Inkbound update 0.1.6 is now available to download on PC, Ps4, PS5, and Xbox one. According to the official Inkbound patch notes, the latest update 0.1.6 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 0.1.6 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Inkbound version 0.1.6 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Inkbound Patch 0.1.6 Notes – June 28, 2023
General Fixes
- Fixed bug with Stunning Ghostquills quest not working. Changed to Dazed.
- The Splinter Blotter enemy should again correctly apply ‘Amplification’ to the player, causing increased incoming damage.
- Added some missing tooltips to a few binding augments.
- Updated Ironclap epic augment Heavy Ironclap to be consistent with other ‘inflict’ augments. Inflicts Crush directly instead of on hit. Can now inflict if enemy dodges.
- Updated Seismic Slam common augment Dense Seismic Slam to be consistent with other ‘inflict’ augments. Inflicts Crush directly instead of on hit. Can now inflict if enemy dodges.
- Fixed Spirit bomb rare augment Surging Spirit Bomb showing up as common instead of rare.
Draftable Bindings
- Updated Jinx uncommon augment “Critical Jinx: +15 crit chance” >>> “+6 crit chance, +100 critdamage”.
- Updated Jinx uncommon augment “Crippling Jinx: +35 crit damage” >>> “Quickened Jinx: -1 cooldown”.
- Fixed Cultivate common augment Cultivated Vitality only healing when you have the Cultivated Shields common augment.
- Fixed Taetra Twin description saying “35% chance” instead of “50% chance”.
- Fixed Legendary vestige Window to Eternal Longing procing outside of combat.
- Updated Epic vestige Dice of Fate tooltip to make it easier to read.