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Stationeers Update 2.4966.22676 Patch Notes – May 27, 2024

A new Stationeers update 2.4966.22676 released on PC. According to the official Stationeers patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Stationeers patch 2.4966.22676 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Stationeers 2.4966.22676 Patch Notes – May 27, 2024

  • Fixed stationpedia search not working as you type when the game is paused
  • Added Insulated Canister Package Asset for storage of gases at a stable temperature
  • Changed Temperature range of switchgrass to 0-60degreesC from 0-50degreesC.
  • Changed Vulcan to have a much lower spawn rate of coal. (similar to Nickel)
  • Added 1st pass on new Vulcan start conditions. We have added a number of additional crates. Some of these crates will spawn on a 2nd lander. Each crate has a clear construction purpose, i.e the power crate exclusively contains the necessary elements for setting up a basic power system.
  • Survival Supplies: 2x boxes of 6 Cereal bars, 3 bottles of water, 1 beacon with battery cell included.
  • Portables Supplies: Portable AC, Power generator and filtration. 2x Battery Cell, Fuel Canister, Liquid Nitrogen Canister, 2x Portables Connector, Power Connector, Pollutants filter.
  • Hydroponics Supplies: Contains Grow-light, Fertilised Eggs, Potato Seeds, Wheat Seeds, Soybean Seeds, 5x Kit (Hydroponic Tray), 20x LiquidPipes, Liquid Pipe utility, Water Canister, Kit (Water Bottle Filler).
  • Airlock Supplies: contains the items for building your first airlock (including a passive vent).
  • Electrical Supplies: Solid Fuel Generator, 100x cable coil, 2x APC, 1x basic solar panel, 2x Large Battery cell, 1x small battery charger.
  • Construction Supplies: contains extra frames, walls and iron sheets.
  • Balance pass on Food Nutrition.
  • Changed Increased max harvest yield of wheat to 5 from 3. Increased Max harvest of rice to 5 from 3.
  • Changed Recipes: CookedRice Recipe to 1 from 3 rice. CookedSoybean to 1 from 5 soybean. Mushroom Soup recipe to 5 from 8 cookedMushroom. Pumpkin Soup to 2 from 5 cooked pumpkin.
  • Tomato Soup reduced to 125 from 290. Corn Soup reduced to 150 from 190. Pumpkin Soup reduced to 160 from 190. Mushroom soup reduced to 120 from 200.
  • CookedCorn Increased to 30 from 20. Cooked Pumpkin Increased to 80 from 30. CookedMushroom Increased to 40 from 0. CerealBar Increased to 45 from 30.
  • Changed Swapped tomato soup with cereal bar in uniform pocket.
  • Increased the Time that ActiveVents and APCs take to be destroyed by fire.
  • Refactored asynchronous explosions terrain mining code to be re-entrant and to correctly support multiple simultaneous explosions happening
  • Added ability for explosive items to have sympathetic detonations on destruction
  • Added Cereal Bar Box. Behaves the same as the Cardboard Box
  • Changed starting survival supplies crate to use the cereal bar box rather than the standard cardboard box for the cereal bars
  • Added Lock Interaction to Remote Detonator. Upon linking to a new charge the detonator will automatically lock, detonation can only be triggered once you unlock the tool using the Inventory unlock button.
  • Changed Demolition Charges are now stackable to 3x. Holding RMB will drop 1 charge, If you have a switched on and powered Remote Detonator in your other hand the Charge will also be linked.
  • Changed Reduced MiningCharge damage, such that a player can survive 1 direct hit (It will still knock them out for a few seconds due to stun damage).
  • Added Recipe for Demolition Charge to T2 Tool Manufactory 1 Solder, 1 Electrum, 3 Silicon.
  • Added Recipe for Mining Charge to Tool Manufactory. 1 Gold, 1 Iron, 3 Silicon.
  • Increased Remote explosive print time from 5 seconds to 90 seconds, power usage while printing to 100w, and increased silicon from 5 to 7, and solder from 1 to 2.
  • Increased Mining charge print time from 5 seconds to 60 seconds, power usage while printing to 100w, and increased silicon usage from 3 to 5.
  • Added Power supplies Mimas crate for Mimas start. Contains basic power supplies and supplies to set up a stirling engine.
  • Changed All Canisters that spawn with gas/liquid in the starting crates now spawn inside an Insulated Canister Package. The Insulated Canister Package will prevent the gas/liquid from heating up or cooling down when the crate is open.
  • Added new Packaging items: ResidentialSuppliesPackage, WaterBottlePackage, PortablesPackage, MiningSuppliesPackage. These have been added the starting crates on the lander. Items may be unpacked using LMB to do the unpack action while package is on the ground or using RMB when Item is in hand or using the unpack button when item is in hand. Unpacked items will go into the active hand or if it is occupied into the world.
  • Removed the hard coding of mars’ LOD terrain colour.
  • Changed the LOD terrain colour to better match the terrain colour of the planet.
  • Fixed craters having LOD terrain clipping through them and looking shallower than they were.
  • Fixed some trader selling/buying icons not showing as the name check was case sensitive. Have made it ignore case.
  • Fixed regenerated cocoa powder blueprint as it was incorrectly set to the flour bag blueprint
  • Tweaked laptop slot offset position so that it looks more centered when slotted. This offset is separate from hand position offsets so should not affect position when carried.
  • Fixed search task not being cleaned up when clearing the search field
  • Fixed wrong orientation for all sensor chips (art asset)
  • Added UI font files (art asset)
  • Added UI icons for turbine jetpack (art asset)
  • Replaced sensor processing chip models with new versions to fix inconsistent rotation in slots. Also regenerated blueprints and tweaked collider size.
  • Updated UI status icons to display jetpack battery state when a battery-powered jetpack is in use
  • Fixed trade item cocoa seed pack having the wrong name
  • Changed CardboardBox to be renamable.
  • Fixed null constructible entry in Kit (WaterBottleFiller).
  • Added Volatiles filter and Pollutants filter to Misc Supplies Vulcan starting crate.
  • Changed Number of upright wind turbines from 2 to 3 in Electrical Supplies Vulcan starting crate.
  • Added Water Bottle Filler kit to Hydroponics Supplies Vulcan crate.
  • Added Tracking Beacon to Survival Supplies Vulcan starting Crate.
  • Added Revised default starting conditions. Some unnecessary items have been removed from crates. Each crate is now labelled and stocked for a specific purpose.
  • Changed Portable Generator power output to 900W. Increased Fuel use and reduced fuel efficiency. This change will only apply to new Portable Generators.
  • Changed Split Default starting crates across 2 landers and added Mining Supplies Crate.
  • Added model and texture for cereal bar box. (art asset)
  • Added insulated package for canister. (art asset)
  • Added emergency supplies box (art asset)
  • Added Residential supplies crate to default lander and Vulcan lander.
  • Added Liquid Tank to Default lander. Added Flags to survival supplies.
  • Updated the dynamic aircon model. Added canister slot on the left side, and added handle in the front and back. (art asset)
  • Changed explosive mining to be able to drop smaller stacks
  • Changed explosion mining code to be able to mine more per frame
  • Changed Slightly increased the price canned goods from food trader.
  • Fixed logic sorter mode All and None filtering items by default if all instructions on the stack get skipped. DoFilter() will now evaluate to false by default if all instructions are skipped.
  • Added ‘rmap’ ic instruction. This will take a reagent hash and a device and store the prefab hash that the device expects to receive. For example, on manufacturing devices, reagent hash for Iron will store the prefab hash for ItemIronIngot. This can be used in conjunction with the new device stacks to more easily automate manufacturing.
  • Fixed screen not fading from black if you pause the game as soon as a world loads. Changed fade in and out behaviour to use unscaledDeltaTime.
  • Removed duplicate plant analyser cartridge from the survival supplies starting crate
  • Moved the slot offset position slightly for pneumatic mining drill and power connector so they look more centered when they are in slots
  • Added glass cover on the remote detonator. (art asset)
  • Added default fbx import settings to the project. This is the same as the previous settings but will no longer import materials. This should only apply to newly added fbx files.
  • Changed some of the newly added food models to use the new fbx import settings to strip out materials
  • Removed parent transform on laptop that was being used to offset its rotation as this is no longer needed due to the drop fixes
  • Tweaked laptop hand position and rotation.
  • Fixed things drop upside down or rotated incorrectly.
  • Updated Localization for Cereal Bar Box
  • Renamed CerealBarBox to ItemCerealBarBox
  • Moved cereal bar box model to its correct folder
  • Updated laptop slot offset position so that it appears centered when it is in a slot
  • Added Item Emergency Supplies Box with same functionality as Cardboard Box
  • Fixed scale problem for insulated canister package. (art asset)
  • Updated passive vent kit name in stationpedia
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip text when pipes are damaged by liquid
  • Fixed composite door blueprint mesh was incorrectly generated
  • Updated fabricator build states UVs to match to color swatches.
  • Updated wrong materials on fabricators.
  • Fixed nre which stops players respawning if their spawn point structure is destroyed
  • Made arrows on the crate mount bigger to see more better
  • Removed incorrectly instantiated array of empty thumbnails on crate mount
  • Fixed missing tooltip info for unfastening crates when the crate is attached to the lander
  • Fixed Null Reference Exception from AnimComponent when object was destroyed mid animation.
  • Cleaned up Sympathetic Detonation Code and moved some magic numbers in Explosion.cs into constants.
  • Removed Animators on MiningCharge, DemolitionCharge and Remote Detonator and replaced with anim-Components.
  • Changed Detonate action on Remote Detonator is now triggered with LMB.
  • Renamed Remote explosive to Demolition Charge.
  • Fixed Already spawned ores will not be destroyed by mining charges (this could happen during explosion chains)
  • Fixed MiningCharges could not be disarmed.
  • Changed Mining Charge Interaction Behaviour. Charges now stack to 3x. Hold RMB to drop and arm a charge. Armed Charges can be disarmed by picking up or flicking the arm switch. When Two or more charges are merged into a stack all will be disarmed.
  • Updated Medium Rocket Battery to require 2 kits
  • Fixed tablet not working when its on the ground or in a tablet dock. For performance reasons, only the closest three tablets will be updated and after a certain distance tablets wont update. The tablet in your hand will always update.
  • Made atmos tablet always show world atmosphere when its not in your own hand
  • Replaced Solar panel kit with upright wind turbine in Europa Power crate.
  • Halved Ore Vein Density and increased Ore Vein size by 50% on Mimas.
  • Greatly reduced spawn rates of coal on Mimas.
  • Removed Water Ice from spawning on Mimas.
  • Fixed ToolTip not being given when trying to eat cooked StackableFood through a helmet
  • Fixed the network analyser and plant analyser tablets showing info for what the player was pointing at when the tablet was on the ground.
  • Fixed Europa WorldCondition spawning DefaultLander1 instead of EuropaLander1.
  • Changed the number of sheets required to construct a station battery to 2 instead of 4
  • Changed station battery construction requirements to use steel sheets instead of iron sheets
  • Refactored the Filtration Machines gas input logic into a static method on Atmosphere Helper.
  • Added Processed Moles value to the tooltips of all machines on the atmospherics kit.
  • Changed H2Combustor throughput to be like the Filtration machine. It has a slow base through-put rate which can be increased by maximising the pressure delta between input and output pipes.
  • Fixed invisible lever on the Pipe bender.
  • Added Hydroponics Supplies Mimas Crate. Swapped Potato seeds for Mushroom seeds, Added Kit Atmospherics and 3x Liquid Pipe radiator.
  • Added Battery kit to Mimas Electrical supplies crate.
  • Added Stirling Engine Supplies crate to Mimas Start. Includes the minimum pieces to set up a simple stirling engine setup.
  • Balance change on default start conditions: reduced iron frames to 45 from 60, reduced ablecoil to 50 from 100.
  • Changed Mimas World setting to use MimasLander2.
  • Changed Gas Canisters in Reusable Fire extinguisher and Pneumatic mining drill are now insulated from interacting with world atmosphere and solar heating.
  • Fixed Stirling Engine OnOff button was not following standard behaviour.
  • Added Power generation to Stirling Engine Tooltip.
  • missing asset change from rev.22626.
  • Updated Rocket Scanner to require Steel Sheets to build instead of Iron Sheets
  • Added paintable stripes on the insulated canister package. (art asset)
  • Fixed a bug where the incomplete build state tooltip wasn’t displaying for rocket datalinks
  • Fixed double tap ‘F’ functionality stops working in some instances when inventory windows are not loaded in correctly
  • Added check to tooltip panel which will ensure the tooltip will be hidden when its respective ui element is hidden
  • Fixed tooltips on manufacturing device search list sometimes not showing up or showing the incorrect text.
  • Removed SetUpToolTipWithInfo method as it was the same as SetUpToolTip which was confusing. Have changed all usages of SetUpToolTipWithInfo to SetUpToolTip.
  • Fixed tooltip panel flickering when changing between different sized tooltips. Have added call to force layout rebuild after tooltip is initialized.
  • Updated ItemInsulatedCanisterPackage to have coloured stripes along the top and bottom of the model
  • Updated thumbnails for insulated canister package
  • Added missing meta file for materials folder
  • Added new CapsuleSmall Lander model with colliders
  • Fixed the Drinking Fountain Tooltip not displaying
  • Fixed capsule’s mesh overlapping problem between net and interior wall. (art asset)
  • Fixed capsule’s mesh overlapping problem between net and interior wall.
  • Added “Interaction” action for tradables and spawns. Allows an interaction to be performanced as part of the start conditions or trading spawn. Can include a child “delay” which includes a timespan.
  • Replaced player seat to a crate slot on the lander(art asset)
  • Fixed Short shadow distance on portables.
  • Changed Default start conditions back to one lander. some items have been aggregated into cardboard boxes to allow for this.
  • Removed Seat from Lander and replaced with spare crate slot.
  • Fixed the GasGenerator crashing client to desktop when spawned in multiplayer
  • Removed deprecated data from startconditions.xml
  • Changed power output of Portable Generator to 600W.
  • Fixed a bug where portable atmospherics devices were not releasing their internal atmospheres to the surrounding world when deconstructed.
  • Fixed a bug where a loaded flare gun occupying a world slot was firing when it was picked up.
  • Added toggle switches below the Rocket UI auto-land and auto-shutoff buttons, to make their usage as buttons more obvious
  • Added dynamic device box, furniture box and mining box. (art asset)
  • Changed paintable boxes to non paintable boxes. (art asset)
  • Updated the rocket motherboard’s Open UI button to be more prominent
  • Fixed FlareGun sounds and effects play when picked up or inserted into a slot.
  • Added water bottle box (art asset)
  • Changed rigidbody interpolation on players to ‘none’ when they take control of the player inside an IExitable
  • Repurposed the old NewPlayer event in start conditions to now spawn items in world rather than in the players inventory.
  • Changed spawn events in start conditions from NewPlayer and RespawnPlayer to NewPlayerKit and RespawnPlayerKit respectively. These can be used to spawn items in the current players inventory.
  • Added MovePlayer action – to be used with the new start conditions – which can be used to move the current player to the provided slot on a thing
  • Added new lander capsule and associated textures and other assets.
  • Changed moved packaging boxes data into their own spawnDatas in startconditions.xml so they can be referenced by multiple crates.
  • Fixed taking control of player in a seat and then exiting would not reset interpolation. Have made taking control in only the lander capsule affect interpolation (rather than any IExitable). Each IExitable will need to be handled individually before we can update this.
  • Changed spawn action execute method to take a player parameter. MovePlayerAction will now use this instead of the player from the inventory manager.
  • Set lander capsule and lander capsule door to not spawnable
  • Updated Capsule Small with separate window and handle.
  • Fixed Robots respawn without a battery.
  • Fixed Ship Repair package could not be sold to trader due to badly authored gas trade condition on welding torch item.


Download Stationeers update 2.4966.22676 on PC.

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