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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Nioh 1.20 update brings fixes and changes – Patch Notes

Nioh 1.20 update is now available for download. The latest update comes with big changes and improvements. The latest update has added a new option to basic game settings: “auto-refill consumable items from storehouse after mission ends’.

In addition, Nioh update 1.20 has fixed a bug in which which you could not get past reputation rank 201, resulting in an excess of reputation points that prevented you from getting more prestige points. Previously, developers released update 1.19.

Nioh 1.20 update Patch Notes [English Version]


  • Added a new option to basic game settings: “auto-refill consumable items from storehouse after mission ends’.
  • Added a new option to basic game settings: “hold switch item shortcut to switch to set 1”
  • You now have the option to increase the number of your item shortcut sets at the blacksmith.


– Shortened the time it takes to use the kusarigama skill “renegade dragon”. –
– Made the following adjustments to the spear skill “wild spear”:
• increased the damage of each hit
• increased the elemental damage of each hit.
• the final part of the skill no longer consumes ki.
• decreased the elemental build-up of each hit.
• increased the amount of ki consumed while running.
• decreased the amount you can turn while running.

  • When using both “dual elements (fire & lightning)” and either the “fire” or “lightning” special effects, 50% of the effect of the latter will now be added to your attack.
  • After proceeding to the next floor in the abyss, only 1 abnormal status effect will now become active again.
    *only the effect from the least recently completed plane will become active again.
  • Visitors who complete the abyss will now also get completion rewards.
    *includes a chance to get cracked ochoko cups.
  • Increased the divine/ethereal item drop rate in the abyss.
  • Adjusted the “base” and “material” tabs to always be in the same positions when soul matching at the blacksmith. *positions will be reset after ending soul matching.
  • When an enemy’s attack removes buffs from a player, the number removed will now be random.
  • Special effects that depend on the player being in critical condition will no longer activate while using a living weapon. this includes the following effects:

• close combat damage (critical)

• dodge ki usage (critical)

• damage reduction (critical)

• ki recovery speed (critical)

• parry (critical)

• elixir boost (critical)

• close combat attack ki reduction (critical)

• no guard break (critical)

• guard ki usage (critical)

• luck (critical)

• dash ki usage (critical)

  • Also, the following special effect will no longer count enemies defeated while using a living weapon in critical condition:
  • Increase damage (enemies defeated when critical)

*As compensation, players will be given umbracite or fabled umbracite (up to 20 max) based on the number of items you own with effects that were lowered.

Bug Fixes

  • Nioh 1.20 update fixed a bug in which later missions would not begin for save data that fulfilled certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug in which you could not get past reputation rank 201, resulting in an excess of reputation points that prevented you from getting more prestige points.
  • Fixed a bug in which grace effects would be set to the inheritance slot after an item from the abyss was purified into an ethereal item.

*As compensation, players will be given droplets of decay and divine umbracite (up to 10 each) based on the number of items you have with two grace effects.

  • Nioh version 1.20 has fixed a bug when playing through the abyss with a companion in which you would sometimes ex, automatically after defeating a boss.
  • Fixed a bug in which searches weren’t completed properly when searching fora companion on the way of the nioh or the way of the wise difficulties.
  • Fixed a bug in which sanada yukimura would not drop the sanada crimson equipment or smithing texts.
  • Fixed a bug in which the sanada yukimura wearing a white coat in the abyss would not drop last great general equipment.
  • Fixed a bug in which sakata kintoki would not attack until being attacked in the mission “the invincible”.
  • Fixed a bug in which you could not exit certain location(s) if you entered with a dodge in the mission the sanada’s resolve”.
  • Nioh version 1.20 has fixed a bug in which you could not exit certain location(s) if you entered with a dodge in the mission the last samurai”.
  • Nioh version 1.20 has fixed a rare application error that occurred when the onmoraki crusher’s actions would become out of sync in the mission “resentment unleashed”.
  • Nioh 1.20 fixed a bug in which the biwa boku-boku were already in place when you would retry the mission “bovine demon” after dying on the way of the nioh.
  • Fixed a bug in which mujina could fall into the ocean after being called by a whistle in the itsukushima stage of the abyss.
  • Fixed a bug in which you could use the spear skill “wild spear while moving and guarding even if you weren’t moving forward.
  • Fixed a bug in which using “sunset breeze” as part of the odachi skill “shifting serenity” would not grant the effect that reduces ki consumption.
  • Fixed a bug in which the strong attack of tonfa in low stance would have reduced reach when “focused strike” is set.
  • Fixed a bug in which kusarigama final blows would sometimes not hit in narrow areas and near walls.
  • Fixed a bug in which you would change to mid stance when running and locked onto an enemy after a living weapon is released.
  • Fixed a bug in which sanada yukimura would sometimes become transparent if you attacked at just a certain time.
  • Nioh version 1.20 has fixed a bug in which yasuke would lose sight of the player during the mission the samurai from sawayama”.
  • Nioh update 1.20 has fixed a bug in which jin hayabusa would become stuck folding his arms during battle.
  • Nioh 1.20 has fixed a bug in which sakon would get stuck in the air in missions like “raid on the hirano river”.
  • Fixed a bug in which the great centipede could not get out of its holes during multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug in which special effects that activate upon absorbing amrita would fail to activate when using a living weapon. this includes the following effects:

• bonus for absorbing amrita (stance-based)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (increase attack)

• bonus forabsorbing amrita (increase defense)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (increase ki recovery speed)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (auto-recovery)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (increase movement speed)

• bonus forabsorbing amrita (nullify damage)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (attack damage x2)

• bonus for absorbing amrita (increase luck)

  • Fixed a bug in which the stats for ryomen sukuna’s axe would take on the basic stats of a spear rather than an .e.
  • Fixed a bug in which a non-grace effect would be on items together with “soul matching (grace inheritance)”.
  • Fixed a bug in which fixed special effects would sometimes disappear when turning a divine item with 7 special effects into an ethereal one.
  • Fixed a bug in which the “times killed” and “amrita obtained” counters were not updating properly in gameplay records for the abyss.
  • *The number of “times killed” for the abyss will be reset
  • Fixed a bug in which performing certain actions in the abyss would cause you to become unable to select “boons” at a shrine even outside of the abyss.
  • Fixed a bug in which the timer for the “00 traveler” titles would be reset if you exited to the title screen during the mission and then came back.
  • Fixed an error in the description for ogosho’s hood.
  • Fixed a bug in which your first hit against a boss on the way of the nioh would sometimes not deal damage.
  • Fixed a bug in which the stats for ryomen sukuna’s axe would take on the basic stats of a spear rather than an .e.
  • Fixed a bug in which a non-grace effect would be on items together with “soul matching (grace inheritance)”.
  • Fixed a bug in which fixed special effects would sometimes disappear when turning a divine item with 7 special effects into an ethereal one.
  • Fixed a bug in which the “times killed” and “amrita obtained” counters were not updating properly in gameplay records for the abyss.
  • *The number of “times killed” for the abyss will be reset
  • Fixed a bug in which performing certain actions in the abyss would cause you to become unable to select “boons” at a shrine even outside of the abyss.
  • Fixed a bug in which the timer for the “00 traveler” titles would be reset if you exited to the title screen during the mission and then came back.
  • Fixed an error in the description for ogosho’s hood.
  • Fixed a bug in which your first hit against a boss on the way of the nioh would sometimes not deal damage.
  • Fixed a bug in which you could become paralyzed by enemy attacks when using the quick-change ability or when dying.
  • Fixed a bug in which the light for proceeding forward would sometimes appear near the ceiling in the mission the rising shadows” during multiplayer if one player defeated the boss while the other was far away.
  • Fixed a bug in which skeleton warrior cutters summoned by gasha-dokuro would not display on the guest’s screen during multiplayer.
  • Nioh version 1.20 has fixed a bug in which damage numbers that went above seven digits would not display properly.
  • Fixed a bug in which the “learn” button would still display for the skills deadly eye, fatal fists, and melee mastery, even if they were at level 100, and pressing the button would result in the skill value decreasing.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

Nioh 1.20 update Patch Notes [Japanese translated]

(The following changelog is translated from Japanese, you may find it difficult to read some lines.)


Nioh update 1.20 has added item to game basic setting “Automatically replenish consumption items from warehouse at the end of mission”

◆ Add item to game individual setting “Switch item shortcut switching to set 1 by pressing and holding”
※ It will be displayed when you expand the item shortcut number in the blacksmith.


◆ For kusarigama skills “Ran Tenryu”, revised upward to reduce the use time of martial arts

◆ Adjustment of Spear Skill ‘Ranger Spear’

  • Fixed upward damage per shot.
  • Upgrade attribute damage per shot.
  • Fixed upward so that power is not consumed at the last slashing part when using martial arts.
  • Fixed attribute accumulation value per shot downward.
  • Fixed downwards to increase the amount of energy consumption during martial arts driving.
  • Fixed downward so that the angle at which the bend turns while using the martial art becomes shallow.

◆ When “Attach O Attribute” is added with the special effect “Attribute to Two Attributes (Fire / Lightning)”, if it is “Fire” or “Thunder”, add half of the effective value to the attack Adjust to

◆ Adjust so that there will be only one disadvantage to be revived when proceeding to the next level in “Mugen Prison”
* The clearing time restores only the disadvantage effect corresponding to the oldest Higan.

◆ When clearing “Mugen Prison” with a rare person, change so that you can earn Clear Reward
※ You can earn “Cracked Inoguchi” etc. with probability.

◆ Upward Drop Rate of Sacred and Shinko in “Mugen Prison”

◆ In the spirit of blacksmith, Nioh 1.20 update has adjusted the tab positions of “base” and “material” to always be at the same position
※ It will be initialized when you finish matching your soul.

◆ When the benefits of the player are canceled by enemy attack, adjust so that the number is determined at random.

◆ Nioh 1.20 update has lowered the revision so that the special effect conditioned by the state of the dirt does not work in the ninety-nine weapons
The target special effects are as follows.
· Damage of melee attack
· Damage to the attack is reduced.
The Predicament
· Reducing the energy consumption of melee attacks
· Reduce the energy consumption of guards
· Reduce the energy consumption of the dash
· Reducing the energy consumption of evasive behavior
· Spirit recovery speed
· Physical fitness recovery effect

◆ Also, regarding the special effects below, the number downed in the ninety-ninth weapon which was activated in the state of the trouble is corrected down so that it is not added
· Increase damage according to the number of enemies who have defeated in a trouble

* As a supplement, distribute “spirit coal of famous trees” or “spirit coal” according to the possession number of equipment which became downward adjustment (Max 20 pieces).


Nioh update 1.20 fixedF a bug in which the next mission may not load from the save data.

◆ Fixed a bug that the fame rank of the title could not be raised to 201 or higher, the fame points overflowed and the benefit points could not be acquired

◆ Fixed the problem that the grace effect may be set in the inheritance frame when the eternity is changed to Teosmakia by escaping from “Mugenyama prison”.
※ as a compensation, according to the number of possession of equipment that has already been granted two grace justified effect, “Drop of Eternity” and “Spirit coal of the Sacred tree” distributed (up to 10 pieces)

◆ Fixed a bug that sometimes happens to exit without permission after the boss has been defeated in “Mugen Prison”

Nioh 1.20 fixed a problem that may not be able to be searched correctly when searching with difficulty “Ninja no Michi” or “Enlightenment Way”

◆ Fixed a bug that “Masuda Yukimura” does not drop equipment and formulas for “Japan’s best armor”

◆ Fixed a problem that “Masuda Yukimura” wearing a white jackpan of “Mugen Prison” does not drop “Last Generator” equipment

Fixed a bug that will not start attack until “Sakata Kinematsu” is attacked at the mission “Kaneko Fuel”

Nioh 1.20 patch has fixed a problem where there is a place where it can not be exited if entering by avoidance at the mission “decision of six sentences”

◆ Fixed a problem in the mission “Last Samurai” where there is a part that can not be exited if entering by avoidance

Nioh version 1.20 fixed a problem where the mission progress and “behind the scenes” did not match and mistakes occurred in application error

◆ Fixed a problem that “Biwa Maki” has already been placed when trying again after losing midway on the mission “Beef boy” of “Nio no Michi”

◆ Fixed a problem where “Mejina” falls to the sea when calling “Muzina” by whistling at “Itsukajima” Itsukushima stage.

Nioh version 1.20 fixed a bug that spear skill “Ranger spear” got out during guard move, even when it was not moving forward

◆ Fixed a bug that sometimes the effect of diminishing the energy consumption decreases even if you use “Nakashizuka” with big Tarot mystery “moving middle quiet”

◆ Fixed a bug that the range of strong attacks becomes shorter when you set a bargaining budget in the lower row of the gangster

Nioh update 1.20 fixed a bug that sometimes hit the chaotic battle attacks in a narrow place or at the wall

◆ Fixed a bug that the stance would become middle stage when running in the lock on state when canceling the ninety-nine weapons

Fixed a bug that sometimes became transparent when attack was added at a specific timing to “Sanada Yukimura”

◆ Fixed a bug that “Yasuke” might lose sight of players at the mission “Samayai’s Samurai”

Nioh 1.20 update has fixed a problem that “Jin Falcon” becomes his arms folded state in combat

◆ Fixed a bug that “Midori” such as the mission “Hurricane Hirano river” may be stationary in the air.

◆ Fixed a bug that “large centipede” may not come out of the hole in multiplayer play.

◆ Fixed a bug that special effects on amrita absorption did not activate in the ninety-nine weapons

The following special effects are covered:
Amrita absorption and strengthening according to stance
-Effect of Amrita absorption (increase of attack power)
-benefit effect during Amrita absorption (increase in defensive power)
-benefit effect during Amrita absorption (increase in energy recovery rate)
-benefit effect during Amrita absorption (automatic recovery)
-Effect of Amrita absorption (movement speed increase)
-benefit effect during Amrita absorption (disable damage)
-benefit effect during Amrita absorption (double attack damage)
-Benefit effect when absorbing amrita (lucky increase
Fixed the problem that the performance parameter of the equipment “double-sided Nuo ax” is not an ax but a hammer standard.


◆ Nioh 1.20 update has fixed a bug that the special effects “Inheritance of grace when used as a material for soul matching” and co-existence of alignment effect that is not grace.

◆ Nioh version 1.20 fixed a problem that the fixed special effect may disappear when treating a sacred treasure filled with all seven special effects.

◆ Fixed bug that “Number of times I fell down” and “Cumulative Amrita got” were not correctly counted in Play record of “Mugen Prison”.
※ “The number of times I fell down” of “Mugen Prison” is reset.
◆ Fixed the problem that the rarity of “eternity” is known by sorting in the “New Items” tab of the Inventory menu.

Fixed a problem that the timer for measuring the clear time of the title passed back to the title during the mission and resumed by resuming.

◆ Nioh 1.20 update has fixed an error in the description of “Mogul’s hood” .

◆ Fixed a bug that caused no damage when the boss of the NIO was first hit.

Fixed a bug that sometimes “Homemaki” does not move homing when using the “Kamiki” technique of “Flame”.

◆ Fixed a bug that finish technique might come out soon when using the “Ninja Butterfly” Ninety-nine Technique with 2 vs 2.

◆ Nioh version 1.20 fixed a bug that the guardian spirit technique of “Ishida Mitsunari” and “Sanada Yukimura” flew towards himself towards both host and guest in multiplayer.

◆ Fixed a bug that you can not pick up items of the tutorial mission when “All is on” in the “pick up” display of the falling item.

◆ When “Oda Nobunaga” of “Masumune Prison” has the ability of “Attack hit to give demerit effect”, the Nioh version 1.20 has fixed the problem that the effect may be granted even if the attack is not hit.

◆ Nioh update 1.20 fixed a bug that the company’s “gift” can not be selected even if it is not Nagai Jigoku

◆ Fixed a bug that if you do a specific procedure in the Mugen Prison, you can not select “gifts”.

◆ Fixed a problem that if you get more material with 9999 forged materials, it will go into storage.

Fixed a problem that the effective value of the special effect “speed reduction of dash” becomes abnormally large when maximizing the degree of love use of evil spirit.

Fixed a bug that paralyzes was given by enemy’s attack and it got hardened when the motion was felt or when a change in your technique was activated.

◆ Fixed a bug in which the light to move to the next is generated near the ceiling when the boss is defeated while one is in the position far away from the boss while eternity in the mission “Creeping Shadow”.

◆ Nioh update 1.20 has fixed the bug that “Gashadocro” is not displayed on the guest screen during multiplayer play. 

◆ Fixed the problem that the damage of the seven digits or greater is not displayed correctly.

◆ About skill “Demonstration of Training”, even if reaching the maximum of 100, the mastered button is still displayed and the problem to decrease only the skill value is corrected.

◆ Other, minor bug fixes.

 The English version of the Nioh 1.20 update patch note will be available later.

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