For The King II update 1.2.2 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official For The King II patch notes, the latest update 1.2.2 added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s For The King II patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
For The King II Patch 1.2.2 Notes – July 2, 2024
Dark Carnival
- The Wheel of Death now has a chance to replace a wedge with a positive wedge.
- Fixed the Dark Carnival Adventure Challenges that were not unlocking correctly.
- Corrected encounter loot not scaling to the correct level. For example a level 4 encounter would reward level 1 gear.
- Certain player weapons can no longer cast Acid on enemies or enemy combat tiles.
- Fixed an issue where certain bosses wouldn’t play their death dialogue.
- Fixed an issue where the Ringmaster modifiers were not always displaying correctly after continuing or loading into a saved game.
- Fixed an issue where killing the Ringmaster could prevent him from playing his death animation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Arachnophobia not setting correctly.
- Localization fixes across a few non-English languages.
- Wolves could sometimes summon the incorrect enemy.
- Fixed an issue where Peek would not close after canceling out of a Town Market.
- Fixed the animation for the Merling Magician not playing correctly when they cast Heavy Water Bolt.
- Fixed an online softlock when rapidly pressing join on a controller during join-in-progress.
- Fixed a UI blocker when pressing back on controller during Party Management.
Download For The King II update 1.2.2 on PC.