Nuclear Option Playtest update 0.22.8 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Nuclear Option Playtest patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 0.22.8 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Nuclear Option Playtest version 0.22.8 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Nuclear Option Playtest Patch 0.22.8 Notes – July 23, 2023
- Cruise missiles no longer crash into city buildings
- Improved particle effects for fuel leaks
- Fixed inverted shading on overcast cloud layer
- Fixed incorrect objective location when objective has more than 1 target unit
- Reduced aim accuracy of ground vehicle machine guns against moving air targets
- Fixed client aircraft in Multiplayer not triggering position objectives
- Reduced multplayer bandwith used by missiles
- Fixed IRM-S1 being unable to be fired multiple times in quick succession
- Fixed CI-22 internal guns not visible
- Parts which fall off aircraft no longer despawn immediately
- Added airbrake indicator on HUD
- Fixed factories rapidly producing units by default
- AI aircraft react to missiles threats while returning to base
- AI aircraft now attempt to outmaneuver incoming missiles instead of flying directly away from them
- Fixed occasional bad pathfinding by AI aircraft on taxiways causing traffic jams
- Taxiing aircraft now eject if they’re stuck in a traffic jam for too long
- Airbases can now be captured by landing aircraft at them
- “Game Ended” lobbies no longer appear in Multiplayer game list
- Fixed aircraft landing gear stuck extended when joining a Multiplayer game in progress
- Ground vehicles will now be automatically rearmed by nearby munitions trucks
- Added 3 modular platforms that can be placed from the buildings tab of the mission editor
- Reduced rebound damping for landing gear struts
- Revoker relaxed stability controller now stops working when engine is disabled
- Fixed HUD G meter to measure applied Gs in the downward direction, not just acceleration