Oblivity update 1.32 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Oblivity patch notes, the latest update 1.32 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 1.32 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Oblivity version 1.32 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Oblivity Patch Notes – April 22, 2022
New Features
Cleaning up the Trainer User Interface (UI):
- the Filter System can now be toggled on and off (allows for better visibility and bigger text)
- reworked the Trainer Widget
- added the Spotlight Widget
Improving the Trainer Workflow
- you can now select your game sensitivity scale and input your sens from different games without converting
- change the trainer game on the new Trainer Widget or in the settings
- searching for sensitivity is now possible
- added new options to change which sensitivity get displayed ingame
Spotlight Widget
- now added to the Overview and the Trainer
- thumbnails for scenarios get generated on your device
- it displays scenarios from different categories and makes it easier to find good scenarios
(e.g. Top rating, Trending, Scenarios of the Month, New, Recently played, favorites …)
Map Editor
Workflow Improvements for the model editor
- UNDO (ctrl + Z)
- REDO (ctrl + Y)
- REMOVE (ctrl + X or Delete)
- DUPLICATE (ctrl + D)
- SAVE (ctrl +S)
- added UI Overlay for UNDO, REDO, SAVE
- added auto save to modeleditor
Map Editor Features
- added cylinder 3dobject
- added map scale multiplier setting to scenario editor
- adjusted the player movement controller for smoother gameplay
- added wall propertie: kill targets on collision
- Force area: added new dropdown
- add force: adds another force affecting the target velocity
- override velocity: removes all other forces accelerating the target
Small changes and Features
- you can now select games as fov type to get the correct field view
- you can now see the name of the author under the scenario title (in extended scenario screen)
- you can also search for authors to find playlists and scenarios created by the person
- added patch notes widget
- small UI changes to the navbar
- the performance over sensitivity chart now displays the game sensitivity
Bug fixes
- fixed savedata.txt broken bug leading to a ton of problems
- fixed issue with sensitivity progress not displaying correctly
- 1px crosshair fix
- fixed a target startdirection bug (z axis wasn’t working correctly)
- fixed a bug crashing the game after creating a new profile
- fixed optimal path overlay not rendering over 3d Objects
- fixed random targets spawning in preview
- fixed bug preventing you favoriting scenarios from the searchbar
- fixed undo and redo problems
- fixed replay start position