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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Predecessor Version 1.4.4 Patch Notes – March 25, 2025

A new Predecessor update 1.4.4 patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Predecessor update 1.4.4 will address some of these issues and bugs.

Read what is new and fixed in today’s Predecessor patch. Read the official patch notes below.

Predecessor Patch 1.4.4 Notes- March 25, 2025


  • Death Timers increased between Levels 3-14.
  • Minions tweaked to make Last-Hitting more consistent.
  • General reductions in Hero and Item Sustain.
  • Various Outlier Heroes adjusted.
  • General Hero and Item balance
  • And more…!
Death Timers:

Lower Death Timers in the early game have resulted in the feeling of an inability to cleanly convert a won fight into Objectives such as Fangtooth or Tower Damage. While we continue to monitor and adjust Death Timers moving forward, for now they have seen a moderate increase pre-20m to allow for more breathing room between fights.

  • Base Death Timers at Level 1-18 increased from 6/9/10/11/12/14/17/20/23/26/29/32/35/37/39/40/41/42 to 6/9/12/14/16/18/20/22/25/28/31/34/37/38/39/40/41/42.

Objectives such as Fangtooth are currently dying relatively quickly, leading to a strong sense of first-movers advantage where the objective falls before a Team has adequate time to react. The increase to Death Timers may further contribute to this feeling, so a small increase to Fangtooth’s durability is being given to provide for more reaction team by teams looking to contest. We will continue to monitor the Objective Durability situation and consider further durability adjustments for any and all Objectives in subsequent balance passes.

  • Fangtooth Physical Armor increased from 25 to 30.

Mini Prime:
The Mini Prime Buff received a relative incidental increase in power seeing with the increase in Hero Armors offered in v1.4. A reduction to the Bonus Armors it offers is being levied to ensure that contesting and fighting a Mini-buffed Hero is not as steep of a challenge to overcome.

  • Mini Prime Buff Bonus Armors decreased from 20% to 10%.

Melee and Ranged Heroes are seeing a small increase to their Health, and a small reduction in the damage they deal to each other. This is being done to provide a more natural damage cadence when Minions fight each other, making the ability for Players to last-hit more consistent and less frustrating.

Melee Minion:

  • Health increased from 650 (+40/50 per Level) to 650 (+46/58 per Level).
  • Minion Damage Modifier decreased from 95% to 90%.

Ranged Minion:

  • Health increased from 380 (+25 per Level) to 380 (+29 per Level).
  • Minion Damage Modifier decreased from 115% to 110%.



While Argus’ damage potential is meaningful, his restricted Mana economy can be too difficult to manage, especially in the early game.To help resolve this, his Particle Shredder is receiving a significant Mana Cost reduction, better allowing Argus to stay present on the map.

Dread Nova [Secondary]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 17 to 16.

Particle Shredder [Alternate]:

  • Cost decreased from 14/16/18/20/22 to 10/12/14/16/18.

Boris’ arrival to the battlefield has left many Heroes cowering in fear before his might. With his overall strong performance since his addition, some general hits are required to ensure he falls more in-line with other Heroes, with reductions to his Healing and early-game gank potency being the most notable areas adjusted.

Tesseract Device [Passive]:

  • Canister Healing decreased from 1 (+0.35 per Level) to 0.8 (+0.3 per Level).
  • Canister Healing Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 4% to 3.5%.
  • Core Healing decreased from 3 (+0.75 per Level) to 2.5 (+0.7 per Level).
  • Core Healing Scaling decreased from 12% to 10%.
  • Core Healing Minion and Monster Modifier decreased from 30% to 20%.

Detection Protocol [Primary]:

  • Movement Speed decreased from 50%/60%/70%/80%/90% to 45%/55%/65%/75%/85%.
  • Slow Duration decreased from 1.5 to 1.25s.
  • Primeval Roar [Secondary]:
  • Max Fear Duration decreased from 1.25s to 1.15s.

Countess is another Hero receiving adjustments, with a large focus on decreasing her general Healing capabilities and the strength of her Blood Tithe Passive to reduce the feeling of immovability she possesses in lane, and offering more chances for hero opponents to fight back and lock her down before she runs away with a match.


  • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 4.2 to 3.9.
  • Mana decreased from 400 to 360.

Blood Tithe [Passive]:

  • Percent Health Damage decreased from 8% to 6%.
  • Cooldown Refund decreased from 25% to 20%.

Shadow Slip [Primary]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 20/18.5/17/14.5/13 to 19/17.5/16/14.5/13.
  • Momentum on Teleport, while grounded, normalized.

Eventide [Secondary]:

  • Mana Cost decreased from 60/65/70/75/80 to 50/55/60/65/70.

Blade Siphon [Altnerate]:

  • Healing decreased from 10/12/14/16/18 to 8/10/12/14/16.
  • Hero Healing Multiplier decreased from 600% to 500%.

With the reduced distance of Forward Crunch’s dash, Crunch has struggled to feel as relevant and struggles to keep up with many of the other Heroes. Some general increases to his cooldown uptime, as well as his Cross Crunch Passive damage, are being offered to reinforce Crunch’s baseline loop and provide him with more windows to succeed in duels.


  • Mana increased from 290 to 320.

Cross Crunch [Passive]:

  • Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Magical Power Scaling increased from 20% to 25%.

Right Crunch [Secondary]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 12/11/10/9/8 to 11.5/10.5/9.5/8.5/7.5

Forward Crunch [Alternate]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 18 to 16.
Feng Mao:

The general durability changes of v1.4 have left Assassins such as Feng Mao struggling to be able to dish out enough damage to keep pace with the increased Physical Armor that Heroes possess unless he secures an early snowball. A small but meaningful increase to his damage profile is being offered to better bridge the damage to durability gap.


  • Attack Speed increased from 100 to 105.

Hamstring [Secondary]:

  • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 28% to 32%
  • Isolation Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 16% to 18%.

Earth Shatter [Ultimate]:

  • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 90% to 95%.
  • Execution Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 90% to 95%.
  • Execution Bonus Physical Penetration Scaling increased from 400% to 450%.

Gideon’s ability to keep himself safe while having some of the best lane-bully tools among the Mid-lane roster leaves him feeling too consistently powerful compared to other Heroes. Some small hits across his kit are required to bring him closer to other Mages.


  • Attack Speed decreased from 135% to 130%.

Cosmic Rift [Primary]:

  • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 85%.

Torn Space [Secondary]:

  • Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14/12 to 22/19.5/17/14.5/12.

With other Heroes being adjusted around him , Greystone is receiving a small set of pre-emptive changes to ensure his early laning strength is not too powerful, providing a better chance for opponents to control him before he unlocks his Ultimate.


  • Health decreased from 765 to 750.
  • Health Regeneration decreased from 2 to 1.7.

Assault The Gates [Alternate]:

  • Damage decreased from 120/165/210/255/300 to 110/155/200/245/290.

Some quick adjustments to Grim, better enabling his Magical Build variant in the Mid-lane. and toning down the amount of free Attack Speed offered by his Assault Mode to bring his Carry strength down a notch.

Pulsefire [Passive]:

  • Magical Power Scaling increased from 15% to 22%.

Assault Mode [Secondary]:

  • Attack Speed decreased from 6%/9%/12%/15%/18% to 5%/7.5%/10%/12.5%/15%.

G.T.F.O [Ultimate]:

  • Magical Power Scaling increased from 80% to 95%.
  • Cooldown changed from 90 to 100/85/70.

Grux’s ability to dominate the battlefield with his incredible healing and his new-found reach with his improved Smash & Grab has left him feeling difficult to deal with. For now, some general reductions to both his Double Pain Healing and uptime are occurring, as well as a reduction to his Armors to ensure Enemies have a better chance at trading against him and killing him before he gets off too many successive Heals. While it is not part of this changelist, in a subsequent patch we will be looking further into Smash & Grab.


  • Physical Armor decreased from 38 to 35.
  • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 5.5 to 5.

Smash And Grab [Primary]:

  • Mana Cost increased from 60 to 70.

Double Pain [Secondary]:**

  • Missing Health Healing decreased from 18% to 15%.
  • Cooldown increased from 9/8/7/6/5 to 9.5/8.5/7.5/6.5/5.5.

Howiter’s Slow Grenades currently output damage comparable to a direct hit from his R2000 Missile and are receiving a hit to their base damage to make it less oppressive when maxed.

Slow Grenades [Alternate]:

  • Subsequent hit damage decreased from 10/20/30/40/50 to 10/18/26/34/42.
Iggy & Scorch:

Iggy’s Flame Turrets tend to soak up too much damage in fights. A small reduction in their durability is occurring to give opponents a better chance at picking them off, should Iggy place them too carelessly.

Flame Turret [Primary]:

  • Health decreased from 120 (+20 per Level) to 100 (+18 per Level).
  • Health Magical Power Scaling decreased from 30% to 26%.

Like Feng Mao, Kallari’s damage potential struggles to keep up with the general amounts of Physical Armor Heroes Possess. An increase to her general Attack Speed and Dagger Scaling is being granted to give her a better chance at fighting on parity with other Heroes in scenarios where she has not achieved as large of a snowball. Likewise, consistent with the theme of Healing reductions, her Shadow Walk Healing is receiving a small reduction to increase the ability for Enemies to poke-her out in late-game scenarios.


  • Attack Speed Growth increased from 2 to 2.5.

Shadow Walk [Primary]:

  • Health Regeneration Physical Penetration Scaling decreased from 175% to 150%.

Crippling Dagger [Alternate]

  • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 100% to 110%.

Despite Khaimera’s reliance on Overlord or Sky Splitter to clear his Jungle, he can still struggle to keep pace with other Junglers. To help make his clearspeed more competitive, some additional Cleave damage is being granted to his Unleash.

Unleash [Primary]:

  • Cleave increased from 75% to 100%.

Cull [Ultimate]:

  • Final hit damage increased from 100/225/350 to 125/250/375.
  • Total Damage increased from 180/385/590 to 205/410/615.

Similar to other Heroes, Morigesh is receiving a shift to her Healing capabilities, no longer gaining as much raw healing from her Mark. In return, she is gaining higher Mark up-time for better in-fight DPS, as well as healing up for a larger amount when she is able to run through a Minion Wave with Swarm.

Swarm [Secondary]:

  • Minion Healing increased from 20% to 25%.

Mark [Alternate]:

  • Healing Magical Power Scaling decreased from 60% to 45%.
  • Cooldown decreased from 9/8/7/6/5 to 8.5/7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5.

Mourn is receiving a few small changes to his Basic Attacks, with more Attack Speed from match-start to make his Basic Attacks feel smoother to use, as well as higher Passive uptime to offer him more trading and wave-shoving opportunities.


  • Attack Speed increased from 105 to 110.

Extract [Passive]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 9 to 8.

Murdock had an issue affecting his Movement Speed, with it being far lower than intended. This has now been resolved.


  • [Bugfix] Movement Speed increased from 615 to 670.

Muriel’s general Shielding capabilities have benefited largely from them now factoring in Armors and have emerged as being too difficult to blow through. Some general reductions to her Shielding values are needed to ensure they do not lead to overly-inflated durability in fights.
Consecrated Ground [Secondary]:

  • Damage Magical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 50%.
  • Shield decreased from 90/130/170/210/250 to 80/120/160/200/240
  • Shield Magical Power Scaling decreased from 45% to 40%.

Alacrity [Alternate]:

  • Shield decreased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 70/100/130/160/190.

Reversal Of Fortune [Ultimate]:

  • Shield decreased from 275/500/725 to 250/470/690.
  • Shield Duration decreased from 4s to 3.5s.

Rampage has been seen as one of the top performers of v1.4, boasting an incredible combination of damage and durability on top of his new-found tools. His general power is undoubtedly too high, and various hits are required to knock him back down to a happier medium. For starters, his general healing capabilities are seeing a reduction to provide opponents with a better chance at dueling him, with his Passive especially offering less incidental healing. Likewise, given his durability, his general damage output is also taking a hit, ensuring the combination of attack patterns such as a Rock-dunk into a Basic/Rumble/Basic combo is not as burst heavy, giving squishier opponents a better chance at surviving his engage attempts.


  • Attack Speed decreased from 125 to 120.

Swipe [Basic Attack]:

  • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 75% to 70%.

King Of The Jungle [Passive]:

  • Immobilized Max Health Healing decreased from 5% to 3%.
  • Max Health Regeneration decreased from 0.25% (+0.015% per Level) to 0.15% (+0.015% per Level)

Boulder Throw [Primary]:

  • Damage decreased from 125/165/205/245/285 to 115/155/195/235/275.

Rumble [Secondary]:

  • Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 65% to 60%.
  • Max Health to Physical Power conversion decreased from 1.5%/1.75%/2%/2.25%/2.5%. To 1.25%/1.5%/1.75%/2%/2.25%.

Pounce [Alternate]:

  • Damage decreased from 100/135/170/205/240 to 85/120/155/190/225.
  • Bonus Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.

Behemoth [Ultimate]:

  • Healing decreased from 2%/3%/4% to 1.8%/2.7%/3.6%.

Riktor is another Hero gaining some baseline Attack Speed, better allowing him to secure last-hits and keep up the pressure with his Basics. Likewise, a small bump to his Riot Shield’s effectiveness is being granted, better allowing him to lead the charge with engage-attempts while having the durability to soak up return damage should he succeed.


  • Attack Speed increased from 100 to 110.

Riot Shield [Passive]:

  • Shield Max Health Scaling increased from 4%/6%/8%/10% to 5%/7%/9%/11%.

Serath’s currently struggles to dish out enough damage and survive many engagements given her relative fragility to other Heroes. To better enable her hyper-carry capabilities and offer her a better chance at securing a reset when diving into the thick of battle, a range of benefits are being received across the board.


  • Health Growth increased from 122 to 125.

The Nephilim [Basic Attack]:

  • Physical Power Scaling increased from 90% to 100%.
Heaven’s Fury [Primary]:
  • Cooldown decreased from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 to 14/13/12/11/10.
  • Additional Strike Damage increased from 30% to 35%.

Chastise [Alternate]:

  • Damage increased from 90/120/150/180/210 to 90/125/160/195/230.

Heresy [Ultimate]:

  • Bonus Attack Speed increased from 20%/35%/50% to 20%/40%/60%

Sevarog is another Hero that contributes to the sense of Sustian-creep, with his Passive Omnivamp offering significant healing at Tier 1 that can leave him suddenly able tank through and bully out various matchups. As with many other Healers, he too is seeing a reduction in this department.

Reaper Of Souls [Passive]:

  • Omnivamp decreased from 15% to 10%.

Sparrow’s Inner Fight can often feel like it is not providing enough punch, even when used on an opportune moment. As a result, some general damage increases to the Ultimate are being offered to better let her thrive in her ideal scenarios.

Inner Fire [Ultimate]:

  • Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 75% to 80%.
  • Side Arrow Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 60%.
  • On-Hit Modifier increased from 25% to 30%.

Given his durability, Steel currently outputs too much damage, largely thanks to his Shield Bash. A reduction to both its damage and uptime is occurring, giving opponents a better chance of taking trades against him, and his all-in attempts now being less unreasonably burst-heavy.

Shield Bash [Alternate]:

  • Damage decreased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 60/100/140/180/220.
  • Cooldown increased from 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 to 8.5/8/7.5/7/6.5.

Terra’s ability to bully-out her lane opponent and maintain pressure has seen a fall from grace with the v1.4 changes, with her even struggling to maintain an edge in match-ups she should be positioned to succeed in such as when playing against tanks. Some general increases to her kit are being offered, with Ruthless Assault dealing more damage, Highland Hurl having more uptime, and Wild Rush boasting a larger shield when more defensive output is required.


  • Attack Speed increased from 110 to 115.

Ruthless Assault [Primary]:

  • Damage increased from 40/60/80/100/120 to 40/65/90/115/140.
  • Empowered True Damage Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 125% to 135%.

Highland Hurl [Secondary]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 16/14/12/10/8 to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8.

Wild Rush [Alternate]:

  • Shield changed from 10/65/120/175/230 to 5/65/125/185/245.
  • Shield Max Health Scaling increased from 12% to 13%.
The Fey:

Like many other Mages, The Fey is also receiving a small bump down in her damage output, ensuring she stays on parity with the other Mages being adjusted around her.

Bramble Patch:

  • Damage decreased from 100/140/180/220/260 to 100/135/170/205/240.
  • Cooldown increased from 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 to 12/11.25/10.5/9.75/9.

Harvest Nettles [Secondary]:

  • Damage decreased from 85/120/155/190/225 to 80/115/150/185/220.

As with the other non-sustain Physical Bruisers and Assassins, Zarus also finds himself unable to keep up with the current durability and pace of the game. To better bridge this gap, Zarus too is receiving some adjustments aimed at granting him better dueling capabilities and a stronger ability to burst through his target before they have a chance to heal through his all-in attempts.

Deflect [Primary]:

  • Cooldown decreased from 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 to 20/18.5/17/15.5/14.

Spear Of Nyr [Alternate]:

  • Damage increased from 75/105/135/165/195 to 75/110/145/180/215.
  • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 120% to 130%.

Coliseum [Ultimate]:

  • Damage increased from 200/300/400 to 225/325/425.



Lucky Feather:

A small bump in Kill Gold for feather, granting higher potential rewards for aggression to those that risk its purchase.

  • Gold on Hero Kill increased from 30 to 40.



With a faster general match-pace, Obelisk struggles to become relevant before a match ends. A lower cooldown for its Condemn effect is being offered in return for less damage per stack gained, providing it with more up-time throughout a match.

  • Cooldown decreased from 20 to 15.
  • Condemn Damage per stack decreased from 8 to 6.

Tempest is one of many sources of Healing that is being tuned down this pass, better ensuring that its healing does not feel as difficult to fight past.

  • Healing decreased from 60% to 45%.



A small bump up to Ashbringer’s cooldown capabilities, better cementing it within its niche for Users looking to dish out more abilities.

  • Chrono Strikes Cooldown Reduction increased from 12% to 15%.
  • Chrono Strikes Non-Hero Cooldown reduction increased from 5% to 8%.
Onixian Quiver:

Less lifesteal for Quiver, thereby reducing the ability for Lifesteal to be stacked across a build.

  • Lifesteal decreased from 10% to 8%.

To help it keep up with the general Physical Armor baseline and feel like a more meaningful spike in power, Resolution is receiving a small increase to its Physical Penetration.

  • [Physical Penetration increased from 6 to 7.
Sky Splitter:

Sky Splitter’s anti-tank capabilities paired with its Lifesteal have led it to standing tall as one of the must-buy items as of late. While it is important for strong counter options to exist within the Item Shop to ensure the balance landscape self-regulates in the event scenarios such as too many Tanks and Bruisers are present on one team, the Lifesteal Sky Splitter provides is contributing to the sense of sustain-creep within the ecosystem and is receiving a bump down.

  • Lifesteal decreased from 8% to 7%.

Some On-Hit Items have fallen out of favor in v1.4, with Spectra especially feeling like it does not provide enough bang for its buck. A general increase in its effectiveness is being offered, better opening up On-Hit builds again and better allowing it to be slotted into Mage builds that might wish to make use of it.

  • Ability Haste increased from 10 to 12.
  • Radiant Strikes On-Hit Damage increased from 25 to 30.
  • Prisma Damage per Level increased from 3 to 4.

Stormbreaker also feels like it lacks significant return for the investment it requires, with both its statline and Zap effect not feeling impactful enough despite the higher cost. Some general increases to its effectiveness are required to bring further synergy to On-Hit builds.

  • Attack Speed increased from 30% to 35%.
  • Electric Momentum Damage increased 25 to 40.
  • Electric Momentum Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 20% to 30%.

As with Resolution, the increases to Base Armors have left Vanquisher feeling a little too underwhelming as a power spike, and therefore some additional penetraiton is being offered to better suit those Heroes looking to secure early leads.

  • Physical Penetration increased from 8 to 9.


Demon Edge:

In a world where Shields are more effective, so too should their counter be for the Assassins that are largely shut down by them!

  • Demonic Shield Bonus Damage increased from 30% to 35%.

With Envy being changed to a reduced Critical Strikes in the previous pass, it now feels too expensive to easily justify slotting into a build. A reduction in cost is being granted, better allowing Assassins to invest in the item when requiring the Silence offered by its effect to shut down a pesky Mage or Support.

  • Cost decreased from 3300 to 3100.

A small increase to Mindrazor’s Cleave capabilities given that it no longer applies on Abiliites, better allowing the likes of Feng Mao to maintain pressure when it is purchased.

  • Razor Cleave Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 35% to 40%.



Given its niche use-cases, Absolution continues to feel underwhelming as a defensive tool when purchased. Some additional Magical Armor is being offered to bridge the defensive gap and better allow it to serve as a valid response for Bruisers looking to deal with Magical Damage sources.

  • Magical Armor increased from 30 to 35.
Aegis Of Agawar:

Agawar’s impact on the game has been noticed by many, with it enabling many Health-stacking builds to thrive since its inclusion. While this is intended by design, the value it currently offers is on the higher-end, and needs pulling back to better ensure it is not as valuable early on in builds, or in non-Health builds.

  • Physical Power decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Agawar’s Protection Low Health Bonus Armors decreased from 30% to 25%.

Rapture is another Item taking a hit to its sustain to combat the general levels of Healing present in the average match and bring it down to a more acceptable level.

  • Omnivamp decreased from 9% to 8%.

A small discount for Tyranny, making it a little easier to purchase as a Haste-injection for Fighters that appreciate its effect.

  • Cost decreased from 3100 to 3000


Astral Catalyst:

Similar to Demon Edge, Astral Catalyst is also receiving an increase to its anti-shielding capabilities, better allowing it to shine for those Mages looking to respond to a Shield-heavy team.

  • Event Horizon Shield Bonus Damage increased from 30% to 35%.

Magnify is receiving an increase to its Shredding capabilities to better allow many of the Magical Bruisers to consistently threaten the bulkier tanks that stack Magical Armor when it is purchased.

  • Arcana Magical Armor Shred increased from 20% to 25%.

Another hit to Megacosm’s Magical Power is being levied to ensure it is bought in response to Health-heavy compositions and to be less of a catch-all damage source for Mages to utilise against other classes.

  • Magical Power decreased from 65 to 60.


Warp Stream:

While the change to Warp Stream’s cooldown has helped it become easier to utilise in a match, it still feels lacking in the stat and cost department compared to other options and is in need of a bump to its Haste and Cost to feel more attractive

  • Cost decreased from 2500 to 2450.
  • Ability Haste increased from 10 to 12.

Download Predecessor update 1.4.4 on PC.

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