A new Holdfast Nations At War update 2.6.8206.42438 released on PC. According to the official Holdfast Nations At War patch notes, the latest update 2.6.8206.42438 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Holdfast Nations At War patch 2.6.8206.42438 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Holdfast Nations At War 2.6.8206.42438 Patch Notes – June 22, 2022
Registry Upgrade
Regiment owners rejoice! Coming with this update are a plethora of new features and upgrades to the in-game regiment registry system.
Regiment owners will now be able to assign unique rank icons to each rank within their regiment that will then be displayed alongside player names and on the scoreboard in-game to showcase their position within the regiment.
Alongside this, promoting and assigning ranks has been streamlined to allow automated rank and tag assigning based upon a format defined by the regiment’s owner. When a regiment member is promoted their tags will now automatically update in their name, no longer will you need to hassle new recruits to ‘fix your tags!’, the in-game system will handle that all for you.
Players are given the option to opt out of this system via the naming options in the settings menu should they wish to temporarily merc with another clan. Regiment owners can also opt out of this system if they desire by simply leaving the tag formatting empty.
Those assigned as regiment moderators can now also kick and promote enlisted individuals. You will also no longer have to remove ranks to insert additional ones in between. Simply arrange their sorting ID and you’ll be good to go.
New custom regiment specific emblems have also been added into the regiment registry banner editor, these can all be found at the end of the symbol selection in the banner editor.
A big thank you to those who took the time to send over their custom icons, any regiments wishing to have their own icons included should reach out via discord to Harper#0410 to then be added in future updates.
A New Scoreboard
To compliment the regiment rank icons and to make the scoreboard easier to comprehend at glance we have designed and implemented a new in-game scoreboard. Parallel to this we have also re-designed every single medal found within the game and introduced new designs for the leaderboard ranking medals.
Take a look at the new scoreboard and medals below.
We’ve also created unique icons to represent the many classes one can play as once they hop in Holdfast. Different classes are playable across the game’s Napoleonic and Great War fronts on both land and at sea.
3 New Maps! Freurlund Revisited
The battle of the bridges! Featuring in this update are 3 new maps all of which have bridge crossings as a focus on their battlefields respectively. This update brings 2 new maps to Nations At War and 1 new medium sized map for Frontlines. Take a look at these maps in more detail below.
Ryhall Vale – Nation At War
A deep crevice carves its way through the vale of Ryhall with rickety wooden bridges spanning across its crest. Watch your footing as the battle rages on from one side of the deep expanse to the other because there’s nothing that will save you from the drop below.
Ravenstone – Nation At War
A peaceful river flows through the valley of the farmland of Ravenstone with stone walls offering opposing lines of defense. Trampling on crops and using haystacks as cover will be a common sight on this battlefield as players try to push across the river to victory and glory!
Lisart Valley – Frontlines
The once great train passage of Lisart has been ravaged by the great war. Take cover behind derailed train carriages from the rattling machine guns that overlook the central stone bridge and flank past the flowing waterfall that feeds the river below.
Freurlund Revisited – Frontlines
Alongside the introduction of these new maps we have also introduced an update to Freurlund which now allows it to be played on the invasion gamemode for Holdfast Frontlines. Heros Landing has also ungone some changes to ease the landing process for attacks on the initial phase of the map.
Linebattle 2.0 Major Update
Coming in the following month/s is the greatly anticipated Linebattle 2.0 update, the team has been very hard at work preparing this next major update for the game.
One key element of the Linebattle 2.0 Update is a new focus on character progression and customisation. Players across all eras of Holdfast will now be able to customise and progress each individual soldier (class) found within the game.
Players will be able to select and unlock up to 15+ heads featuring impressive facial hair, accessories and scars by leveling up their class and completing certain tasks. You will also be able to set your character’s voice pitch. We will be looking into expanding upon the customisation in the future as the game develops.
As mentioned in the Linebattle 2.0 announcement blog a new artillery type will be making its way to the Napoleonic side of the game. The Howitzer will feature a unique firing ability that allows you to set a fuse timer to explode the howitzer shot mid-air which will then rain down shrapnel upon those below.
Here’s an exclusive preview of this new artillery type in action.
Take a read of the Linebattle 2.0 blog post here to find out about what else is coming in that update. Expect some additional content to also make it into the game – This will be one of the largest updates to hit Holdfast since the release of Frontlines!
We’re extremely excited and we hope that you are as well.
Changelog 80 – Game Version v2.6.8206.42438
Regiment Registry
● Regiments that haven’t submitted any score (by playing on official servers) for 10 consecutive days will be categorised as inactive. Those that are marked as inactive are not deleted, they remain static until a regiment member submits score again. Inactive regiments will not show in the #regiment-registry Discord channel.
● The regiment registry is now much quicker. Have a go at opening one of the 150+ player regiments to see this for yourself.
● Moderators can now kick enlisted. They are unable to kick other moderators and the regiment owner. The moderators will now also feature a unique stud icon in the registry.
● You will no longer have to remove ranks to insert additional ones in between. Simply arrange their sorting ID and you’ll be good to go.
● Regiment owners are now able to assign a rank icon within the regiment manager. These will show in game next to the enlistee’s name both in game and on the round scoreboard.
● Promoting and assigning tags has been streamlined allowing you to now automatically assign regiment tags and ranks to your enlisted. The ‘Registry Name Formatter’ will allow owners to format their regiment’s tags as desired. By default players will use the given format of their regiment, however, at the enlistee’s discretion they will have the options to disable this feature from their name within the settings menu.
3 New Maps! Freurlund Revisited
● Ryhall Vale is now playable in Holdfast. Join the Nations At War game type to check it out.
● Ravenstone is now playable in Holdfast. Join the Nations At War game type to check it out.
● Lisart Valley is now playable in Holdfast. Join the Frontlines gametype to check it out.
● Introduced Invasion support for Freurlund. Join the Frontlines gametype to check it out.
A New Scoreboard
● Made the scoreboard easier to comprehend at glance by giving a well deserved cleanup to this UI.
● Re-designed every single medal found within the game and introduced new designs for the leaderboard ranking medals.
New Class Identification Icons
● Created unique icons to represent the many classes in Holdfast.
» Classes on Holdfast’s Napoleonic army front.
» Classes on Holdfast’s Napoleonic naval front.
» Classes on Holdfast’s WW1 front.
Holdfast SDK
● Updated the script SDK DLL files to match the new Frontlines standard.
● Solved an issue with local scope mod variables not working. Now local scope variables should be defined as mod_variable_local <string>.
● Solved an issue with the stonewall prop naming conventions.
● Introduced several new props to the Holdfast SDK.
» Mountain cliff dark rock variants.
» Lettuce props.
» Carrot props.
» Gallipoli ivy.
» Gallipoli ferns and plans.
» Small train.
» Small lumber carriage.
» Small liquid carriage.
» Small train track set.
» Pre-destroyed brittany houses and variants.
» Pier with stands.
Server Administration
● Players that get banned directly through the server’s file will now be immediately kicked from the server once the file is reloaded.
Gameplay Additions
● Introduced spawn points for officer tables at the top of the destroyed church on Foxhole.
● Removed a few MGs that covered the beachhead on Heroes Landing.
● Moved the flag closer to the shoreline on Heroes Landing.
● Changed a few tree sizes on Grassy Plains 5 to make them match ones pre the graphical additions with the Frontlines update.
● Updated Ancient Plains to balance gameplay and reduce its size.
● Port Nile is now playable on Army Conquest.
● Introduced additional clime-able ladders to the back of Fort Salettes and a mortar for the attackers to make use of during the siege.
● Performed several minor LOD-based optimisations on props.
● Optimised several textures in game to reduce VRAM usage.
● Optimised Freurlund.
Bug Fixes
● Performed a few additions to prevent people from getting stuck on map load.
● Solved an issue where custom uniforms could sometimes crash the server on load.
● Solved an issue with mod prefabs not featuring flag poles for the Kingdom of Italy, Central and Allied Powers factions.
● Solved an issue with one of the trees floating above ground on Fort Pierre.
● Solved an issue that allowed field gun cannonballs to explode using the explosive properties of a mortar.
● Solved an issue on Fort Pierre which disabled fire particles that killed players from showing if playing on the lower settings.
● Solved an issue with occlusion on Wasteland.
● Solved an issue with a few of the fence posts on Berkton Green not playing the correct audio and particle effects.
● Replaced the old background trees on Fort Winston with new ones.
● Solved an issue with incorrectly positioned water on Fort Winston.
● Solved an issue with a tree floating above ground on Aunby Valley.
● Solved an issue on Causeways which disabled fire particles that killed players from showing if playing on the lower settings.
● Updated a few of the trees on Causeways to be in line with the graphical upgrade introduced during the Frontlines update.
● Ensured that all ruin props on Tahir Desert are applied one uniform sandstone brick texture.
● Solved an issue on Desert Plains (S) having twice the spawnable Carpenter classes available instead of the Sapper class.
● Removed moonbows from showing.