Planet Coaster 2 update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Planet Coaster 2 patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Planet Coaster 2 version will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Planet Coaster 2 Patch Notes – March 20, 2025
Enhanced flume behaviours
- As part of Update 3, all flumes bottoms are now rounded, and inflatables will deform to match this shape as they slide down!
- Your guests will also enjoy a number of new ways to travel down the flume special pieces. Depending on their entry speed onto the piece, there will be different directions their raft could take! You will need to toggle ‘Enhanced Guest Flume Behaviours’ on to see this.
- Flume jettisoning will also be making its way to the game, with guests reacting to it. Although Jettison looks fun, guests might have a different opinion as they go through the experience and there will be negative reactions from it if they don’t land in water. Panic will overwhelm your guest, and they will leave the park.
- On top of the above, we will be making further enhancements to physics and guests behaviours.
Career Mode Sandbox maps
- Pre-made maps from the Career Tutorial and Act 1 will be added to Sandbox Mode to give you a starting point and get your creative juices flowing!
Standard ‘de-themed’ coasters
- We are adding standard versions of the Outamax – Launched Hydraulic and Vector – Sit Down Launched New Gen, so you can express more of your creativity and make these coasters your own! The Airplane and Racing Car pieces from these coasters will also be available to use as scenery items for your park and rides.
Returning coaster
- The Vector – Inverted Suspended is making a comeback from the original Planet Coaster. This thrilling ride has been fully rebuilt for Planet Coaster 2 for you to customise and for your guests to enjoy!
Returning theme
- Yee-haw! Customise your park with the returning Western theme, counting more than 350 scenery pieces. These include building props, animatronics and wall sets inspired by the untamed Wild West.
[PC ONLY] Custom audio for rides
- [PC ONLY] Make your attractions feel even more unique by importing your own .ogg, .mp3, .wav, .wma, .aac, .m4a and .flac audio files to existing rides.
- Added toggles for all non-animated scenery items
- Added transparent start pieces and end pieces
- Unscheduled, roaming Ride Attendants will now proactively perform handovers
- Unscheduled, roaming Vendors now proactively perform handovers
- Added a new Staff status to communicate that a Staff Member is waiting for an assignment to be available
- More responsive pricing for Priority Passes
- Guest population is now more consistent and is more responsive to Park Rating
- Pool and Priority Passes can now be refunded to unhappy guests
- Pools now only affect Park Rating once they hit a certain minimum size
- Park Scenery Rating is directly linked to the guest’s visual experience – more Scenery pieces in their line of sight means a better Scenery Rating for your Park
- The item selected when entering Multi-Select is now retained as part of the selection
- New filters added for finer tuning (also applies to the Demolish Tool)
- After making a selection with the Multi-Select Tool, Filters can be activated to deselect items from the active selection
- Added new prompt to guide the player to the next scenario
- Enhanced communication upon scenario completion
- Added navigation to the Chapter Select screen when the final scenario in a chapter is complete
We are continuing to review all your feedback and reports and will announce new updates and fixes when they are ready. In the meantime, do please continue to report any bugs on our Issue Tracker here.
- Notification audio no longer plays when UI is hidden
- The Box Hedge – Queen Splash Scenery piece now has the correct placement audio
- The Log 1m Scenery piece now has the correct placement audio
- Resolved an issue where Credits audio would not stop after exiting the Credits screen
- Different file types and sample rates no longer affect playback pitch of custom audio tracks
Career mode
- [NEW SAVES ONLY] Resolved an issue where purchasing all the available land early in ‘Just the Thicket’ would block progress past the Gold medal
- Notifications no longer overlap the Career Objectives panel
- Pre-placed scenery water in land players own on ‘A Shore Thing’ and ‘Summit Awesome’ can now be deleted
- Terrain has been reassessed on ‘Labyrinth Secrets’ to stop frequent “Intersecting Terrain” warning
- ‘Parks and Restoration’ Entrance path can no longer be moved
- Reworded requirements for ‘Retail Ravers’ advertisement campaign for clarity
- Altered default Lifeguard positions on ‘Lazy River Styx’ to avoid them getting stuck in the “Saving Drowning Guest” state
- Removed the broken/disconnected Power Cables from ‘Keys to the Coaster’, ‘Just the Thicket’, ‘The Brothers Swimm’, and ‘Summit Awesome’ Career scenarios
- Players no longer lose money from guest refunds in the ‘Garden of Edith’ Career scenario
- After completing a Career scenario, selecting the “Go to Scenario Select” button in Objectives will now return the player to the Chapter Select screen
Coasters and Rides
- Corrected texture on the scaffolding scene of some sections of custom Valais & Nidwalden – Inverted – Flying coasters
- Resolved clipping issues between the track and support beams of Outamax – Wing coasters
- Restored Catwalk barriers on F&F International – Launched – Pneumatic coasters
- Corrected the misaligned track runners on the Chainlift track piece of the Valais & Nidwalden – Inverted – Flying coaster
- Resolved some animations not playing as intended on the Cargo Lift track piece
- Windows on the Buoyancy Flat Ride will all appear opaque when viewed from both the outside and inside
- Restored brake and drive wheels to appropriate Special Track Pieces of the Outamax – Multiverse – Friction Wheel and Outamax – Multiverse – LSM coasters
- Combined Drop and Lift track piece now has smoother animations
- [url]]The holding hook on the Vertical Drop Tilt track piece no longer clips through the Coaster train when getting into position[/url]
- Adjusted cabling on the Double-Sided Coaster Lift track piece to no longer clip through Coaster platform
- Resolved multiple graphical elements not displaying as intended on the Outamax – Wing Coaster’s Cable Lift Mid-Section track piece
- The wheels of the Steam Train Railroad Tracked Ride now rotate at the correct speed when in motion
- The drive tires on the Big Wheel Flat Ride now spin in the correct direction
- The drive tires on the Cable Car Tracked Ride now spin in the correct direction
- The EFN ratings for the Conlan blueprint are now consistent between its Browser preview and its InfoPanel after placement
- Resolved graphical issue on the American Arrow blueprint platform in the ‘A Shore Thing’ Career scenario
- Tracked Rides can no longer exceed the Prestige cap on 1000
- Sun Flare Flat Ride animations no longer clip
- Coaster blueprints parts and pieces are now better aligned
- Placing a Vertical Lift piece after a straight track piece on a FD Vision – Wide Log Flume no longer causes the associated support piece to float
- Removed unnecessary wire texture from Valais & Nidwalden – Splashdown coaster
- Updated support hinges for F&F International – Launched Pneumatic coasters
- Updated Station and Block Section track pieces for the Dark Kinetics – X-Dimension coaster to be more uniform with the rest of the coaster’s track pieces
- Restored functionality to 270-degree Turntable Motion option for Narrow and Wide Log Flume Tracked Rides
- Trains made up of six cars can now appropriately use the Tilt Track piece on Tipper coasters
- A coaster’s Minimum Interval setting is no longer reset if the coaster experiences an unexpected closure (e.g. from a derailment)
- Guest camera view now remains attached to appropriate POVs on the Vector – Swaying Mine Train Coaster
- Narrow and Wide Log Flumes will revert back to their default orientation when returning to their station
- Scenery attached to Cable Car Gondolas now swings appropriately in response to changes in speed
- Coupling links on the Kingdom Isle – Wooden Coaster are now correctly aligned and no longer disconnect
- Cars on the Spinster coaster blueprint no longer clip with the coaster station
- Restored functionality to allow Pathos III, Helter Skelter and Sky Beam Flat Rides to snap to paths
- Resolved floating supports issue seen on custom Dark Kinetics – X-Dimension coasters
- Restored missing lights to outer rings of The Cube Flat Ride
- Resolved graphical issues that would occur on custom Anton – Looping Sun coasters
- Resolved minor alignment issues on Switch Track pieces found on the Multiverse Coaster – Friction Wheel coaster
- Resolved white texture issue appearing on track pieces of Big M’s Rides – Launched – LSM coasters
- Edit Track InfoPanel no longer underlaps the Browser banner
- Searching for “Ultra-Spin” in the Coaster Browser UI will now display the Rampant blueprint
- Reordered the Categories for Custom Coasters in the Browser UI to be consistent with its Coaster Blueprints counterpart
- Coaster Friction has been moved from Loading Rules to Coaster Specifics in the coaster InfoPanel
- Long ride names are now split across multiple lines to stop overlapping text when appearing in notifications
- Resolved audio error in Mecha Roller Flat Ride by reoptimising Forward Dive Loop animation
- Resolved small audio squeak that would play when guests went down a Flume end piece
- Restored the central support beam to the Fly Trap (left) Flume piece
- Scenery attached to Big M’s Rides – Water Coaster, Big M’s Rides – Splash Coaster, or the F&N Thriller Industries – Antique Water Coaster cars, now moves appropriately when travelling around the track
- The number of coaster Trains, Cars, Laps or Operation Mode can no longer be altered if the coaster is Open
- The default car type for Ultra-Spin coasters is now labelled as “Ultra-Spin Coaster” and not “Tipper Coaster”
- “Chase” and “Guest Facing” camera angles are now consistent between Coasters and Flumes
- Guests no longer clip through the restraints of the Outamax Launched – Hydraulic coaster
- Flumes with a set Minimum Interval value will retain this value after saving/reloading the park
- Flume stair entrances no longer get stuck at their previous height when being moved
- Resolved clipping issues between Chain Lift track and the track of Vector – Inverted Suspended coasters
- Resolved animations for Runout Lanes when the “Enhanced Guest Flume Behaviours” toggle is off that caused guests/rafts to oscillate as if they were on round-bottom Flumes
- Resolved invisible collision issue occurring on Outamax – Multiverse Coaster – Friction Wheel coasters
- Flume EFN Ratings no longer plummet after the Flume is opened
- Added extra VFX to Runout lanes for Flumes that are reactive to mats/inflatables
- Guests no longer clip through the restraints of the Outamax – Launched – Hydraulic coaster
- Resolved issue where Rafts travelling off of an Ultra Wide Pipe exit Flume piece appeared to hit an invisible wall
Franchise mode
- Restored controller input functionality when attempting to view Challenges in Franchise
- Resolved an issue that was causing Franchise parks with no tags to not appear in searches made with text
- Players are unable to upload parks to Franchise that exceed 100% Complexity
- Guests are no longer refunded if they paid $0.00 for Park Entry
- Guests disembarking from some rides no longer clip through the Station floor
- Resolved clipping issue in Male Teen guests when queuing for Raft Flumes
- Resolved issue where guests would sometimes retain their single-use Priority Pass after entering a ride via the Priority Queue
- Guests without Priority Passes no longer use Priority Queues
- Players no longer need to reload their save for guests in busy parks to react to fireworks
- Corrected stretching blink animations for teen female guests when treading water animations
- Guests now have additional animations when wading through Lazy Rivers
- Guests no longer leave busy parks en masse during long play sessions
- Guests now treat any Shops with no available items as closed
- Guests will now use Transport Rides to get to otherwise inaccessible Pools and Flumes
- Improved guest desire to use Priority Queues when they have a Priority Pass
- Removed Time in Park counter from Guest InfoPanel
- Rebranded “Luxury” to “Souvenir” and redesigned guests’ wants for Souvenirs to be more in keeping with how other Guest Needs are displayed
- Guests will no longer go down an unsafe/overly-expensive Flume if it shares a platform with a safe/cheaper Flume
- Guests will no longer ride Flumes if they are too dirty
- Resolved rare occurrence of guests teleporting after using Runout Lanes
- Guests no longer fall through the earth when completing a Flume ride straight onto non-accessible terrain
- Updated wording to the Classic Paths Help screen to be more informative and beginner-friendly
- Corrected truncation error for “Ride Sync Group” in Portuguese (Brazilian) and German when attempting to sync two coasters
- Corrected truncation error for “Off” in Czech across multiple InfoPanel settings
- Resolved paragraphs of text repeating in the Help screens of Conveyor Belts and Water Jets for every language
- The drop-down menu for Right Mouse Drag no longer cuts off-screen when viewed in French, German, Japanese, Italian, Polish or Czech
- The Simplified Chinese translation for the 540 Flat Ride now reads as “540” and not “540 Degrees”
- Removed unnecessary translation for the Teacups Flat Ride in Dutch, Polish and Czech
- Resolved translation errors for some Top Guests Thoughts entries in German
- Removed unnecessary translation for the Broadslide and Polarity Flat Rides in Czech
- Corrected uniform terminology in all languages to consistently use the term “Staff Room” and its translated equivalent
- Added translations for the Frontier Workshop button located in the Browser menu for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
- Restored localised text for the description text of “Temperature Unit” in the Settings menu for French, Spanish, Japanese, Portugues (Brazilian), Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Italian
- Corrected line break error when viewing the Help screen to Special Flume Pieces in English and German
- Corrected the reference to “Special Track Piece” in the Help screen of Special Flume Pieces to the more topical “Special Flume Piece”
- Corrected line break error when viewing the Help screen to Flume Testing in Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Corrected line break error when viewing the Help screen to Special Track Pieces in German, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Polish
- Resolved overlapping text issue for translation of “Angle Snap” in the Edit Track menu in German
- Resolved spelling error in Haya Sushi shop blueprint
- Resolved overflow issue for multiple Settings tabs when viewed in German or Dutch
- Resolved an issue with notifications incorrectly claiming that certain areas of the park were inaccessible to guests
- Resolved an issue that was stopping some notifications from being dismissed
- Player Profile can now be accessed after restoring network connection with the game open
Park Construction
- Resolved issue that was blocking water touching the boundary of a park from being deleted
- Colour picker selections are now retained when building Viking Scenery pieces
- Resolved an issue where changing the size of the Stamp Delete Tool would add new paths instead of deleting them
- Warning messages when building Flumes or changing Coaster Station types no longer appear truncated or misaligned
- Snap Distance is retained when placing multiple instances of Advanced Move & Duplicate for multiple assets
- Daylight and flashing shadows can no longer be seen when tunnelling underground with no obvious source of daylight
- Removing a video from the UserMedia folder that has been attached to a Billboard will now display a blank screen on said Billboard
- Keyboard shortcuts for “Advance Move” and “Advance Move and Duplicate” are disabled when in Edit Building mode
- The 2m Video Panel – Lit Scenery piece will remain in the park when saving and loading back in
- When using the Draw Tool for Paths, switching between straight and curved lines no longer resets the current selection
- Facilities added to paths on a slight incline no longer split the surrounding paths or ignore railings
- Path Supports can now be “painted” onto previously-place paths using the Edit Paths Brush Tool
- When undoing two path placements using a controller, the new path outline will no longer begin higher than the previous selection
- Attempting to place a Facility blueprint near a path corner will no longer cause the blueprint to flicker between the two sections of path
- Resolved LOD issues with the Video Wall Panel (Round) Scenery piece
- It is no longer possible to play two audio tracks at once from the same Speaker by assigning one track and previewing another
- Pools drawn with the Draw Pool tool no longer create tears in the terrain
- Changing Rooms and Toilet Cubicles can now have their colours changed after their placement
- Removed delay in UI input when loading into Sandbox games
- [PC ONLY] Resolved texture split seen on the ground of empty Sandbox maps during early morning hours with Global Illumination and Anti-Aliasing both turned off
- Sandbox Settings can now be changed after setting a playthrough to a Challenge difficulty
- Removed impossible to demolish trees from active player area on the default Temperature Sandbox map
- Restored an area of the Mediterranean Sandbox park that caused the player camera to bounce to different areas of the map
- The name fields of Sandbox parks made after selecting a Collaborative Sandbox park are no longer pre-populated with the name of the Collaborative Sandbox park
- The Sandbox Settings window no longer appears at a smaller size than the Help and Settings windows
- Sandbox parks with no expansion opportunities will no longer display the Park Expansion button
- Resolved an animation issue where Vendors would hop into a Counter and be misaligned
- Staff Members walking around parks no longer freeze when a Staff Building is placed down
- Vendors no longer switch between “Looking for Work” and “Heading to X” when their work target is unavailable
- Added a label of “No Recent Thoughts” to empty Thoughts tabs for Staff Members
- Added a notification to alert players when a Staff Member has low morale
- Removed pop in Ride Attendant’s “Miserable” mood animation
- Resolved uncommon animation issue that saw Lifeguards run on the spot before jumping in the pool to help a guest
- Adjusted voiceover volume when picking up King Coaster
- Ride Attendants no longer walk on the spot when waiting for handover on a Ride
- Corrected a Vendor Lifetime Stats error that showed the number for Guests Served next to Food Shops Attended
- Staff Members with short shifts (4 hours) no longer complain about not having a break
- Staff Notifications no longer fire if all Staff Needs settings are set to off in Sandbox Settings
- Added a border to Staff Zone name labels to clip long Zone names and stop them overflowing
- Vendors no longer pop out of position when entering/exiting a Shop
- Staff assigned to cover a break will still have that job/location saved after saving/reloading the Park
- Ride Attendants that quit due to low morale no longer remain at their job post
- A new Ride Attendant is no longer auto-hired after reopening a coaster, following changing the coaster Car Type
- Restored missing Lakes icon from Demolish Tool UI
- Resolved notifications in ‘Summit Awesome’ that were displaying the wrong information
- Renamed the Scenery piece “Submarine – Rail” to “Submarine – Rail 3”
- Restored label to Ride Info Panels that would appear if the player hovers over the Refurbish button on a ride that is yet to be tested
- Resolved an issue that was stopping Flumes from being highlighted when selected via Special Pieces
- Using the Multi-Select Tool to change the colour of multiple Scenery pieces no longer locks controller input
- The Multi-Select Tool can no longer force-open Facilities and Rides that are not yet ready to be opened
- Removing all the characters from a Settings slider no longer produces an out-of-range value
- Setting sliders set to 100% no longer truncate
- The percentage symbol (%) remains when Guest Needs are reduced to 0
- Added a column in the Pay Off Loan graph to show how Park Cash compares to Repayment Left on loans
- Corrected the Running Costs icon in the Finances tab of Drinks, Services, and Souvenir Shops which was previously showing a burger icon
- Added additional tooltips to the Settings Menu, Sandbox Settings Menu and the Edit Avatar screen
- Restored the missing Connected Filters icon from the Park Entrance Water tab
- Restored the correct icon for Park Rating in the End of Day Report
- Renamed the Browser menu for Facility and Scenery blueprints to be consistent with the blueprint menus for Coasters, Tracked Rides, Flumes and Pools
- Restored navigation between Scenery blueprints, custom Scenery and player-created Scenery objects while in ‘Attach Scenery’ mode
- Rebinding a command that requires four or more keyboard keys + additional movement will no longer underlap the nearby Rebinding buttons
- Made the Energy icon consistent across Guest Thoughts and Guest Needs
- Players can no longer attempt to pay off their park debts while their finances are in the negative
- Restored missing pop-up when selecting “Change Music” in the Event Sequencer
- Resolved an issue that was stopping the player from scrolling across the Event Sequencer timeline after adding Scenery items
- Controller button prompts no longer shift Icons out of their spaces
- The Maintenance tab of a Coaster’s InfoPanel no longer underlaps the Browser UI
- Building Material filter now shows relevant Scenery items
- Restored missing functionality to some keyboard shortcuts when in the Attach Scenery view.
- Custom Scenery Brush names can now be saved without having to change Brush Object options
- Resolved an issue that would show a previously hidden Objectives tooltip when using a controller to navigate the PC version of the game
- Modern Spot Light Scenery items now appear under the “Triggerable” filter in the Browser UI
- Corrected the “Locate in Browser” icon for Facilities and Flumes that was previously showing the “Align Scenery with Station” icon
- Corrected the “Locate” icon for identifying Speakers for Billboards which was previously showing the “Locate in Browser” icon
- Added a tooltip to Merge in the Path Tool to contextualise what it does
- Updated the previews for all Aquatic Corrugated Roof Scenery pieces to be sea green and match how they look when they are placed in the park
- Blueprints can now be ordered in the Browser by their names
- Restored a missing R-key shortcut for Edit Coaster in coaster InfoPanels
- Screen Setup Brightness can now be changed using controller input
- The “Music Style” filter list for Speaker audio will retain the player’s active input when opened in the Speaker InfoPanel with a controller
- Staff Buildings now show the number of Staff Members assigned to it for their break
- Transparent Flume piece icons have improved visibility when the interface colour is set to Green or Dark green
- The Ride Camera button for Flumes is no longer missing if the player selects the Flume Platform first
- The Daily Weather Forecast now shows icons more representative of the forecasted weather
- Notification panel on Sandbox and Franchise maps no longer overflows off the screen
- The Subscription icon in the Workshop will now be consistent across all screens
- Blueprints that have been renamed and reuploaded now display their new name across all Workshop menus – view on Issue Tracker.
- Updated the text under My Subscriptions in the Workshop to show relevant information
- The Workshop no longer shows all parks/blueprints as ‘Subscribed’ if the user has run out of disk space
- Resolved a crash that would occur when demolishing the only Ride in a Ride Sync
- Resolved a crash that would sometimes occur when closing a Flume on a Platform shared with multiple other Flumes
- Resolved a hardlock that would sometimes occur with queue path corners while using the Path Edge tool
- Resolved a rare crash that would occur when undoing the placement of a blueprint with paths
- Resolved hardlock that would occur when viewing the credits with the system language set to Italian
- Resolved rare crash that would occur when particle effects would collide with Tracked Ride seats
- Resolved long loading issue in parks with very high Scenery Ratings
- Resolved rare crash that would occur when quitting the game
- Changing the secondary colour of an Avatar’s facial hair no longer affects the secondary colour of the Avatar’s head hair
- The aglet of the Adult Male Avatar’s swimming shorts no longer has a stretched graphic
- Search terms with capital letters now return the same search results when searching for Saved Games
- A comma (,) is now accepted as a decimal separator when manually setting values
- A green bar no longer appears during the Frontier intro video
- Adjusted LOD draw distance for the Uphill Water Jet Entrance Flume piece
Download Planet Coaster 2 update on PC.