A new Hearts of Iron IV update 1.15.4 patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Hearts of Iron IV update 1.15.4 will address some of these issues and bugs.
Read what is new and fixed in today’s Hearts of Iron IV patch. Read the official patch notes below.
Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.15.4 Notes- January 21, 2025
- Reworked the Infantry Tank MIO to now apply modifiers to all tank classes rather than on a per-class basis. This means that each tank class now has more than 4-5 relevant nodes.
- Added and tweaked the amount of war support and stability gained through focuses through the alt-history branches for Germany. Also modified Wilhelm II’s country leader trait
- It is now possible to seize Turkey’s Gold Reserves as Germany, and a country can now capitulate to a German faction member (so not just Germany or one of its subjects) for Germany to be able to seize the Gold reserve of the territory they’re holding of said nation.
- AI should be more interested in constructing Land Cruisers, if they have the chance.
- Tweaking the German AI to behave more historically by wanting and producing more submarines and strengthening it overall by making it focus its pp on upgrade conscription laws and such.
- Fleet Submarines Special Project now require 1940 Submarine / 1940 Submarine Hull to be researched instead of their 1936 Variant.
- AIP Engine Unique Reward – Option A, now provides -5% Visibility instead of -10%.
- The Return of the Kaiser focus now checks if the controller of Friesland is at war with Germany as a requirement, instead of checking if the Dutch specifically is at war with Germany. If Germany or one of its puppets control the state, Wilhelm II will automatically get reinstated as the Kaiser.
- Tweaked values for Land Cruisers.
- Specialized Helicopter Support Companies can not be combined with Helicopter Brigade (Generalist Helicopter Brigade).
- Added random chance to gain breakthrough progress on steal blueprint mission.
- Added Henschel traits, and made it an Infantry Tank MIO using the reworked archetype.
- Added a decision for the Siberian formable to integrate Manchuria.
- Tweak UK’s AI weights for air chief and plane+tank technology so they start producing equipment closer to historical dates.
- AI will now more reliably assign MIOs to new equipment designs.
- Tweaking USA AI templates and tech/production progress.
- The Soviet AI will now be more keen to assign a new Chief of Army if they purge their primary choice of Chief of Army.
- Fixed DX9 renderer not working when selected in launcher.
- Fixed CTD when selecting a sea tile for raid.
- Fixed saved event target localization.
- Fixed issue where scientist would not produce breakthrough after finishing a project.
- Fixed issue that a special project could be completed but never finishing.
- Fixed exploit of stacking same support brigades.
- Fixed unlocked equipment from special project if country had active license.
- Fixed offset tutorial glow.
- Fix issues with planes getting assigned incorrect models.
- Added and tweaked available and bypass triggers for focuses in the Democratic/Non-aligned branch.
- Added an AI weight in an event for when Austria is asked to join Germany’s faction.
- BEL: Spanish Intervention now allows Belgium to join the war directly as well as creating a faction with the Spanish Republicans.
- Fixed the Yukon territory having an incorrect population total.
- Fixed an issue where Congo could send an event to Germany or the Soviets for support despite them not existing.
- Fixed an issue where Germany could be the only country to gain 3 Special Forces Branch Specialisms.
- German Volksmarine ships should no longer use the SMS prefix.
- German “Deutschland Class” ships now use the Historical Panzerschiffs namelist.
- Fixes error in transferring Polish states in the event that Poland is a puppet when Austria demands their annexation.
- Fix strategic bombing targets priority.
- Fixed multiple issues with Tank Designer icons and models and fixed their sorting in Soviet Union, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy and British Dominions.
- BEL: Fixed Belgium not being able to add bicycle battalions.
- fixes unlocalized cancellation trigger in decisions.
- Edits and removes redundant/non-functioning modifiers.
- When completing the focus Autarky Achieved, remove any potential Factory and dockyard output penalties, as well as Expected Consumer Goods.
- Remove the Price Controls Measures decisions when completing the focus Autarky Achieved.
- It is now possible to complete the Focus Supreme Leader after Germany capitulates 3 major countries.
- The Baltics should now refuse Soviet’s attempts to annex them through events if Germany has completed the necessary focuses and guaranteed the countries.
- Fixed the name of a Hungarian industrial concern..
- Fixed an issue where a debug-string would display in i Hungarian focus for setting up the Slovakian OOB.
- Fixed MIO efficiency bonus not applied after loading a save when converting equipment.
- Fixed a spelling error in the name for the Austrian Armoured Train model.
- Fixed two issues regarding the Swedish “Reichsprotectorate Nordland” cosmetic tag. They now also gain claims on Nordic territory when completing the focus.
- Fixed an issue where the Italian bonuses from the focus Befriend Japan would only apply if they were in a faction.
- Fixed the fall of Calcutta, Delhi and Singapore events not happening unless the cities were directly owned by the UK.
- Fixed a Danish advisor having an unlocalized available requirement.
- Fixed old content for Oppose Hitler to work with the new focus Rally the Wehrmacht too.
- Fixed inverted variant names for improved and advanced carrier airframes.
- The Greek focus Realign ourselves with the central powers will now check the correct focuses based on if Götterdämmerung is enabled or not.
- Fixed an issue where Khakassia and Evenkia couldn’t access the Siberian follow-up decisions.
- Fixed tooltips referring to nuclear production rate.
- If Britain accepts and joins the Anglo-Germanic Cooperation Program, the German National Spirit Redirecting Naval Production changes as per the focus tooltip.
- The focus Anglo-Germanic Cooperation Program now cancels if Germany and Britain is at war with each other and if Britain no longer exists.
- The Emperor’s new Clothes; reinstating Wilhelm II will no longer remove the new monarchist infantry model.
- Fixed an issue where the Congolese fascist monarch couldn’t access the fourth research slot focus.
- Fix battalions not being available if game was loaded while having active expeditionary forces of the same type.
- Swedish national spirit “Hungersköld” is now successfully removed if you build 14 civilian factories or have 45 civilian factories including trade.
- Fixed so that saved event target localizations are now evaluated before Götterdämmerungs extended context localization. Order is now: contextual localization V1; saved event targets; contextual localization V2.
Download Hearts of Iron IV update 1.15.4 on PC.