Project Winter update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Project Winter patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Project Winter version will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Project Winter Patch Notes – June 20, 2022
Individual Player Volumes
- Added Individual Player Volume sliders to allow players to adjust the voip volume on a per player basis.
- Sliders are accessible in the lobby, and in game via the player list
- Note: maxing out this slider will cause audio distortion.
Radio Volumes
- Added a volume slider to increase voip volume from radius
- Slider is accessible in the audio settings page.
- Note: maxing out this slider will cause audio distortion.
Custom Game Flow Overhaul
- The flow of creating a custom game has been changed to allow a simpler & faster creating of presets and lobbies
- Challenge Cleanup: Fixed and added additional challenges (some listed in Bug Fixes)
- Name Censoring: Adjusted the name censoring process to be more balanced across platforms and fixed some name censoring issues (some listed in Bug Fixes)
- [Switch] User is unable to navigate to the Close button in the Players menu while using a controller. Note: You can close using touch screen functions
- Player is unable to voice chat with Push To Talk setting while the ESC Menu is open
- Hitting enter three times while in game doesn’t allow the player to type and no text cursor appears in the chat box
- Custom Blackout matches with the Cipher or Dig Site objectives selected will start with no first objective on the map
- Electrical noise heard while entering loading screen for match
- Thundersnow SFX can persist into a new game after escaping during event
- Character model will have a square hair when wearing a hat or a bald head without a hat when the user equips a Ghillie Jacket and a Wild Cape
- [Win 10] No Exit Game prompt appears after players presses ESC or the back button on a controller
- “Selected Preset” does not update when the host selects a new preset in a custom lobby
- Fixed Custom Blackout matches with the Cipher or Dig Site objectives selected will start with no first objective on the map
- Fixed location indicators not appearing in basic practice. Includes some more stripping of tutorial limits
- Fixed name not being censored when joining lobby in Lobby Chat
- Fixed Custom Blackout lobby will have the normal custom game icon in the Invites menu
- Fixed player names missing when playing in crossplay games
- Fixed instances when (Contribute To Join) text will not disappear after the user contributed to the community project
- Fixed game fails to start normally when launching shortly after event rollover
- Fixed censored forbidden names will appear differently to players set to different languages on the same lobby
- Fixed event name on challenge bar overlaps or crowds text chat in lobby
- Fixed lobby host displays uncensored name
- Fixed censored usernames become uncensored if the player leaves then returns to a lobby of at least 4 other players
- Fixed Older Xbox models can lose the ability to hear and/or communicate with other Xbox platform players lobbies
- Fixed instances when Traitors can lose stackable items in their inventory when using Shift + Right Click on an unpurchased traitor crate item
- Fixed instances when in Practice mode changes the players avatar to the original tutorial player
- Fixed some text strings not showing correctly in challenges
- (Xbox)Fixed “Baby Steps” achievement to complete tutorial is no longer applicable to match with other platforms
- Removed the A.R.I.S.T.O.D.’s ability to interact with crates
- Fixed “Current Objectives” display animation seems delayed when pressing L3 to display objectives
- Fixed The progression challenge “Escape 50 times” appears as “Escape 500 times” in the “Helper” progression tree
- Fixed the Craft 10 Bear Traps Timed challenge was making no progress
- Fixed issues with the search function, after removing the user with no name from the friends list
- Fixed timeline marker if the player dies to a lightning strike during the Thundersnow event
- Fixed “Complete 3 matches where no survivors escape while playing as a traitor” challenge will fail if a survivor dies while using a sabotaged Fulton
- Fixed missing character in pop up for report notification in Japanese language
- Fixed text is misaligned, overlaps and overflows on the Report screen when selecting several of the supported languages
- Added the use of the correct (i.e. possibly censored) names for players in the emote wheel.
- Fixed the issue where the save popup was not showing up if there were any changes after the back button was being pressed
- Fixed issue where the quit game prompt could no longer be opened on the main menu
- Fixed crash that occurs after opening and closing Presets menu upon a fresh launch
- Fixed instances for when users can remove false possible second objective beacons by walking around inside of the Cabin
- Fixed traitor roles becoming unselectable via controller in the practice mode menu after exiting the menu from the Objectives screen
- Fixed issue with the preferred game mode popup becoming invisible after hosting a custom game.
- Fixed current objectives UI animation from replaying when enabling the UI again after hiding it
- Fixed issue where items in your inventory could disappear when using Shift + Right Click on the same unpurchased item in a Traitor crate
- Fixed instance in when a player gets stuck interacting with a bunker console if another player cancels their interaction with a console before the action is complete or if they interact with the console while the player is using an Unlock ability
- Fixed issue where the player could get stuck interacting with a bunker terminal when another player activates another terminal at the same time
- Fixed bear traps teleporting to the cabin after getting disarmed
- Added updated low post process profile for flashbang effect
- Corrected/added item IDs for a few challenges
- Fixed sub issue mentioned in ticket where enter key would not send lobby text chat messages when the Windows keyboard is set to Chinese
- Added additional checks to ensure challenge and reward data pulled down actually exists
- Added more items to count as “warmth” items for use warmth related item challenges
- Sabotaged fulton escape will no longer track the boarded player as escaped
- Fixed position of controller labels in settings menu to avoid text overlap
- Added poisoned food items as valid items for consume food item challenge
- Minor fixes for some challenges
- Added Explosive Crossbow as valid item for kill wolves with crossbow challenge
- Fixed incorrect threshold for open cipher bunker challenge
- Fixed missing name to Gold Cleaver item
- Fixed wrong threshold on escape task in Helper progression tree
- Large female backpack strap fixed.
- Fixed pride Jackets will wrap properly around the medium male player.
- Fixed visible gap between arm and hands when wearing intersex sweater in medium female.
- Fixed Jeremy to feel “fluffier”
- Fixed Lab Roof being accessible
- Fixed players getting stuck on collision in Gondola’s south tile
- Ram Skull Hat clipping with Ghillie suit fixed
- Fixed Equipping certain Hats with certain Jackets are not displayed properly on the avatar in the Character tab