A new Northgard update patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Northgard update will address some of these issues and bugs.
Read what is new and fixed in today’s Northgard patch. Read the official patch notes below.
Northgard Patch Notes – December 13, 2022
The Cross of Vidar Campaign
The new campaign takes place a few years after the end of the previous story: Ragnarök has ravaged the land of Northgard, threatening our clans’ survival. In a desperate move, a few of them will begin a journey in hopes of finding a new home. There, they will meet new characters, get involved in a series of conflicts and alliances, and take part in a quest for the three swords that are said to hold the power to put an end to Ragnarök.
The new campaign consists of 8 new missions, unique gameplay twists and a new story to uncover centered around both returning and new protagonists.
On January the 19th the Epilogue for the campaign will be released for free to all owners of the campaign and will add 2 additional missions to conclude the epic story of the cross of vidar.
The Southern Kingdoms
Introduced in this campaign is a new civilisation, entirely different from vikings, with their own traditions, technologies, and culture: The Southern Kingdoms.
- Southern Kingdoms have their own set of unique buildings, and unique units.
- Their buildings evolve in different forms, with different effects.
- They do not use Lore but Faith instead.
- They have some specific Knowledge, and Blessings are replaced with Vows.
- They cannot use Lorestones, Circle of Stones or other Viking artifacts to produce Lore, but can use them to produce more Kröwns or Faith.
- The Chapel is your main building. It spawns new subjects, your base unit.
- Subjects produce Faith instead of Food.
- Buildings have no builder nor worker limit, but you can only assign additional workers if the Livability in the zone is sufficient.
- Workers in a zone with 8 Livability or more have a +30% production bonus and +10% bonus population growth.
- The Chapel protects all subjects in its zone from the cold and feeds them until winter comes. It also heals units assigned to it.
- Building upgrades cost less Stone. It is not necessary to upgrade the Chapel first.
- Feasts give +2 Happiness and apply Prosperity to all of your zones.
- Military units can be upgraded with different military upgrades.
- They have their own relics, different from the viking ones.
The Kingdom of the Lion
The first playable of the southern kingdoms is the new Kingdom of the Lion. A kingdom focused on religious and military means.
- Zones with military camps gain +1 Livability.
- Killing a foe generates Faith if Hildegard takes part in the fight.
- Military units can be recruited using Faith instead of Kröwns.
Fame 200: Religious Processions
- Feasts cost 3% less for each acquired Knowledge and Vow.
- Each military camp in a zone with Prosperity gives a +5% attack bonus to the associated units.
Fame 500: Rise of the Twelve Peers
- You can evolve Monks into Paladins for a cost in Faith.
- Paladins can be assigned a Relic and carry it with them, including into enemy territory.
- Relics require no building slot.
- Steelwork
- Each military building in a zone with an active Smithy provides a +5% defense bonus to the associated units.
- Ost
- Your next Sentry Camp upgrade is free.
- Military XP gains are increased by 15%.
- Marchfield
- Military upgrades unlock faster and have a higher chance to trigger.
- Chanson de Geste
- Killing mystical creatures generates Faith
- Miraculous Healing
- Religious buildings slowly heal units within their zones.
Relic: Lance of Longinus
- Clan units who died within the Lance’s zone can be revived in exchange for Faith.
Campaign Achievements
- New achievements for completing the new campaign main and secondary objectives.
Clan Achievements
- The Wonder Collector
Capture an enemy Relic - Midas was an amateur
Build the Altar of Volvinius - Faithbook
Build the Codex Aureus - Monk is not dead
Build the relic of the clan of the Lion - Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior?
Carry a Relic into enemy territory - Everything the light touches
Control 5 forts or more - Guess who’s back? (everyone)
Revive 20 or more units at once - The Twelve Peers
Raise an army comprised of at least 12 paladins
Rat Infestation event
- Rats now target houses and reduce Food production in the zone. Silos and upgraded Foraging Posts protect the zone against the infestation.
- Buildings placement on the construction panel has been changed.
- Several texts have been corrected.
- Pathfinding issues have been resolved.
- When a tower is attacked on a Landvidi zone, it now displays the units attacking the tower.
- When a special Townhall has already been unlocked by completing a Conquest, the notification for unlocking it is no longer displayed.
- It is no longer possible to transfer a tool or relic being forged to an ally by transferring the forge building.
- Spike Barricade now correctly appears on all zones.
- Helheim Invasion event now works correctly.
- It is no longer possible to open several building panels at once.
- It is no longer possible to send Food without assigned Merchants in Campaign 1 – Mission 7
- Mining progression is now correctly displayed.
- Damages inflicted by Kraken final Conquest bonus have been reworked.
- Thralls no longer gather more Food in a zone with a Silo if they are not assigned to a Food production building.
- Names can now be changed in Creative Mode.
- Several value roundings adjustments.
Known Issues
- minor UI issues
- Monks produce faith when building relics