Post Scriptum update 3.0.550.2211 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Post Scriptum patch notes, the latest update 3.0.550.2211 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 3.0.550.2211 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Post Scriptum version 3.0.550.2211 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Post Scriptum 3.0.550.2211 Patch Notes – June 16, 2022
General Changes
- Fixed an issue where you could not enter and exit ADS while cycling the bolt.
- Possible fix for shells exploding when leaving the gun due to latency.
- Tactical map now shows X,Y,Z coordinates. Only relevant to developers for bug fixing.
- Fixed rendering of US Marksman rifle in D-Day higgins boat.
- Adjusted 88mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Soldier Internal Damage Multiplier from 0.11 -> 0.15
- Adjusted 88mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Explosive Inner Damage Radius from 100 -> 200
- Adjusted 75mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Soldier Internal Damage Multiplier from 0.11 -> 0.15
- Adjusted 75mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Explosive Outer Damage Radius from 1250 -> 1000
- Adjusted 40mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Explosive Base Damage from 400 -> 100
- Adjusted 40mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Explosive Damage Inner Radius from 100 -> 50
- Adjusted 40mm APHE Parent Shell Value: Explosive Damage Outer Radius from 800 -> 500
- Fixed missing impact FX for APHE on materials when pentrating but not exploding
- Fixed M4A3E8 spare track external component not having physmat.
- Created a hole in the Panther turret and turret interior col pieces behind the cannon so that shells can penetrate the turret and armor value isnt doubled.
- APHE now detonates on impact with soldiers instead of phasing through.
- Moved M4A3E8 HVAP up so that it is below APCBC
- Fixed Cromwell Shot Mk9 APCBC-T being incorrectly labeled as APBC-T
- Added missing impact fx to some APHE shells.
- Added missing impact and ricochet decal to some APHE shells.
- Resized all impact decals to be more reasonable according to shell caliber.
- Added HEAT impact decal to make it easier to decipher if you bounce or ricochet.
- Fixed M8 greyhound ammo amount 125 -> 80
- Fixed Sherman M4A3 Default Wreck Right track not correct position.
- Added M10 Wolverine
- Added M8 Greyhound
- Added Stug III A
- Stug III G handling adjustment.
- Sherman Firefly handling adjustment.
- Rebalanced all APCR shells with more realistic bouncing angles.
- CreateRallyPoint is now called AdminCreateRallyPoint. requires “cheat” permission level
- Fixed an issue where commander icons were offset on map.
- It is now possible to rearm Anti Tank guns using supplies from construction truck
- Implementation of Replication Graph to give better server performance. (Ongoing)
- New lighting across all layers
- Added new foliage to all maps.
Graphical Changes
- Moved advanced graphics into a separate tab
- Added Nvidia DLSS & NIS settings & sharpness
- Added an option to toggle Volumetric Fog
- Added an option to toggle & set Depth of Field quality
- Added a slider to change Motion Blur amount
- Max ingame FPS can now be set from 0 999. 0 Disables FPS cap.
New Spawn Menu
- All pages are combined into one page.
- Removed spawn location list.
- Hovering over the map now enlarges the map. (Can be toggled off in Game Settings)
- Chat can now be collapsed.
- You can now Respawn from the spawn menu.
- Staging phase timer is now visible on the spawn menu.
Staging Zone Standardization
- Staging time has been made consistent across all Offensive layers and has been set to 210 seconds (3.5 minutes) to allow for more planning time
- Added staging and forward staging zones to all Offensive layers
- Fixed any Offensive layers where both teams were either marked as Attackers or Defenders
- Fixed any staging zones in Offensive layers that had an incorrect team assignment
- Removed any extra, unneeded staging zones
- Staging time has been made consistent across all RAAS layers and has been set to 210 seconds (3.5 minutes) to allow for more planning time
- Added staging zones to all RAAS layers
- Removed any extra, unneeded staging zones
- Staging time has been made consistent across all Supremacy layers and has been set to 210 seconds (3.5 minutes) to allow for more planning time
- Staging time has been made consistent across all Armoured layers and has been set to 210 seconds (3.5 minutes) to allow for more planning time and time for players to get into their assigned vehicles before the match begins.
- Added staging zones to all Armoured layers
- Invasion Layers with staging zones have been set to 210 seconds
Map Fixes
- Lowered the placement collision box for the Flak 36 to allow for placement inside of flak emplacement bunkers
- Improved readability of explanations in shooting range and fixed some typos
- Added box collision to TownResidence2Floor12Length_B so players can’t clip inside
- Carentan church is no longer floating off the ground
- Fixed wall that wasn’t capped off in bush
- Enabled collision on large foliage rocks
- Fixed fence clipping inside of building
- Fixed LOD material on building
- Moved Axis temp spawns closer to first objective on Offensive 01
- HQ/Mains for both sides have been moved further from their closest cap point on Offensive, Invasion, RAAS, and Supremacy layers
- Fixed separated trench spline
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed floating road spline near bridge
- Fixed an issue where you could hop into an alleyway, but you’d be stuck there
- Fixed issue where you could fall through ground into trench tunnel
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed issue where you’d run into invisible collision when going up staircase to the castle
- Fixed pinch point where you could get stuck between a tree and cliff
- Fixed some cliff pieces clipping out of the ground
- Fixed floating debris pile in trench
- Fixed alley in factory you could jump in, but couldn’t get out easily
- Fixed issue where player could hide inside some large oak trees
- Removed floating debris from road
- Fixed floating wall by raising landscape near it
- Fixed floating barn
- Fixed floating train car
- Fixed spot where you could see into a building’s interior by looking underneath
- Fixed various floating spline edges
- Fixed pinch-point between landscape and wall
- Fixed various floating sidewalks
- Fixed building with bumpy attic floor
- Fixed stairs in manor that were difficult to climb
- Replaced citadel lights with off variant if no point lights were attached
- Covered citadel window in Offensive 01 to prevent players from entering
- Fixed floating sidewalk
- Removed invisible building that was blocking players from running through alleyway
- Fixed issue where some brick fences weren’t capped off with pillars, thus allowing players to see through them
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed tile in alleyway you could clip through
- Fixed some floating trees
- Fixed several buildings that had lights with a brick material
- Fixed several buildings with weird, stretched red material
- Removed scaffolding clipping into building stairs
- Removed floating/oddly placed bushes around pond
- Fixed floating spline edge
- Fixed ad on wall disappearing when you get close to it
- Fixed alleyway that player could get stuck in
St Mere Eglise
Fixed tree blocking trench tunnel
- Fixed pinch point where you could get stuck between a shed and hedge
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed hole in trench
- Moved tree clipping into trench
- Moved tree clipping into building
- Sunk spline under ground that had weird collision
- Removed unnecessary pain causing volume inside of destroyed house
- Removed tall, unfinished landscape spline
- Fixed pinch-point between wall and steep landscape where you could get stuck permanently
- St Mere Eglise Offensive 01 Allied HQ/Main has been moved further from the closest cap point.
- Offensive 01’s first cap point,”Chemin de Fauville” has been moved further east and has also been renamed to “Ferme de Fauville”.
- Invasion 02 HQ’s have been adjusted further away from closest cap/objective points
- Adjusted St Mere US main on RAAS layer
- Fixed floating terrain spline
- Removed invisible headstones that were blocking players
- Removed misplaced splash FX
- Moved spawners and other gameplay related items from Spawner Levels to Gameplay Layer levels.
- Removed snow piles from map
- Fixed floating stone wall
- Fixed floating river spline
- Fixed issue where you could clip your head out of a barn’s roof
- Fixed floating radios in both mains on all layers
- Fixed floating light/medium armor spawns in axis main on all layers
- All hotel cap points on Heelsum are now the same size.
- Offensive 07 Renamed “Iscra” control point to “Rimzicht”
- Added wooden covering to castle tower windows and entrance
- Fixed floating tree
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed water clipping through landscape
- Fixed wrongly assigned material to door/window frames on building
- Blocked access to Hampoort building roof
- Sunlight no longer casts shadows in sewer, also increased dirt roughness to reduce shininess
- Fixed section near river inlet where you could clip through floor and shoot to the other side
- Fixed various floating tree clusters
- Removed out of bounds box in the center of the skirmish layer
- Added collision to stream bank
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed small point in pond that would cause you to take damage when crouched
- Fixed furniture in building that was culling in view of player
- Fixed various floating foliage
- Added some platforms to reach previously unreachable bunker windows
- Moved foliage clipping into some bunkers
- Raised some bunker’s ceiling collision since they were too low
- Fixed issue where you’d get stuck next to bunker window forever
- Replaced blocky sand splines mesh with natural trench mesh
- Tents Supremacy cap point no longer appears in offensive layers
- Added bottom step to stairs so players don’t need to vault
- Fixed issue where you could fall through ground when crawling near bunker wall
- Capped off spline wall you could crawl underneath
- Moved fallen tree that was blocking players from running through trench
- Fixed hedge spline that wasn’t capped off
- Fixed some areas where swamp water edge was clipping through ground
- Capped off trench wall that could be seen through
- Fixed gap underneath trench
- Removed floating bush above swamp
- Fixed wacky dirt road intersection
- Offensive 02 HQ/Main for Axis has been moved further from the closest cap point.
- Fixed sharp landscape drop-offs underwater near destroyed house
- Fixed spot in bunker where if you’d crouch, you’d be stuck
- Fixed invisible barriers in La Selleraie trenches
- Offensive 02 has been reduced from 9 cap points to 4 in order to give more breathing room between caps
- Invasion 01 + 02 have had their German HQs moved further away from their closest cap point
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Added missing collision to wall players could clip through
- Fixed house you could clip inside by jumping into wall
- Fixed landscape clipping through floor
- Fixed mesh gap in upper floor of Doorwerth Castle
- Replaced blue fence material with default mat
- Doorwerth Skirmish now has staging zones
- Doorwerth Supremacy loading screen no longer labels the gamemode as “Armoured”
- Raised landscape around Ammo Dump so players can’t clip inside trench walls
- Adjusted AA bunker to not clip inside trench
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed floating house
- Fixed floating tree clusters
- Fixed gap in landscape near spline
- Fixed barn that had wrong material applied to support beams
- Fixed wrong material assigned to wooden door
- Fixed floating tree clusters
- Fixed bright green artifacts on church interior material
- Fixed pond that was slightly too deep
- Fixed forest foliage clipping through part of street
- Fixed terrain spline that was blocking players from running through drainage pipe
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Added collision to stream bank
- Removed tree clipping inside AA bunker
- Removed floating flowers near flower pots
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed pond not doing damage when going prone
- Fixed factory decal getting casted onto player
- Fixed crates floating off table
- Fixed crate clipping into stone wall
- Fixed z-fighting coal pile
- Removed floating crates inside factory buildings
- Fixed LOD on large factory building
- Fixed floor material used in large factory building
- Fixed house wall that let you clip behind a staircase
- Added Offensive 09
- Added Offensive 10
- Removed film grain on offensive 03 layer
- Fixed floating radio in German Main on all layers
- Fixed grass clipping into long stretch of road