A new Halo Infiniteupdate released on PC. According to the official Halo Infinite patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Halo Infinite patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Halo Infinite Patch Notes
- Season 2 artwork has been added to loading screens across the game
- Load times for the Battle Pass, Challenges, Customize, and Shop menus have been improved
- Weapon racks and ammo crates in the Warship Gbraakon mission are now available consistently
- Ranked Arena will become available to players at the completion of 25 matches in non-Ranked playlists
- A new Fireteam CSR limit has been implemented for Ranked
- Xbox One stability has been improved to reduce instances of players not entering matchmaking sessions normally
- The text chat window will now consistently show the latest messages received