FOREWARNED update 25.6 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official FOREWARNED patch notes, the latest update 25.6 added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s FOREWARNED patch 25.6 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
FOREWARNED 25.6 Patch Notes – June 6, 2022
• Changed the color of the symbol in front of the tomb’s lower-level entry door from red to blue for a more intuitive connection between pulling the blue exit lever and opening the lower level door
• Fixed an issue where the ushabti puzzle reward chest’s lid would not rise up after lowering in cases when the original host leaves the game
• Fixed an issue that could cause Dekan to remain locked on to players returning to life via the Blessing of Osiris
• Fixed an issue where Dekan could remain stuck focused on items like radios even when they’ve fallen into a pit
• Fixed an issue with treasure chests that could cause players/items to get stuck once the lid opened
• Fixed a gap in the new tomb variation’s lower level that VR players could get into
• Fixed an issue with the specular highlights of palm trees in Sobek Oasis (night)
• Fixed a rare issue when respawning as a mummy player that could cause crashes
• Fixed an issue where the tomb’s lower level gate would open for guests upon the blue lever being pulled, despite incorrect Mejai guess
• Fixed an issue with counting the “recovered documents” objective towards the correct gold/XP reward in the results screen
• Fixed an issue where the Osiris’ Blessing Off room option would display the incorrect bonus % in the results screen