A new Songs of Conquest update 1.5.6 released on PC. According to the official Songs of Conquest patch notes, the latest update 1.5.6 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Songs of Conquest patch 1.5.6 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Songs of Conquest Patch 1.5.6 Notes – March 21, 2025
- Changed color of “current troop” marker in battle for improved readability
- Fixed turn timers in battle counting down twice as fast as they should
- Fixed bug in random map generation leading to too many neutral hostiles being just stacks of Arleon Militias
- Fixed exception when entering player stats menu if one of your most played maps was a random map layout that is no longer present
- Fixed bug in random map sublayout selection in lobby, leading to a random sublayout being used for game if no choice was made manually
- Fixed attack previews for Hellroar’s Bombard ability not correctly applying the 50% damage multiplier
- Fixed build menu entry for Vanir’s Longhouse sometimes showing two Swines instead of one Swine and one Berserkir
- Fixed edge case in AI recruitment that caused a softlock during AI’s turn
Download Songs of Conquest update 1.5.6 on PC.