Icarus update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Icarus patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Icarus version will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Icarus Patch Notes – July 1, 2022
- Multiplayer will stay the same
- The multiplayer game loop will feel the same as it always did – we are only changing where the data is stored.
- Only one person can host a prospect
- Due to the nature of prospect save data being stored locally to one machine, only the host will be able to resume the prospect.
- Dedicated servers are now an option
- Once we are done, players will be able to host prospects on dedicated servers that players will be able to connect to as clients.
- We are still committed to the weekly updates
- You can still expect more content, missions, fixes and optimisations to come through each week.
- We are still committed to the DLC
- A lot of art, design, worldbuilding, concepting and prototyping is being done – a good amount of that work can be done without programmer effort.
- Performance and Optimizations are still a priority
- While we are currently focused on the new Decentralized Data model and getting Dedicated Servers model, we are still actively looking into making the game run smoother and more efficiently.
Explaining the new change log
We implemented our new change to providing our change log last week, and wanted to follow up this week with a bit more detail on what is now included, and how to understand the change in language and format.
- The change log during larger updates, will now be split into sections, the first being details about this weeks update, and the following including overarching bug fixes and improvements, and then specific sections such as Art and Audio.
- You’ll notice that included in the change log, will be patch notes that refer to ‘Work in Progress’ or ‘Future updates’, planning as far ahead as future DLC’s. This is to give the players more insight into what our team is working on, and to simplify the process internally so the team can focus more on the work they’re doing, than the details of what is being made public facing.
- Perhaps the most important part – Not everything in the change log will be guaranteed to make it into the game, as we are now including patch notes of work in progress and prototypes that are still subject to change and adjustment. Feel free to discuss these or ask questions about them, but we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to divulge further details or time frames relating to said features or content
Changelog v1.2.5.98121
- Add Alpha Snow and Desert Wolf creatures to Horde mode
- Sanity and consistency pass on creature character BPs, box sizes, capsule accuracy, component positioning, etc
- Fixed Geysers in Styx G2, J11, I3, and O8 with wrong Horde spawner row assigned, spawning incorrect creatures
- Fixed description of Enzyme Geyser.
- Optimized GFur on Creatures by implementing component LODs which lowers the layer count based on screensize
- Added Snow Wolf base material so it looks different from Conifer Wolf when no fur is visible
- Fix Polar Bear MRO textures not using Masks setting
- Fixed an issue causing hedgehogs to damage dead or ragdolling enemies.
- Improved collision setups on Desert Wolf BP
- Added missing engine texture to fix editor startup warnings
- Fix music cue not playing when player discovers exotics deposit – this was broken by refactor of AudioListenerCollider in 97584. Remove deprecated GetAudioCollider function from player character.
- Enabled flushing asset streaming on exit to fix crash when exiting the game
- Fixed floating voxels near D9, swapped materials on desert underwater rocks, Yellow, Red, Blue Quad, Styx
- Add DT validation to check AIGrowth for cases where stats and curves are used simulatenously, doubling up on values
- Corrected BearCub and Komodo creatures setups, retaining health values where they currently are
- Update Voyager prospect flavor text. – Minor tweaks to many other prospects flavor text to match formatting style.
- Stone Frame Buildable – reverted previous change that added a floor piece
- Fixed an issue causing stone frames to weigh 0.1kg instead of 5kg.
- Added right side of the half ramp pieces.
- Added collision to the top and beams of concrete half frames.
- Added logic to allow frames to be placed adjacent to existing floor.
- Swamp Water added Normal distortion to Mud/ Swamp Landscape added test MI and fix texture sampling
- Added 3 variations of the flax plant asset to project
- Added three variations of blackberry bush to the project.
- Added first pass test for SW_Mangrove_Var1 for testing
- Submitting Swamp Quadruped and its textures
- Submitting Swamp Quad and Swamp Quad carcass and their textures
- Updated the textures for the asset SM_DEP_Analyzer_Transmission Device
- Bullet is now visible in chamber of loaded pistol. Fixed issue where pistol reload would lerp bullet from chamber to hand
- DEV – update pass on prototype reflection audio system:
- Add reflection angle based multiplier
- Add surface-based high and low frequency response values to audio surface data, and use these to set new FMOD parameters when processing reflection record results
- Various tweaks and improvements, and some new debug features
- Updating bear cub audio to feel slightly smaller to match the size of the creature
- Decreased BearCub health from 600-1300 to 200-650 to better suit their size (smaller than a Wolf). Decreased BearCub melee damage max from 80 to 60
- Added a minimum delay between Accolade file saving to reduce lag during certain actions
- Reverting FLOD FISM optimizations for 1.1.3 so that we have rock collisions
- Added Dropships, Respawn Ships, Deep Ore Deposits And Polish, Outpost 008
- Polish Pass, Fixed Cliff Actors Sticking Through Caves and Fixing Cliffs With Visiable Seams, Outpost 008
- Placed the Deep Ore Depo Cleanup on Outpost 006, Forest Outpost 3
- Updated Mat and textures for Bullet on Single Shot Pistol SK