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New York
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Notas del parche Minecraft 1.21 (actualización Bedrock 1.21.0)

Detalles del registro de cambios de la actualización 1.21 de Minecraft (Bedrock) para jugadores de Xbox One, PS4, PC y Nintendo Switch. Según el registro de cambios oficial de Minecraft 1.21, la última actualización presenta una gran cantidad de nuevas características que incluyen Trial Chambers, nuevas turbas, armas, encantamientos, bloques, elementos, discos de música, pinturas y eventos ominosos, enriqueciendo significativamente el juego con pruebas desafiantes y botín gratificante. Aparte de esto, la actualización 1.21.0 de Minecraft Bedrock también trae correcciones y actualizaciones técnicas que garantizan una jugabilidad más fluida.

Anteriormente, una gran actualización de Minecraft 1.20.50 agregó nuevas características como el bioma del pantano de manglares al juego. Desafortunadamente, los jugadores todavía enfrentan problemas con el juego. El parche 1.21 de Minecraft de hoy solucionará algunos de estos problemas.

Registro de cambios de Minecraft 1.21.00 – 13 de junio de 2024

Nuevas características:

  • Se ha añadido una nueva estructura subterránea llamada Salas de Primera Instancia.
  • Se agregaron 2 nuevos mobs
    • Brisa
    • Empantanado
  • Se ha añadido una nueva arma, la maza.
  • Se han añadido 3 nuevos encantamientos exclusivos de la maza.
    • Densidad
    • Brecha
    • Ráfaga de viento
  • Se agregaron los siguientes bloques:
    • Crafter
    • Generador de prueba
    • Generador de prueba ominosa
    • Bóveda
    • Bóveda siniestra
    • Nuevas variantes en la familia Copper
    • Nuevas variantes en la familia Tuff
    • Núcleo pesado
  • Se agregaron los siguientes elementos:
    • Mapa del Explorador de Trial
    • Botella siniestra
    • Carga de viento
    • Clave de prueba
    • Clave de juicio ominosa
    • Caña de brisa
    • 3 nuevos Fragmentos de cerámica
    • 2 new Banner Patterns
    • 2 new Armor Trims
    • 4 new Potions
      • Potion of Infestation
      • Potion of Oozing
      • Potion of Weaving
      • Potion of Wind Charging
    • 4 new Tipped Arrows
      • Arrow of Infestation
      • Arrow of Oozing
      • Arrow of Weaving
      • Arrow of Wind Charging
  • Added 3 new Music Discs by Aaron Cherof and Lena Raine
  • Added 20 new Paintings
    • 5 by artist Sarah Boeving
    • 15 by artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand
  • Redesigned Bad Omen to give access to Ominous Events
  • Added 6 new Status Effects
    • Infested
    • Oozing
    • Weaving
    • Wind Charged
    • Raid Omen
    • Trial Omen
  • Added 9 new music tracks by Aaron Cherof, Kumi Tanioka, and Lena Raine
  • Added 4 new achievements


Salas de Primera Instancia

  • Las Cámaras de Juicio son una nueva estructura en el Overworld donde los jugadores pueden explorar y enfrentarse a desafíos de combate
    • Hecho de una variedad de bloques de cobre y toba, y se puede encontrar en diferentes tamaños
    • Un hallazgo relativamente común en toda la capa de pizarra profunda del subsuelo
    • La aparición natural de mobs no ocurre en el interior, al igual que en las ciudades antiguas
    • Nunca comienza dentro de un bioma Deep Dark, pero a veces puede superponerse a él
  • El diseño de cada Sala de Primera Instancia se genera de forma procedimental y puede incluir trampas, recompensas y una variedad de áreas de combate
    • Las macetas decoradas se alinean en los pasillos y guardan tesoros escondidos
    • Los barriles de suministros se pueden encontrar entre diferentes habitaciones y te dan bloques y elementos que te ayudan a navegar por tus pruebas
    • Las bóvedas están protegidas por desafíos en cada habitación, y pueden ser una fuente de muchos libros encantados y equipos de alto nivel, incluida una oportunidad muy rara de recibir un tridente
    • Las Bóvedas Ominosas se pueden encontrar en lugares más difíciles de alcanzar y dan un botín aún mejor que las Bóvedas Estándar, incluidos algunos objetos que son exclusivos de las Bóvedas Ominosas
  • Cada Cámara de Primera Instancia incluirá generadores de prueba con una categoría cuerpo a cuerpo, cuerpo a cuerpo pequeño o a distancia:
    • Melee
      • Zombi
      • Cáscara
      • Araña
    • Pequeño cuerpo a cuerpo
      • Limo
      • Araña de cueva
      • Bebé zombi
      • Lepisma
    • Extendieron
      • Esqueleto
      • Extraviado
      • Empantanado
  • Cada categoría de generador de pruebas solo usará una criatura para toda la estructura cuando se genere, y estas criaturas son aleatorias para cada cámara de prueba
    • Por ejemplo, una Cámara de Juicio solo puede generar zombis, arañas de cueva y vagabundos, mientras que otra solo puede generar arañas, pececillos de plata y esqueletos
    • Las excepciones a esto son algunos generadores de prueba en salas únicas que siempre generan brisas



  • Una astuta turba hostil engendrada por algunos generadores de juicios en las salas de la sala de juicios.
    • Suelta 1-2 varillas de brisa cuando un jugador lo mata
    • El número de varas de brisa que sueltan se ve afectado por los encantamientos de saqueo
  • Se mueve principalmente saltando alrededor de su objetivo
  • Desvía casi todos los proyectiles, lo que lo hace inmune al combate a distancia
    • Con una excepción notable: no puede desviar cargas de viento
  • Un adversario agresivo, dispara energía eólica volátil en forma de proyectiles de carga de viento a su objetivo
    • After colliding with an entity or a block, Wind Charge projectiles produce a Wind Burst, which knocks back entities in the area
    • Wind Charges deal a small amount of damage when colliding directly with an entity
    • Wind Charges break decorated pots and chorus flower blocks upon collision
  • Wind Bursts have the effect of ‘activating’ certain blocks:
    • Non-Iron Doors and Trapdoors are flipped
    • Fence Gates are flipped
    • Buttons are pressed
    • Levers are flipped
    • Bells are rung and swung
    • Lit Candles are extinguished
  • Wind Bursts do not have any effect on Iron Doors, Iron Trapdoors, or any block being held in its position by a Redstone signal
  • Will not retaliate against attacks from the following mobs: Skeletons, Strays, Bogged, Zombies, Husks, Spiders, Cave Spiders and Slimes
    • The same mobs will not retaliate against a Breeze when hurt by its Wind Charge projectile


  • A new variant of Skeletons that shoots poisonous arrows
    • They’re easier to take down with 16 health instead of 20 health
    • They attack at a slower interval of 3.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds
  • Has a chance to drop Arrows of Poison when killed by players
  • These mossy and mushroom covered Skeletons spawn naturally in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps
    • Can also be found spawning from Trial Spawners in some Trial Chambers
  • Drops 2 mushrooms when sheared (either both red, both brown, or one of each)



  • A new heavy weapon to smash your enemies!
    • Has a base damage of 5
    • Can be crafted with a Breeze Rod and a Heavy Core
    • Using it will decrease its durability like any other weapon; can be repaired with Breeze Rods at an Anvil
  • Has a unique attack called the smash attack. When the player falls more than 1.5 blocks before hitting, a smash attack is triggered which has multiple effects:
    • Safe Fall: Resets all vertical momentum and negates any fall-damage accumulated from the fall
    • Extra Damage: Does more damage the further the player fell before hitting the target with it:
      • For the first 3 blocks fallen: Add 4 damage per block
      • For the next 5 blocks fallen: Add 2 damage per block
      • For any blocks fallen after: Add 1 damage per block
    • Great Knockback: Other entities near the struck enemy will be knocked back by the immense force of the Mace
  • Can be used in combination with Wind Charges to launch up and deliver devastating smash attacks to enemies
  • These existing enchantments can be applied to the Mace:
    • Mending
    • Unbreaking
    • Smite
    • Bane of Arthropods
    • Fire Aspect
    • Curse of Vanishing
  • The Mace also has 3 exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach and Wind Burst


Three new enchantments have been added which are exclusive to the Mace:

  • Density
    • Common Enchantment, accessible in the Enchanting Table and on Enchanted Books in random loot chests
    • Has 5 levels
    • Maces enchanted with Density do more damage per fallen block per Density level
      • Damage dealt per fallen block is increased by 0.5 per level of Density
    • Mutually exclusive with Breach, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods
  • Breach
    • Rare Enchantment, accessible in the Enchanting Table and on Enchanted Books in random loot chests
    • Has 4 levels
    • Maces enchanted with Breach reduce the effectiveness of armor on the target
      • The effectiveness of the armor is reduced by 15% per Breach level
    • Mutually exclusive with Density, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods
  • Wind Burst
    • Unique enchantment which can only be found in Ominous Vaults
      • Only Wind Burst I can be found, higher levels must be obtained by combining them in an Anvil
    • Has 3 levels
    • Maces enchanted with Wind Burst will emit a Wind Burst upon hitting an enemy, launching the attacker upward and enabling the linking of smash attacks one after the other
    • Successfully landing a Wind Burst attack causes the player to lose the fall damage protection they would otherwise have from landing a successful smash attack
    • Each level will bounce the attacker an additional 7 blocks into the air



  • A new block that enables the crafting of items and blocks via Redstone
    • Can be crafted with 5 Iron Ingots, 2 Redstone Dust, 1 Crafting Table and 1 Dropper
  • Will eject one crafting result at a time when powered by a Redstone pulse
    • Its current powered state is indicated by Redstone crystals on its back face, which will light up
    • The crafting grid on its top face will light up red when it successfully crafts a recipe
  • Upon receiving a signal, it will eject the recipe result from the front face
    • If the recipe output has any remainder items (such as a Bucket), the result and remainder items will be ejected together
  • When placed, the front face of the Crafter will face towards the player

Crafter User Interface

  • Has a 3×3 interactable crafting grid
  • The crafting grid slots are toggleable, meaning that the player can change the behavior of a slot by interacting with it while not holding an item
  • A slot that is ‘toggled’ cannot hold any items
    • Other blocks such as Hoppers and Droppers also cannot place items into them
  • Unlike the Crafting Table, the Crafter displays a preview of the crafted item which will be crafted and ejected on the next Redstone pulse, but cannot be manually taken out by the player
    • The arrow pointing out from the recipe grid will light up red when the Crafter is currently powered
  • The Crafter User Interface is shared between all players interacting with it, meaning that multiple players can interact with the Crafter at the same time, similar to Chests and Hoppers

Crafter Interaction with Other Blocks

  • The signal strength of a Comparator reading a Crafter is 0-9, where each non-empty or toggled slot adds 1 strength
  • Hoppers and Minecarts with Hoppers can be used to both insert and extract items from the Crafter
  • Droppers can be used to insert items into the Crafter
  • Items inserted from another block (ex: Hopper, Dropper) will fill the Crafter’s slots based on these rules:
    • Prioritize the first empty slot (from left-to-right, top-to-bottom)
    • If there are no empty slots, then prioritize the smallest stack of the same item (pick the first if there are multiple)
    • If there is a toggled slot it will be skipped. The item will then be moved into the container
    • If the item cannot be moved, it will be ejected into the world
  • Items are removed from Crafters by Hoppers and Minecarts with Hoppers in the same order as from other containers like Chests

Trial Spawner

  • A new variant of Monster Spawners that ejects rewards upon defeat
    • Cannot be crafted nor obtained by players in Survival – instead, they can be found naturally throughout Trial Chambers
    • Very slow to mine and resistant to explosions, and will not drop even with Silk Touch
    • Cannot be moved by Pistons
  • The challenge level will increase for each new player a Trial Spawner notices nearby
    • The challenge level will not decrease until it is reset during a Trial Spawner’s cooldown
    • Trial Spawners can only notice players which are in line of sight, and will ignore Creative and Spectator players
  • Unlike normal Spawners, a Trial Spawner will spawn a limited number of mobs proportional to its current challenge level
    • It can only spawn a mob at positions that are within line of sight
    • It can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has
    • Spawned mobs are persistent
  • Once all mobs are defeated, the Trial Spawner will eject a number of rewards which is proportional to the current challenge level
    • After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into cooldown for 30 minutes, during which it will no longer spawn mobs
  • When placed in Creative, Trial Spawners have no mob type set by default
    • The mob type can be set by interacting with it while holding a Spawn Egg
  • Has an Ominous Trial Spawner variant, accessible through an Ominous Trial


  • A block that holds locked treasure and loot – players must find the right key to eject its rewards
    • Can be found throughout Trial Chambers, containing the structures’ most valuable loot
    • Vaults in Trial Chambers require a Trial Key to be unlocked
    • Cannot be crafted nor obtained in Survival, and does not drop anything when mined
    • Explosion resistant and cannot be moved by Pistons
  • Can be unlocked by an unlimited number of players
    • After a player has unlocked a Vault, they cannot personally unlock that Vault again
    • If a player has not unlocked a particular Vault before, this can be seen by an orange stream of particles that flow from the player to that Vault when nearby
  • Has a keyhole that will be open or closed depending on the players nearby
    • If any nearby player has not unlocked that Vault, the keyhole will be open
    • If all nearby players have unlocked that Vault, the keyhole will be closed
  • Within its cage, it will cycle through and display items which are possible to eject from its loot table
    • Players cannot time their unlocks to eject the item that is currently displayed in the cage
  • The loot it ejects is randomized each time it is unlocked
  • Has an Ominous Vault variant, unlockable through an Ominous Trial

Copper Family

  • The Copper family of blocks has been expanded to add:
    • Chiseled Copper
    • Copper Grate
    • Copper Bulb
    • Copper Door
    • Copper Trapdoor
    • Oxidized and waxed variants of all of the above

Chiseled Copper

  • Crafted with 2 Cut Copper Slabs of a shared oxidation level
  • Can be crafted in the Stonecutter

Copper Grate

  • A new type of decorative block unique to the Copper family
  • Crafted with 4 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level
    • Stonecutting a Copper Block into Copper Grates outputs 4 Copper Grates
  • Properties:
    • Transparent and allows light to pass through
    • Mobs cannot suffocate inside them
    • Cannot conduct Redstone
    • Hostile mobs cannot naturally spawn on them
    • Can hold water

Copper Bulb

  • A light-emitting block that can toggle its light emission through Redstone pulses
  • Oxidizes like other Copper blocks, and emits light based on oxidation level
    • Copper Bulb: Light level 15
    • Exposed Copper Bulb: Light level 12
    • Weathered Copper Bulb: Light level 8
    • Oxidized Copper Bulb: Light level 4
  • When placed, its light is off by default
    • While it is unpowered, it will toggle its light on or off when it receives a Redstone pulse
    • Its light will stay on even when the Redstone source is removed, and will only toggle off when it receives another Redstone pulse
  • A Redstone crystal can be seen in its center while it is powered by a Redstone signal
  • Similar to Glass Blocks, it does not conduct Redstone power
  • Comparators reading a Copper Bulb will output a signal strength of 15 if the Copper Bulb’s light is on
  • The crafting recipe for 4 Copper Bulbs is:
    • 3 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level
    • 1 Blaze Rod
    • 1 Redstone Dust

Copper Doors and Trapdoors

  • Copper variants of Doors and Trapdoors that can oxidize over time and be waxed
  • Behaves like wooden doors, meaning they can be opened and closed with interaction as well as Redstone
    • Can be opened by mobs that have the ability to open doors
  • Crafted with Copper Ingots

Tuff Family

  • Tuff has been expanded to have its own family of blocks:
    • Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants
    • Tuff Bricks with Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants
    • Polished Tuff with Stair, Slab, and Wall variants
  • All Tuff variants can be crafted in the Stonecutter

Heavy Core

  • A mysterious, dense block which can be combined with a Breeze Rod to craft the Mace
  • Can only be obtained from Ominous Vaults


Trial Explorer Map

  • Used to locate a nearby Trial Chamber
  • Level up a Cartographer Villager to Journeyman for the opportunity to trade for this map

Ominous Bottle

  • Un objeto que puede ser consumido por los jugadores para recibir el efecto de mal augurio durante 1 hora y 40 minutos.
    • Viene en 5 variaciones, una para cada nivel de Bad Omen
    • La botella se rompe cuando se consume
    • Se puede acumular hasta 64
  • Las botellas ominosas se pueden encontrar de forma poco común en cualquier bóveda, y son soltadas por los capitanes de banda que son derrotados fuera de una incursión

Carga de viento

  • ¡Conviértete en la brisa! Al usar este objeto, se disparará un proyectil de carga de viento similar al de la brisa
    • Se puede usar para lanzar entidades lejos del impacto de la ráfaga de viento.
    • Otorga un 10% más de retroceso que el de una Brisa, pero tiene un área de impacto mucho menor
    • Inflige daño si golpea directamente a una entidad.
    • Tiene un tiempo de reutilización de medio segundo después de cada uso.
    • Se puede disparar desde un dispensador
  • Los jugadores pueden usar cargas de viento para impulsarse en el aire
    • Los jugadores que se lanzan con una carga de viento solo acumulan daño por caída por debajo de la altura donde chocaron con la ráfaga de viento
    • Por ejemplo, si un jugador usa una carga de viento para lanzarse 9 bloques en el aire y no aterriza más bajo de donde lo lanzó inicialmente, recibirá 0 de daño

Clave de prueba

  • Un objeto que solo se puede obtener de los generadores de prueba
  • Se puede usar para desbloquear bóvedas

Caña de brisa

  • Un objeto soltado por una brisa que se puede convertir en 4 cargas de viento o usar con el núcleo pesado para fabricar una maza.

Fragmentos de cerámica

  • Se agregaron fragmentos de cerámica de flujo, guster y raspado.
  • Estos se pueden obtener rompiendo las ollas decoradas que los exhiben en las cámaras de juicio

Patrones de banners

  • Se ha añadido el patrón de estandarte de flujo, que se encuentra en las bóvedas.
  • Se ha añadido el patrón de estandarte de Guster, que se encuentra en las bóvedas ominosas.

Adornos de armadura

  • Added Bolt Armor Trim and Smithing Template, found in Vaults
    • Can be duplicated using a Copper Block or Waxed Copper
  • Added Flow Armor Trim and Smithing Template, found in Ominous Vaults
    • Can be duplicated using a Breeze Rod

Music Discs

Added 3 new music discs:

  • “Precipice” by Aaron Cherof. Can be found rarely in standard Vaults, and has a comparator output of 13 when played in a Jukebox
  • “Creator” by Lena Raine. Can be found rarely in Ominous Vaults, and has a comparator output of 12 when played in a Jukebox
  • “Creator (Music Box)” by Lena Raine. Can be found rarely in Decorated Pots broken in Trial Chambers, and has a comparator output of 11 when played in a Jukebox


Added five new paintings by artist Sarah Boeving:

  • Baroque
  • Humble
  • Meditative
  • Prairie Ride
  • Unpacked

Added fifteen new paintings by artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand:

  • Backyard
  • Bouquet
  • Cavebird
  • Changing
  • Cotan
  • Fern
  • Endboss
  • Finding
  • Lowmist
  • Orb
  • Owlemons
  • Passage
  • Pond
  • Sunflowers
  • Tides

Ominous Events

  • Bad Omen has been expanded to give access to an optional experience in Trial Chambers
  • These optional experiences can be accessed through Bad Omen, and are now known as Ominous Events
    • They are more challenging than usual, and are designed to shake up the experience in unique ways
    • Raids are an example of an existing Ominous Event
  • As a result, Bad Omen has a new, shadowy icon and a sound for being applied to the player
    • It is no longer given to players that defeat a Raid Captain outside a Raid
    • Instead, players can gain access to Bad Omen by consuming the new Ominous Bottle item


  • Bad Omen no longer triggers a Raid directly when entering a Village
    • Instead, it will transform into a Raid Omen variant with a duration of 30 seconds
    • Once the Raid Omen expires, a Raid will start at the location the player gained the Raid Omen
    • Like any other effect, players can drink a Bucket of Milk to clear the Raid Omen, preventing the Raid from starting

Ominous Trials

  • A new Ominous Event that can be accessed by exploring a Trial Chamber while Bad Omen is active
  • This event will have players facing more powerful Ominous Trial Spawners, if they dare

Trial Omen

  • A variant that Bad Omen can transform into
    • This occurs when the player is within detection range of a Trial Spawner that is not Ominous
    • The Trial Omen will have a duration of 15 minutes multiplied by the transformed Bad Omen’s level
  • Players that have Trial Omen are surrounded by ominous particles

Ominous Trial Spawner

  • A more powerful active phase of the Trial Spawner with unique challenges and rewards
    • Provides a more challenging experience that combat-loving players can opt into for better rewards
  • If a Trial Spawner detects a player that has the Trial Omen effect, the spawner will become Ominous if:
    • It is not in cooldown
    • Or, it is in cooldown but was not Ominous during its last activation
      • Making it Ominous this way will bypass the cooldown
  • While active, it will:
    • Glow blue instead of orange
    • Emit soul flames instead of normal flames
    • Periodically spawn potions and projectiles on top of unsuspecting players and mobs
      • Based on their location, spawners in an area will select a random set of projectiles to spawn
      • These projectiles will always include a single type of Lingering Potion from a set of possible effects
  • The mobs it spawns are more powerful than usual:
    • Mobs that can wear equipment will often spawn with enchanted weapons and armor
      • The armor these mobs wear have Armor Trims applied from the Trial Chambers
      • All 3 of the following armor enchantments are applied to each piece:
        • Protection IV
        • Projectile Protection IV
        • Fire Protection IV
      • Sword enchantments can be either of the two:
        • Sharpness I
        • Knockback I
      • Bow enchantments can be either of the two:
        • Power I
        • Punch I
    • Mobs that cannot wear equipment will instead be spawned at double the total mob count over the course of the challenge
      • The spawners for these mobs will also have an additional mob out at once during its challenge
  • Convertirse en siniestro hará desaparecer a los mobs existentes que generó y reiniciará su desafío
    • Si esas turbas recogieron o equiparon algún objeto en el suelo, esos objetos se soltarán cuando desaparezcan
    • Seguirá siendo ominoso hasta que haya sido derrotado y su tiempo de reutilización haya terminado
  • Cuando sea derrotado, expulsará un conjunto de botín diferente al de los generadores de prueba normales

Bóveda siniestra

  • Una variante de las bóvedas que tienen un aspecto más amenazante y emiten llamas de alma en lugar de llamas normales.
  • Estos contienen un conjunto de recompensas más valioso que las bóvedas estándar que se desbloquean con llaves de prueba
  • Se puede encontrar en todas las Salas de Primera Instancia en lugares de difícil acceso y requiere una llave de juicio siniestra para desbloquearla.

Clave de juicio ominosa

  • Una variante de la llave de prueba que tiene un 30% de probabilidad de expulsarse al derrotar a un generador de prueba siniestro
  • Se puede usar para desbloquear bóvedas siniestras

Efectos de estado

  • Se han añadido los siguientes efectos de estado:
    • Cargado de viento
      • Las entidades afectadas emitirán una ráfaga de viento al morir
      • Se puede preparar como una poción con una poción incómoda y una vara de brisa
    • Tejeduría
      • Las entidades afectadas esparcirán bloques de telaraña al morir
      • Las entidades afectadas pueden moverse a través de Telaraña con el 50% de su velocidad normal en lugar del 25%
      • Se puede preparar como una poción con una poción incómoda y un bloque de telaraña
    • Rezuma
      • Las entidades afectadas engendrarán dos limos al morir
      • Se puede preparar como una poción con una poción incómoda y un bloque de limo
    • Infestado
      • Las entidades afectadas tienen un 10% de probabilidad de engendrar 1-2 pececillos de plata cuando están heridas
      • Se puede preparar como una poción con una poción incómoda y un bloque de piedra
    • Splash Potions, Lingering Potions and Tipped Arrows can be made with these effects
  • These effects can be encountered while taking on an Ominous Trial Spawner
  • Some mobs are immune to these effects
    • Slimes are immune to Oozing
    • Silverfish are immune to Infested
  • Whenever a mob with Oozing dies, it will check within a 5x5x5 area how many Slimes there are
    • If the amount exceeds the max entity cramming cap (24 by default), it will not spawn any Slimes
    • If it does not exceed it, it will attempt to spawn 2 Slimes up until the max entity cramming cap


Se agregaron 9 nuevas pistas de música de fondo que se reproducirán en el menú principal:

  • “Featherfall” de Aaron Cherof
    • Juega en los biomas Badlands, Cherry Grove, Flower Forest y Lush Caves
  • “Deeper” de Lena Raine
    • Juega en los biomas Deep Dark y Dlactstone Caves
  • “Eld Unknown” de Lena Raine
    • Juega en los biomas de Dripstone Caves, Grove, Jagged Peaks y Stony Peaks
  • “Sin fin” de Lena Raine
    • Juega en los biomas de Dripstone Caves, Grove, Jagged Peaks y Stony Peaks
  • “pokopoko” de Kumi Tanioka
    • Juega en biomas de cuevas de estalactitas, arboledas, picos dentados y laderas nevadas

Se han añadido las siguientes canciones al conjunto de canciones que suenan en los biomas del mundo que no tienen música específica del bioma:

  • “Featherfall” de Aaron Cherof
  • “komorebi” de Kumi Tanioka
  • “Puzzlebox” de Aaron Cherof
  • “Vigilante” de Aaron Cherof
  • “yakusoku” de Kumi Tanioka


Se han añadido 4 nuevos logros:

  • ReVaulting: desbloquea una bóveda con una clave de prueba ominosa
  • ¿Quién necesita cohetes? – Usa una carga de viento para lanzarte hacia arriba al menos 8 cuadras
  • Artesanos Artesanos Artesanos – Mantente cerca de un artesano cuando lo haga
  • Exceso de exceso: inflige 50 corazones de daño de un solo golpe con la maza.

Perfil de jugador actualizado

¡Presentamos la página de perfil de jugador mejorada, donde puedes ver tu propio perfil o los perfiles de otros jugadores! En la nueva pantalla de perfil, puedes ver el progreso de los logros, comparar estadísticas y acceder al vestuario, con más funciones que llegarán más adelante este año. Esta nueva pantalla se implementará lentamente y estará disponible en las próximas semanas. ¡Pruébalo y cuéntanos lo que piensas en aka.ms/MCPreviewProfileFeedback!


  • Achievements View:
    • See your friend’s achievement progress and some suggested next achievements you can work on together!
    • Wondering what to do next? Check out your own suggested achievements.


  • Stats View:
    • Check out your Minecraft stats, including blocks broken, distance travelled, time played, and mobs defeated. The stats view combines play across all platforms.
    • Press the “Compare stats” button and select a friend to engage in a little friendly competition.


  • Compare Stats View:
    • Compare stats with others to see who’s broken more blocks, travelled more distance, defeated more mobs, and played longer.
  • Getting to the new Profile Screen:
    • In the new Play Screen UI, you can access Profile from the Play menu.
      • Open the Friends Drawer and click on your friends to see their profiles, or click “Search for Players” from the Friends Drawer to find new profiles.
    • In the old UI, click “Add Friends” from the Friends tab and search for friends. Click on them to view their profiles.

Known Issues:

  • Using Trident with Riptide Enchantment during Wind Charge jump does not negate Wind Charge fall damage protection

Fixes and Changes:

Performance / Stability:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when teleporting to a region where a Piston was pushing a Chest (MCPE-179440)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the player began losing air
  • Containers being cloned over no longer keep their container screens open and cause crashes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the loading screen to get stuck for some time around 41% (MCPE-175550)
  • Fixed not being able to load into worlds with some texture packs (MCPE-180918)
  • Fixed crashes that could occur when creating worlds on new Realms and backing out at the Online Safety dialog box
  • Support prevention of app/flow restart when dark mode toggled on or off on across Android devices


  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Let It Go’ trophy did not unlock on PlayStation®4
  • The ‘Castaway’ achievement can now be reliably unlocked (MCPE-118433)
  • The game no ensures the proper controller gets assigned to player 1 when playing on Xbox (MCPE-163023)
  • Fixed a bug causing Character Creator skins with removed eyes to break skin texture loading (MCPE-181228)


  • Added 4 new ambient cave sounds
  • Players can now stand on Boats that float on water (MCPE-105535, MCPE-120687)
  • Sprinting speed is no longer activated with a delay (MCPE-178858)
  • Flower forests now generate all expected flower types (MCPE-180417)


  • Armadillos no longer repeatedly roll and unroll when receiving damage from blocks (MCPE-180142)
  • Naturally spawning mobs now spawn at the center of a block (MCPE-99315)
    • This fixes many issues where mobs could not spawn on slopes, in narrow passageways, and in other situations where they were expected to
    • Para los jugadores técnicos, esta corrección de errores significará que algunas granjas de mafias creadas por jugadores ya no funcionan por completo. Apreciamos el tiempo que la comunidad dedica a la construcción de granjas inteligentes y tratamos de evitar romper granjas cuando podemos. En este caso, sentimos que este cambio era necesario porque mejora la forma en que funciona el desove en muchos biomas
  • Se han restringido los tipos de daño que pueden causar pánico en una turba (MCPE-167513)
    • Ahora solo las siguientes causas de daño inducen pánico:
      • “Fogata”
      • “entity_attack”
      • “entity_explosion”
      • “Fuego”
      • “fire_tick”
      • “fuegos artificiales”
      • “congelación”
      • “lava”
      • “Relámpago”
      • “Magia”
      • “Magma”
      • “proyectil”
      • “ram_attack”
      • “sonic_boom”
      • “soul_campfire”
      • “Temperatura”
      • “marchitarse”


  • Se ha corregido un error de receta que provocaba que se pudiera usar cualquier tipo de losa de piedra para fabricar una piedra de afilar con tablones carmesí, de mangle o deformados. Ahora solo puede aceptar la losa de piedra normal real, ningún otro tipo de piedras
  • Los calderos llenos de pociones ahora mantienen el color de la poción cuando son empujados por un pistón.
  • Se agregaron sonidos únicos para romper y colocar telarañas (MCPE-180109)
  • Los objetos que caen de los bloques destruidos en una explosión ahora se fusionan en pilas de objetos más grandes antes de aparecer en el mundo.
  • Todos los bloques ahora sueltan objetos de forma predeterminada cuando se explotan con TNT (MCPE-56036)
  • Se ha añadido una nueva regla de juego para controlar el decaimiento de las gotas de las explosiones de TNT, llamada “tntExplosionDropDecay”.
    • La regla se puede establecer en “true” para volver a habilitar el comportamiento anterior en el que no todos los bloques caían cuando TNT los explotaba


  • When using an item on an entity, it is now necessary to release the use button before being able to use it again, which prevents players from inadvertently consuming items themselves when interacting with entities
  • Chemistry items now appear in the Creative mode inventory when the Education Edition toggle is enabled
  • Tridents no longer damage the Ender Dragon when it is perching (MCPE-37112)
  • Fixed a bug that loaded held player item incorrectly, causing possible item duplication
  • Banners are once again obtainable via the recipe book (MCPE-179650)

Air Bubbles

  • The oxygen bar now disappears immediately when switching to Creative mode underwater (MCPE-139168)
  • Added an empty state for air bubbles on the oxygen bar, along with a wobble when the player is drowning
  • Added a popping sound when bubbles pop on the oxygen bar


  • Changed the default Anti-Aliasing setting from 4 to 2 for better performance with minimal visual degradation
  • Fixed Character Creator hair and headwear clipping through worn Pumpkins and Mob Heads (MCPE-128908)
  • Status effect particle colors are no longer blended into one particle color
    • Up to 8 active visible status effect particles are now rendered separately


  • In Realms, blocks no longer reappear after breaking them in Creative Mode with Delayed Block Breaking toggle turned off (REALMS-11707)
  • Fixed a crash when opening Realms Stories (MCPE-178759)
  • Fixed Realms Stories availability for Xbox players
  • Combined Realm Events of the same type that happen on the same day
  • Fixed Realms Stories posts on Xbox devices with more than one user signed in
  • Fixed Realm Events on Xbox devices with more than one user signed in


  • Fixed an issue where pressing Enter on a keyboard, keypad, or controller (menu button) did not send messages on the Chat screen (MCPE-170890)
  • Fixed various keys not being bindable when using external keyboards on mobile devices (MCPE-176505MCPE-176878)

Touch Controls

  • Fixed a bug where players could not navigate through the inventory using keyboard on touch devices
  • On touch devices, when moving items between different slots, the icon no longer appears as duplicated between the moving item and the destination slot
  • On touch devices, when moving enchanted items between different slots, the moving icon is now rendered correctly
  • On touch devices, stack-splitting UI no longer appears for unstackable items
  • On touch devices, items from Creative Inventory are now unselectable
  • On touch devices, it is now possible to swap two identical items
  • Added slide-off persistence to new d-pad touch control scheme
  • Changed positioning and scale of default new touch d-pad control scheme. Also allows for moving the d-pad closer to the hotbar when customizing touch controls
  • Made the jump and ascend in water button overlap so now the player can stay above water more easily (MCPE-179689)

User Interface

  • Added a new HUD overlay that displays the number of days played in a world. The overlay is enabled with the “Show days played” world setting
  • Fixed a bug where GUI scale was not modifiable after changing between handheld and docked mode on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-159959)
  • Added missing indentation to list items in some modals, which should make those lists easier to read
  • Removed faulty hotbar scale setting for Pocket UI
  • “Draw” and “Release” tooltips now appear for Crossbows (MCPE-44845)
  • “Read Book” tooltip now appears when it’s possible to read a Book from a Lectern even when you are not holding an item (MCPE-44848)
  • “Place” tooltip now appears for doors (MCPE-157688)
  • Se ha corregido un error que impedía navegar a mensajes enviados anteriormente con un teclado en Xbox (MCPE-174648)
  • Las recetas que siempre están desbloqueadas estarán disponibles cuando la regla del juego “dolimitedcrafting” esté habilitada (MCPE-175449)
  • La ventana de división de pilas ahora está alineada con las ranuras de inventario (MCPE-173632)
  • El texto de los botones de Reinos en Crear Nuevo Mundo y Editar Mundo se ha hecho coherente entre sí (MCPE-179777)
  • El campo de radio de reaparición ahora se restablece al valor predeterminado correcto si se le da una entrada no válida (MCPE-179686)
  • El símbolo de intercalación del chat ahora se coloca al final del texto cuando se navega a mensajes/comandos enviados previamente con un teclado externo en dispositivos móviles (MCPE-178574)

Descarga gratis la actualización 1.21.00 de Minecraft en PlayStation 4, PC y Xbox One.

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