Squad 44 update 2.0.1 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Squad 44 patch notes, the latest update 2.0.1 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 2.0.1 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Squad 44 version 2.0.1 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Squad 44 Patch 2.0.1 Notes – March 11, 2025
Known Issues
- Optimization of dismembered limbs causing low FPS in the tunnels of Iwo Jima.
- Fixing a SoundNode crash on Iwo Jima.
General Fixes
- Possible fix for invalid index crash in vehicle resupply calls.
- Possible fix for keybinds missing in different languages.
- Fixed HLODs
- Optimized and set Light Max Draw Distance to 15,000.
- Optimized all Grenade explosions.
- Optimized M2 Flamethrower.
- Hard references clean-up.
- Removed Shadow Casting from oil lamps.
- Fixed DLSS crash when FSR is enabled.
- Fixed scrollable scoreboard
Art and Desugn
- Updated several rock collisions on Iwo Jima.
- Updated tunnel collisions on Iwo Jima.
- Amended Iwo Jima Frontline 2 objective placement.
- Amended flags on Iwo Jima airfield to be faction alternating depending on layer.
- Fixed LVT-4 passengers and gunners being resistant to small arms fire.
- MG vision port was added to Japanese Chi-Ha tanks.
- Fixed PzGr. 40 20mm APCR to use correct penetration and bounce curves.
- Fixed wheel FX for Shermans, Ha-Go, and Chi-Ha tanks.
- Fixed M26 Pershing side skirt armour.
- Fixed repair tool not affecting tracked vehicles.
- Possible fix for tank engine disabled sound playing across map.
Weapons and Equipment
- Fixed all White Phosphorus smoke grenade effects.
- Fixed and optimized Commander Call-in assets (Navy Smoke and HE Artillery).
- Fixed Type 44 Kijū Carbine bayonet pose on item change.
- Fixed mortar ranging.
Game Mechanics
- Riflemen can no longer reload their own satchel charges on Frontline.
- Corrected Frontline faction recruit roles.
- Adjusted Frontline ticket counts.
Download Squad 44 update 2.0.1 on PC.