafting costs and added Legendary rarity to crafting, the full breakdown is as follows.

Update to Salvage Material cost to improve gear

Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Common gear

  • From: Level 1: 10 / Level 2: 13 / Level 3: 16 / Level 4: 19 / Level 5: 23
  • To: Level 1: 9 / Level 2: 11 / Level 3: 15 / Level 4: 18 / Level 5: 23

Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Rare gear

  • From: Level 1: 55 / Level 2: 80 / Level 3: 110 / Level 4: 130 / Level 5: 155
  • To: Level 1: 45 / Level 2: 55 / Level 3: 70 / Level 4: 80 / Level 5: 95

Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Heroic gear

  • From: Level 1: 195 / Level 2: 255 / Level 3: 295 / Level 4: 335 / Level 5: 375
  • To: Level 1: 110 / Level 2: 130 / Level 3: 155 / Level 4: 180 / Level 5: 210

Upgrade Cost in salvage material for Epic gear

  • From: Level 1: 400/ Level 2: 520 / Level 3: 650 / Level 4: 800 / Level 5: 960
  • To: Level 1: 240/ Level 2: 285 / Level 3: 335 / Level 4: 390 / Level 5: 450

NEW Cost in salvage material for Legendary gear

  • To: Level 1: 450/ Level 2: 495 / Level 3: 545 / Level 4: 595 / Level 5: 645

Update to Steel cost to improve gear

Upgrade Cost in steel for Common gear

  • From : Level 1: 25 / Level 2: 30 / Level 3: 35 / Level 4: 40 / Level 5: 45
  • To : Level 1: 15 / Level 2: 20 / Level 3: 25 / Level 4: 30 / Level 5: 35

Upgrade Cost in steel for Rare gear

  • From : Level 1: 75 / Level 2: 85 / Level 3: 95 / Level 4: 105 / Level 5: 115
  • To : Level 1: 40 / Level 2: 50 / Level 3: 60 / Level 4: 70 / Level 5: 80

Upgrade Cost in steel for Heroic gear

  • From : Level 1: 150 / Level 2: 170 / Level 3: 190 / Level 4: 210 / Level 5: 230
  • To : Level 1: 85 / Level 2: 100 / Level 3: 115 / Level 4: 130 / Level 5: 145

Upgrade Cost in steel for Epic gear

  • From : Level 1: 270 / Level 2: 290 / Level 3: 315 / Level 4: 340 / Level 5: 360
  • To : Level 1: 155 / Level 2: 175 / Level 3: 195 / Level 4: 215 / Level 5: 235

NEW Cost in steel for Legendary gear

  • Level 1: 245 / Level 2: 275 / Level 3: 305 / Level 4: 335 / Level 5: 365

Update to Steel cost to apply visual on gear

Cost in steel to apply Common gear in For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC

  • From : Level 1: 100 / Level 2: 120 / Level 3: 140 / Level 4: 160 / Level 5: 180 / Level 6: 200
  • To : Level 1: 65 / Level 2: 80 / Level 3: 95 / Level 4: 110 / Level 5: 125 / Level 6: 140

Cost in steel to apply visual in Rare gear

  • From : Level 1: 225 / Level 2: 240 / Level 3: 255 / Level 4: 270 / Level 5: 285 / Level 6: 300
  • To : Level 1: 155 / Level 2: 170 / Level 3: 185 / Level 4: 200 / Level 5: 215 / Level 6: 230

Cost in steel to apply visual in Heroic gear

  • From : Level 1: 325 / Level 2: 340 / Level 3: 355 / Level 4: 370 / Level 5: 385 / Level 6: 400
  • To : Level 1: 245 / Level 2: 260 / Level 3: 275 / Level 4: 290 / Level 5: 305 / Level 6: 320

Cost in steel to apply visual in Epic gear

  • From : Level 1: 425 / Level 2: 440 / Level 3: 455 / Level 4: 470 / Level 5: 485 / Level 6: 500
  • To : Level 1: 335 / Level 2: 350 / Level 3: 365 / Level 4: 380 / Level 5: 395 / Level 6: 410

NEW Cost in steel to apply visual in Legendary gear

  • Level 1: 425 / Level 2: 440 / Level 3: 455 / Level 4: 470 / Level 5: 485 / Level 6: 500

Update to salvage value given by dismantling

Salvage Value for Common gear – Unchanged

  • Level 1: 5 / Level 2: 6 / Level 3: 7 / Level 4: 8 / Level 5: 9 / Level 6: 10

Salvage Value for Rare gear – Unchanged

  • Level 1: 20 / Level 2: 23 / Level 3: 26 / Level 4: 29 / Level 5: 32 / Level 6: 35

Salvage Value for Heroic gear

  • From : Level 1: 55 / Level 2: 60 / Level 3: 65 / Level 4: 70 / Level 5: 75 / Level 6: 80
  • To : Level 1: 45 / Level 2: 50 / Level 3: 55 / Level 4: 60 / Level 5: 65 / Level 6: 70

Salvage Value for Epic gear

  • From : Level 1: 100 / Level 2: 115 / Level 3: 130 / Level 4: 145 / Level 5: 160 / Level 6: 175
  • To : Level 1: 85 / Level 2: 95 / Level 3: 105 / Level 4: 115 / Level 5: 125 / Level 6: 135

NEW Salvage Value for Legendary gear

  • Level 1: 150 / Level 2: 155 / Level 3: 160 / Level 4: 165 / Level 5: 170 / Level 6: 175


Colorblind Mode

  • Further UI elements have been adapted to colorblind mode with For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Gear Stats Legend

  • Added a Gear Stat Legend that defines all armor and weapon statistics.

Skip Faction War Update Information

  • Skip the updates on the Faction War when entering the ‘’welcome back’’ updates sequence in Matchmaking.

Accidental Reward Equip Post-Match

  • A “hold” button was added to equip the Reward gear post-match to avoid accidental equipping when skipping end-game animations.

Bug Fixes

  • [Bug Fix] When a user is on a Multiplayer Activity Card and accesses the Tactical View, the ‘Play’ button on the Activity Card would become non-functional. This has been resolved.
  • [Bug Fix] Loading map wasn’t displayed during the entire Face-Off multiplayer sequence. This has been resolved, and now lasts its entirety.
  • [Bug Fix] General corrections and modifications of thumbnails and presentation assets.
  • [Bug Fix] General corrections of localization and interface.


XP & Rewards are now available in 1v1 PvAI

Bug Fixes

  • [Bug Fix]: Player can get stuck on an empty worldmap under certain circumstances.
  • [Bug Fix]: Session split after host migration.


Improved Rematch Flow

With For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, matchmaking will now restart automatically if there’s not enough players to start another match once the end of match lobby countdown reaches 0. As an additional improvement, groups will now be kept together when this occurs. No more kick back to the Main Menu or Group Disband!

Thanks to this improvement and the Join-In-Progress in End Match lobby, players don’t have to leave the lobby anymore when they want to continue playing the same Game Mode with the same Group

Duel and Brawl: “Return to Matchmaking”

For Duel and Brawl playlists with matchmaking, a new option is now available in the End of Match Lobby. Players now have the option to choose whether they want to rematch against the same player(s) or return directly to matchmaking (instead of passing through a series of menus)

Dev comments: Players’ comfort in the game is one of our top priority. This improvement will remove the biggest irritations in the current end game flow.

All Platforms

Bot Selection in “Duel Practice”

Players are now able to select the following options in the “Duel Practice” selection box:

  • Bot Lvl 0: Peacekeeper (Dummy bot, doesn’t attack)
  • Bot Lvl 1: Raider
  • Bot Lvl 2: Shugoki
  • Bot Lvl 3: Valkyrie
  • Custom: A bot selection screen will open.

First, a bot is selected from the Hero grid and then its level

Custom Match settings are saved for the current session

  • All changes made in the Custom Match menu are kept during the game’s session.
  • The changes can be reset to default by selecting the “Reset to Default” option or restarting the game.

Tutorial panels added to the “How to play” menu

  • Players are now able to review all tutorial panels in the “How to play” menu

PC Specific

Toggle the in-game HUD

  • Players are now able to toggle the in-game HUD by pressing the [F10] Button.
  • The key can be changed in the Keyboard Mapping options.

Improved TAA performance on low end INTEL HD Graphics chips

Render Scaling slider can now be used independently form Anti-Aliasing

Text Chat Improvements

Text Chat Privacy and ‘’Opt-In’’ Chat settings

  • Available Text Chat Privacy settings are Group, Team and All
  • Group: Text Chat will be received by your current Group
  • Team : Text Chat will be received by your current Team
  • All: Text Chat will be received by everyone in your current Match

Default Text Chat setting

  • Text Chat Privacy setting is Group by default. By default, players will not be able to send and receive any chat messages from players outside its own Group.
  • The default Text Chat Privacy settings can be changed in the OPTIONS->USER INTERFACE menu.

In-Match Text Chat Settings

  • The Text Chat Privacy setting resets at the start of every Match to the player’s default Text Chat Privacy.
  • During a match, players can use [F9] (default key) to edit their selected Text Chat Privacy Setting for the duration of the match.

User Interface: In-Game Text Chat

  • A Text Chat Privacy reminder notice will be displayed at the beginning of every match by default. It can be disabled in the OPTIONS->USER INTERFACE menu
  • All players’ current Text Chat Privacy setting is shown in the player widget. Icons indicate players Text Chat Privacy setting and your ability to send them chat messages.

Text Chat and Voice Chat Muting

  • Players can mute/unmute incoming “Text Chats” and “Voice Chats” from other players.
  • Other players can be muted or unmuted by interacting with the Text Chat and Voice Chat icons in the player widget.

This can be used in:

  • Team Selection
  • Hero Selection
  • Group Menu
  • Interactive Scoreboard
  • Lobby

PC Bug Fixes

  • For Honor Update 1.11 for PS4, Xbox One and PC fixed an issue where player is unable to select the gears using keyboard after dismantling one in the scavenge rewards screen
  • [Bug Fix] ‘Q’ & ‘E’ button prompt for selecting game modes have reversed functionality when selected with mouse
  • [Bug Fix] Shadow flickering occurs on face off screen for the characters that are selected

Check your game update and download latest For Honor update 1.11. The update size is around 12.67GB on PlayStation 4, 13.4GB on Xbox One, and up to 12.2GB on PC,

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