Nioh 1.18 update with Bloodshed End DLC is now available for download. The update comes with Bloodshed End expansion pack which picks up after Defiant Honor.
In addition, Nioh update 1.18 also includes a long list of bug fix and various improvement over the previously released update 1.16. The English version of the Patch notes are now available below. Check out full Nioh changelog below.
Nioh 1.18 with Bloodshed End DLC Patch Notes [English Version]

Add-on content “bloodshed’s end”
*requires purchase of the “bloodshed’s end” add-on to unlock
Added a new story chapter, “siege of osaka (summer).’ .you must first complete the main story to access the new content. –
New difficulty modes have been added/adjusted:
• way of the demon
unlocked after completing way of the strong (requires purchase of “dragon of the north”. “defiant honor’. Or ‘bloodshed’s end”). The + limit for weapons and the level limit for your guardian spirits will increase once you reach the way of the demon.
• way of the wise
Nioh update 1.18 has unlocked after completing way of the demon (requires purchase of two of the following: “dragon of the north”. ‘defiant honor’. Or ‘bloodshed’s end”). The + limit for weapons and the level limits for both your character and your guardian spirits will increase once you reach the way of the wise.
- New difficulty modes have been added:
• way of the nioh
Unlocked after completing way of the. Wise (requires purchase of all of the following: “dragon of the north”. “defiant honor’. And “bloodshed’s end”). The + limit for weapons. The level limits for both your character and your guardian spirits, and your character’s stat limits will increase once you reach the way of the nigh.
- Added a special mission: “the abyss”
“the abyss” is a challenging mission unlocked after completing the game (requires purchase of “dragon of the north”, ‘defiant honor”. Or ‘bloodshed’s end”). During the mission. You will obtain ‘defiled items’ with properties that will remain unidentified until you leave the abyss. Progressing through more and more floors will increase the chances of your defiled items having better properties and higher rarity. There is also a way to defile items you already have. Using this method, you can increase their properties and rarity. Also. You are aisle to summon two visitors while in the abyss. Enabling three of you to play together at once.
- Added the following guardian spirits:
- • janomecho• nine tails
- Added new weapons and armor
• maria
• toyotomi h I deyori
- Nioh update 1.18 has added new trophies. Titles. And gameplay record entries.
- Added new “grace” effects.
Free update
- Nioh 1.18 has added new types of equipment effects and set bonuses. –
- Added new samurai. Ninjutsu, and onmyo magic skills. –
- Added new consumable items.
- Nioh 1.18 update has added new gestures.
- Added the hosokawa, tsugaru, and utsunomiya clans to clan battles.
- Increased the total number of possible item shortcut sets to four.
- You can unlock additional item shortcut sets by using patronage at the blacksmith.
- Added a feature in which you can use r1 & r2 to magnify value adjustments on the level-up screen.
- Added an icon to the mission details that displays whether you’ve bathed in the hot springs on that stage.
- After first completing a mission on a stage with hot springs in it, an icon will appear in the bottom left of thf. Mission details on the area screen, indicating whether you have bathed in all the hot springs on that stage.
- As compensation for adjustments made to certain special effects. Players will receive complimentary items. Items will automatically be given from the area screen. These. Include:
- • I book of reincarnation to those. Who have completed the way of the strong.• gold and umbracite based on the number of times you have reforged items.
• umbracite or fabled umbracite based on the number of items you own with effects that were lowered.
- Nioh update 1.18 has changed some enemy types in the kinki and omi regions on the way of the samurai.
- Relaxed the requirements to unlock missions and regions in the. Way of the wise and way of the demon.
- The rewards for completing 100% of missions on the way of the strong, the way of the demon. And the way of the wise will now also be available on higher difficulties.
- Increased the overall amount of amrita you receive on the way of the strong, the way of the demon, and the way of the wise.
- Nioh 1.18 has increased the overall + values on divine items you can obtain from missions in the tohoku region / siege of osaka (winter) on the way of the samurai.
- Increased the overall + values on divine items you can obtain from missions on the way of the strong. The way of the demon. And the way of the wise.
- Increased the amount of amrita you receive from offering up items that are over level 1$0 Lowered the cost of soul matching according to the level of the item.
- Added a confirmation message for when you use silabar ingots.
- Using a whetstone will now not only increase your familiarity with a weapon. But will also remove the ‘weakened’ effect from the item.
- Using nikawa glue will now not only increase your familiarity with a piece of armor. But will also remove the “weakened’ effect from the item.
- In addition to its original effect. The sword skill “sword of salvation’ now has an increased timely guard delay.
- Yhe odach1 skill ‘shifting serenity’ now reduces ki consumption when performing waking winds or sunset breeze.
- Nioh 1.18 has increased the power of a full sprint from the sword skill “tiger sprint”.
- The values for the following set bonuses have been increased:
• tranquil. Foundations
• head of the ida ninja
• righteous strategist
• nioh incarnate
• true date family loyalist
• grace of kagutsuchi
- Nioh update 1.18 has increased crest protection values for the following clans: saito / mori / naoe / mogami / sai ka / ukita / murakam I / torii / fuma / mohri
- Changed the todo clan’s crest protection effect to now be expressed in terms of magnitude, and lowered the health increase received from having a high “stamina” stat.
- Nioh 1.18 has changed the name of “attack damage x2” to “attack damage surge’ for the following buffs, and changed the strength of the effect to be different depending on the conditions for triggering it.
• Bonus after purification (attack damage x2)
• Assist bonus (attack damage x2)
• Bonus after dash attack (attack damage x2)
• Bonus after evasion attack (attack damage x2)
• Zero ki bonus (attack damage x2)
• Moonlit snow x3 (attack damage x2)
• Bonus when out of ki (attack damage x2)
- Nioh update 1.18 has reduced the duration of the ‘nullify damage” effect on the following buffs. And taking damage once will now remove the effect.
• Bonus after purification (nullify damage)
• Assist bonus (nullify damage)
• Nullify damage (dash attacks)
• Bonus after evasion attack (nullify damage)
• Moonlit snow x3 (nullify damage)
• Bonus when out of ki (nullify damage)
- Increased the effectiveness of the ‘equipment lightness damage bonus’ effect when your weight is 10.0 or less.
- Increased the recovery amount of “ki recovery (timely guard)”.
- Nioh update 1.18 has added a short period of invincibility after triggering the effect that prevents death as long as you are not in critical condition.
- The special effect ‘remove status enhancements
• now temporarily disables permanent effects on bosses and strong enemies in the way of the demon and onward.
- Mission rewards that include divine items on the way of the wise and onward now have a small chance of giving ethereal items instead after you fulfill certain conditions.
- The bonus that increased the chance of a revenant’s equipment dropping when there was a large level difference between you has now been lowered when the revenant’s level is over 150. And has been completely removed for revenants level 200 and above.
- On the way of the wise and above. Honda tadakatsu no longer can be staggered when he is using a skill.
- Nioh 1.18 has adjusted the properties of the ninjutsu items used by kirigakure saizo of sanada’s ten braves.
- Adjusted the attack power of “namahage (odachi/dual swords)”.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the ‘deflect shuriken & kunai (timely guard)” effect would not deflect okatsu’s kunai.
- Fixed a bug in which it was possible to parry the spear skill ‘body swap’.
- Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a bug in which your defense. Would be increased when you used both a hermit talisman and a carnage talisman.
- Fixed a bug in which using a hermit talisman made it impossible to parry.
- Nioh version 1.18 has fixed a bug in which shadowround talismans also affected certain onmyo magic skills.
- Fixed fire shuriken so they can now be deflected by ‘deflect shuriken & kunai (timely guard)”.
- Fixed a bug in which human-type enemies would not get paralyzed when hit by the n1njutsu skill ‘hemlock broth”.
- Fixed a bug in which the ninjutsu skill “quick-change’ would not activate even when your health reached zero.
- Fixed a bug in which the weapon effect (blur) that appears when you use certain living weapon skills continues to display.
- Fixed a bug in which the hit boxes did not work properly for tengen kujaku’s non-wind-based living weapon.
- Fixed a bug in which derrick the executioner would not appear after being shot off the tower with arrows in the man with the guardian spirit’.
- Fixed a bug in which katakura shigenaga could no longer be attacked after he struck a victory pose in the sparrow flies again’.
- Nioh 1.18 has fixed a bug in which a locked door would not open if you performed actions after obtaining the key in the demon’s daughter’.
- Fixed a bug in which the tutorial window for gestures would not close if you performed certain actions in the spirit stone slumbers’.
- Fixed a bug in which visitors could not progress if summoned immediately after defeating the nue in ‘the spirit stone slumbers’.
- Fixed a bug in which the door to the. Visitor’s room was open while fighting saika magoichi in ‘immortal fla.”.
- Fixed a bug in which you were unable to complete the mission if the kappa fell into the ocean in the unrepentant thief’.
- Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a bug in which the onryoki could get caught on certain bumps outside in ‘demon hunting’.
- Fixed a bug in which initiating the boss fight in the demon king revealed” while a visitor was still moving in the elevator would cause the visitor to be teleported to an unintended location.
- Fixed a bug in which oni-bi and fox spirits that were summoned immediately after you completed a mission would become invincible and could not be defeated.
- Fixed a bug in which certain boss characters would react to hora-gai shells / yokai incense and appear earlier than intended
- Fixed a bug in which certain fiuman-type enemies’ heads were not designated as their weak points.
- Ffixed a bug in which honda tadakatsu could not be paralyzed.
- Fixed a bug in which rounds fired by saika magoichi would sometimes fly in much different directions from which they were shot.
- Nioh 1.18 has fixed a bug in which you could effectively stun-lock large fox spirits by continually attacking them
- Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a bug in which kappa would stop moving after distancing themselves from the player.
- – fixed a bug in which a nurikabe would disappear for players who performed the wrong gesture after both players performed different gestures at the same time in ‘yokai realm with a companion”
- Fixed the following bugs related to sanada yukimura:
- • fixed a bug in which he would become and remain transparent if he ran out of ki from getting hit by an attack during a quickstep while a wind-based living weapon was active.• fixed a bug in which he would keep pushing the player while a wind-based living weapon was active.
• fixed a bug in which his fire rounds would sometimes not hit while a fire-based living weapon was active.
• fixed a bug in which he would repeatedly backstep on higher difficulties.
• fixed a bug in which quick downward attacks would not finish properly.
- Fixed a bug in which the effect that increases the chances for divine items to drop after using an ochoko cup at the beginning of a mission would not activate in certain situations.
- Nioh 1.18 has fixed a bug in which your gameplay time would not be counted when fighting certain bosses.
- Fixed the combat title “haze master” so that now both haze and haze ii count toward it
- Fixed a bug in which the combat title well that happened…* could be obtained even in 1v1 battles.
- Nioh update 1.18 has fixed other minor bugs.
Nioh update 1.18 with Bloodshed DLC Patch Notes [Japanese translated]
(The following changelog is translated from Japanese, you may find it difficult to read some lines.)
Bloodshed DLC
Add a new story “Osaka’s role/summer version” (To play “Osaka’s role/summer story”, you need to clear this story)
The Siege of Osaka’s winter campaign was put to an end by a peace negotiation between Toyotomi and Tokugawa. However, conditions were harsh as Osaka Castle lost its secondary and tertiary enclosures, as well as its inner and outer moats, leaving just the main enclosure for the defeated. Inevitably, this situation led to an uprising and another war broke out just months after the winter campaign. This is the final phase of the Sengoku-era, and the end of William’s journey.
◆ High difficulty mode can be played · Difficulty “Shura no Way”
· Difficulty “Shura no Way”
Additional content “Successor of righteousness” “Tohoku no Ryu” “Tohoku no Ryuu” “Yuwa 偃 武” purchase either, and it will be released by exploiting “strong man’s way”. By reaching “the path of Shura”, the limit value of the + value due to the soul combination and the upper limit of the level of the guardian spirit also increase.
· Difficulty degree “Enlightenment way”
Additional content “It is the successor of righteousness” “Tohoku no Ryuu” “Tohoku no Ryuu” “Yuwa 偃 武” purchased two. It will be released by exploiting “the path of Shura”.
By reaching “the way of enlightenment”, the limit value of + value by the matching of soul, player upper limit level, guardian spirit level upper limit are further increased.
· Difficulty “Ninja no kaido”
Additional content “Successor of righteousness” “Tohoku no Ryu” “Tohoku no Ryuu” “Yuanwa 偃 武” is purchased, and it is opened by capture of “the way of enlightenment”.
By reaching “the way of Nio”, the limits of the + value due to the soul combination, the player’s upper limit on the level, the upper limit on the player’s ability and the upper limit on the level of the guardian spirit will further rise.
Added Special mission “Mugen Prison”
Additional content “Dragon of Tohoku” “Successor of Righteousness” “Yuya’s Successor” “Maohwa 偃 武” can be purchased now. In addition, it is possible to play three people at the same time by calling “Rare people” only in the Mugen Prison.
- Nioh Bloodshed DLC Added the following new guardian spirits
· Snake butterfly
· Kyuubi - Added new weapons · Armor · Add
- Added following figure of figure
· Maria
· Toyotomi Hideyuki - Nioh Bloodshed DLC added new trophy
- New grace
- Added alignment effect
- Added special effects to equipment and alignment.
- Added new Samurai skills, Ninja skills, Yin Yang skills.
- Nioh Bloodshed DLC added new consumer items.
- Added new gestures to the samurai of the warfare “Hosokawa” , “Tsugaru”, “Utsunomiya”
Functional enhancement
- Expansion is possible by using the extraordinary degree of the extended blacksmith so that you can set up to 4 item shortcuts .
- Ability to multiple numerical operations by R1 · R2.
- Nioh Bloodshed DLC added new icon indicating spa bathing, when you clear the mission where the stage where hot springs first appear, the mission of the regional screen. An icon is displayed at the bottom left of the information display column to indicate whether or not you took a bath in all the hot springs on that stage.
- We will distribute items as compensation measures for downward adjustment etc. of some special effects.
Items are automatically added on the local screen.
- If you have reached the way of the stronger, we will distribute one “Rokko Ringo no Iwa”
- We will distribute the money in the game and “target spirit coal” according to the number of times of reprocessing
- Down adjustment and We will distribute ‘spirit coal’ or ‘spirit coal’ according to the number of possessed equipments
- With Nioh update 1.18, the enemy type of mission of ‘Kinki Hen’ ~ ‘Omi Hen’ of ‘Samurai no Michi’ Department replacement.
- Relaxation of open conditions of each district / mission in “Shura no Way” “Enlightenment path”
- Mission Achieve 100% mission completion rate at “Stronger’s Way”, “Shura no Michi” “Enlightenment Way” Specification change to be given even when achieving 100% of the dominant difficulty with the conquest rate of 100%
- Improve overall Amrita amount obtained in “Stronger’s Way”, “Shura no Way” “Enlightenment Way”
- Relaxing soul adjustment expenses according to item level.
- Nioh 1.18 update has change so that confirmation will be entered when using item “Bungeon of the god”
- Item “Whetstone” In addition to the effect of increasing the loyalty of weapons when using, change the disadvantage effect received “weapon neutralization” to be canceled
- In addition to the effect that the degree of love of armor is increased when using the item “glue” Change so that the disadvantage effect receiving “weakening of armor” is canceled
- The sword’s mystery skill “active man sword” In addition to the conventional effect, in addition to the conventional effect, upward revision so that the grace period of the immediate precedence guard is extended.
- About the mystery skill “dynamic middle quiet” of the large sword, so that the vigor consumption decreases when using morning and evening wind upward revision
- Sword skill “tiger ran” in up to power the upward revision of the time ran
- Following aligned numerical value the upward revision of the effect of the peace foundation
The effect of the peace foundation
Iga shinobi length
Atsuki Hakarigotosho righteousness
of Nio incarnation
Date house loyal subjects of Kan
Kagu-Tsuchi of grace
- The numerical value of the basket of following samurai upward revision
- With Nioh Bloodshed DLC, Following menu Tsu-effective to “attack damage twice” changed its name to “attack damage explosion”, the degree is different as the modification of the effect depending on the activation conditions
merit effect imparting (2-fold attack damage) in-Tokoyo exorcism
and rescue of ally Added merit effect at times (attack damage twice)
· Merit effect imparted by dash attack (attack damage 2 times)
· Merit effect imparted by avoidance attack (attack damage 2 times)
· Merit effect imparted (attack damage twice)
· Merit effect imparted by attack of 3 consecutive attacks of Setsuki flower (attack damage 2 times) · Merit effect imparted (attack damage 2 times)
◆ With Nioh update 1.18, following merit effect “Damaged damage Deactivate the duration time of invalidation, and change the specification so that it is canceled once the damage is invalidated once
· Merit effect is imparted (revoked damaged effect) by exile from perseverance
· Merit effect imparted when ally friendly of) dash attack at the damage disable
merit effect granted in-avoidance attack (the damage disabled), 3 merit effect imparting a continuous attack of Setsugekka (the damage disabled),
merit effect granted after return (the damage disabled )
◆ Added special effects for the “damage increased in accordance with the lightness of the equipment”, effect the amount of the upward revision in less than weight 10.0
◆ Nioh 1.18 update adjusted special effects “if it is not predicament state prevent the Rakumei” is exhibited, then a short period of time change the enemy of the attack so that it is no longer accepted
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has adjusted special effects “if it is not predicament state prevent the Rakumei” is exhibited, then a short period of time change the enemy of the attack so that it is no longer accepted in the “cancellation of benefits effect” special effects, “Shura of the road.” Change the permanent merit effect granted to the boss and the enemies strengthened afterwards so that it can invalidate for a certain period
◆ Change the permanent merit effect granted to the boss and the enemies strengthened afterwards so that it can invalidate for a certain period
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed an issue When the sacred treasure is obtained as the mission reward after the difficulty “enlightenment way” Specification change to change to Shinko with low probability
◆ Corrective processing that improves the equipment drop rate improves the more the level difference from the corruption that emerges from the sword mounds, attenuates the correction processing from level 150 of deadly madness, level 200 or higher Specification change to eliminate correction in
◆ Difficulty degree “Enlightenment way” or more “Honda Tadakatsu” is using martial arts, “Honda Tadakatsu” coordinated not to be frightened even when attacked
◆ Tadashi Sanada “Misty Tales” Adjust the performance of the used ninja art items.
◆ Adjust the attack power of “Namahage (big sword, two sword)”
◆ Nioh 1.18 update has fixed a special effect “Reflecting Shuriken · Kunai with Last Guard”
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a problem that could not reflect “Katsu no Kune”.
◆ Fixed a bug that could pass away against Spear skill “Body change”
◆ Nioh patch 1.18 has fixed issues with Yin Yang skill “Shura marks” and “Senmifu”.
◆ Fixed a bug that was no longer able to parry Yin skills “Senmifu”
◆ Nioh 1.18 update has fixed a bug that the skill “shadow” was effective for some Yin Yang techniques.
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a problem with Ninja were a human type enemy may not become paralyzed normally when hitting the skill “Gyosei juice”
◆ Fixed a problem with Ninja skill “The technique of change”, when the physical strength 0, the effect of the art does not activate Ho when you use particular martial art during the fight.
◆ Nioh 1.18 has fixed an issues with Tsukumo weapon, display fixes a bug that would continue the rest of the time, which shook the weapon at the time of Tsukumo weapon trigger other than the wind attributes.
◆ Fixed a problem where enemy does not come down if you hit an arrow etc while the executor Derrick is on the tower in the mission “man with a spirit” mission.
◆ Fixed a problem that will not accept attacks if “Katakura Masataka” has taken a winning pose in heaven “.
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a problem that you can not open the door locked with the key If you perform a specific procedure with the key acquired in the mission” Daughter of Demons ”
◆ Fixed a bug that the gesture tutorial window will not disappear when performing a specific procedure with the mission “Sleeping spirit stone”.
◆ Nioh patch 1.18 hasfixed a bug where the rare side could be unable to proceed unnecessary when a rare person was invited immediately after destroying “Nue” with the mission “Sleeping spirit stone”,
◆ Fixed the problem “Masa Saga” in the mission “Immortal Flame”.
◆ Nioh 1.18 update has fixed a bug that the door of the room on the rare side was open during the battle
◆ Fixed an issues where the kappa fell from the ocean to himself in the mission “Major thief of the censure of the heavens”.
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed a bug that the iron ball of “evil spirits” might be caught outside the terrain at the mission “demon killer”.
◆ In the mission “Demon King Age”, while the race was moving by the elevator, the host boss fight Fixed a problem that the boss fight is started with the rare people transitioning to unexpected coordinates
◆ Fixed a problem player does not respond immediately after the achievement of the mission “Summoned Fire” or “Fake” was summoned, the summoned enemy became invincible.
◆ Fixed a problem that “Honda Tadaoki” may not be paralyzed
◆ Nioh patch 1.18 has fixed a problem that bullets shot by “Mika Sunaga” may be launched in a direction that is significantly different from the direction of the muzzle
◆ Fixed a big problem Fixed a bug that sometimes continued hitting “fox” attack
◆ Nioh 1.18 update has fixed a problem that caused “kappa” to stop moving after leaving player
◆ Fixed a bug that “Nurikabe” of the failed person disappears when doing different “gestures”
◆ Fixed the following issues for “Sanada Yukimura”
· Wind Attribute Fixed a bug that it may become transparent when you are under attack due to an attack during the step in the 90th weapon.
· Fixed a bug that kept pushing the player during the wind weapon
· Fixed a bug that fire bullets in the fire attribute ninety-nine weapons might not hit the player
· At high difficulty level, Fixed a problem that repeats the back step
· Fixed a bug that the attack might not end normally on a sudden falling attack
◆ Nioh update 1.18 has fixed the effect of the rise of the Sacred Drop rate by using Inoguchi at the beginning of the mission is correctly demonstrated depending on the situation Fixed a problem that may not be done
◆ Nioh 1.18 update has fixed a bug that sometimes play time was not added during a battle with some bosses.
◆ Nioh patch 1.18 has fixed a bug that the winner title “Request for grant” could be acquired even 1: 1
◆ Other minor bug fixes
English version of the patch notes of Nioh 1.18 update will be available soon.