Stationeers update is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Stationeers patch notes, the latest update added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Stationeers patch will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Stationeers Patch Notes – September 10, 2024
- Fixed cargo and hydroponics larry calling onserver behaviour incorrectly.
- Fixed larry bypass docks not resetting their open state when the rail network is rebuilt.
- Fixed missing material on Nitrolyzer device pins.
- Fixed Network error caused by Larre Harvest action. This would cause error spam on client and result in client desync.
- Fixed hydroponics and collector larry not being paintable.
- Fixed hydroponics larry not being able to pick up something when it’s hand is full but the extra slot is empty.
- Fixed missing material in GrowLight on anim.
- Fixed material on security printer.
- Fixed missing material on grow light broken build state
- Fixed missing textures for prefabs
- Added window button for iterating through prefabs to find missing prefab materials under Stationeers/prefabs/scan all prefabs/find missing materials
- Removed un-used renders from drills. Fixed missing material reference on Cryotubes.
- Fixed RailNodes were not thread-safe as their transform values were not cached.
- Fixed Open Close Logic on LArRE docks could be set when the arm was not in a valid open/close position. Now the open/close value can only be set when the arm is on a dock or Bypass node.
- Fixed missing material on hydroponics display.
- Added material for hydroponics larry display off state.
- Added Stationpedia description for Shower.
- Fixed Wind turbines could play audio when partially constructed.
- Improved descriptions for PressureExternal and PressureInternal Logic Types in Stationpedia
- Fixed larry arms animation state could get out of sync on clients.
- Fixed Merge Logic was not properly isolated between servers and clients as Client behaviour was implemented in the OnServer Class.
- Tweaked hydroponics larry display off material.
- Fixed Byte Array error that could occur on client due to potential Null reference exception in LandingPadCenter.IsTraderReady() setter.
- Moved colliders on larry arms to IgnoreRaycast layer to stop the tooltips for the dock showing when hovering over the arm.
- Added Radiation and solar heating values to Atmosphere debug (only valid on server)
- Fixed Atmospheres in partially build frames inside bases would inappropriately radiate heat with the global atmosphere. This could cause bases on Vulcan or Venus to heat up unexpectedly quickly.
- Fixed Vacuum atmospheres trapped in terrain would get left behind after mining. Added additional Check to Atmosphere.IsLive to ensure these are cleaned up.
- Fixed collector larry could not take in new items until being fully emptied.
- Added display screen functionality to collector larry.
- Removed empty directory
- Fixed Removing a frame that was embedded in terrain could cause the vacated grid to not join an adjacent room.
- Fixed Sometimes Rooms wouldn’t generate correctly when building frames in partially mined terrain grids.
- Moved ‘end position’ property from base larry dock to collector larry dock.
- Fixed cargo larry and hydroponics larry had inconsistent delay times when animating.
- Fixed issue loading old saves with certain lArRE configurations.
- Fixed larry ‘Idle’ logic value not being set correctly when the arm is down. Idle will now mean the arm is up and stationary.
- Re-enabled larry recipes on the electronics printer.
- Added Network sync for several Larre values.
- Reduced Size of some of Larres network read/writes.
- Added Cargo LArRE now shows the icon of the target slot item on its display.
- Added stationpedia descriptions for new larry docks.
- Fixed old larry moving off its rail when setting activate at its dock.
- Fixed collector larry can’t move to bypass when full.
- Fixed EjectPosition of Collector Arm was not updated on Anim Animation Complete.
- Added Collector Arm can Output to Chute inlet.
- Changed Collector Arm will now only import/export from chute bins when in the correct mode.
- Changed Lowered LArRE Collector arm operation sound volume.
- Fixed null ref for clients when building the atmos larry dock due to uninitialized internal atmosphere.
- Fixed linear rail network indices could appear incorrect for clients when splitting rail networks.
- Added Movement Sound for when LArRE moves into/out of dock.
- Fixed LArRE rail movement audio not playing on clients.
- Fixed mode switches sometimes don’t initialize to the correct state. Added ‘Undefined’ to SwitchColorState so that the first time the color state refreshes it will always update the material.
- Fixed atmos larry arm not moving on dedicated server.
- Tweaked the order of build and process update for larry so the arm state is always sent to clients first.
- Fixed Material issue with future asset.
- Changed Hydroponics LArRE Proxy slot now points to plant slot in target planter. (or input/output slot of target chute bin)
- Fixed Collector Arm sounds would sometimes not play on clients
- Fixed larry bypass audio not stopping when the dock is turned off.
- Fixed inconsistent power state on the Landing Pad pumps
- Added stationpedia descriptions to linear rail pieces.
- Removed ‘CurrentIndex’ logic value from larry and added ‘Extended’ which will indicate if the arm is down or not.
- Added new tooltips to the base robot arm class, including position, index, and “status”
- Fixed Writing Setting value to Larre when it was Docked (closed) would cause it to get into an errored state.
- Reworded LARrE one of the tooltips from Activated to Extended
- Fixed LArRE Idle state not set correctly when doing bypass move
- Added internal atmos data to atmos robot arm
- Fixed Target index can now be set on larre when it is in a bypassed state
- Fixed Hopper Slot named incorrectly on hydroponics Larre
- Added more detailed tooltips for the collector arm
- Added HarvestedHas Logic Slot variable. Returns the Prefab Hash of what will be harvested from the plant. 0 if plant is not mature.
- Changed the outer corner to make the arm rotate sideways rather than straight on.
- Tweaked the handling of inner corners for larry’s linear rail. Should now be able to traverse a few arrangements where it would previously get stuck.
- Added Info about Proxy slot to Cargo and Hydroponics LArRE Stationpedia description.
- Added Quantity and Ratio logic values to LArRE Collector.
- Fixed Localisation error with LArRE Collector slots in stationpedia.
- Fixed cargo arm being able to view inaccessible slots
- Added Target slot name and occupant to LArRE Cargo info screen tooltip.
- Removed non-threadSafe call from RoboticArmDock.CanAccessSlot.
- Added left and right ‘corkscrew’ linear rail pieces.
- Tweaked ordering of rail pieces in linear rail kit.
- Fixed added missing worldmanager changes in base scene.
- Added thumbnails for linear rail corkscrew pieces.
- Fixed Robotic Arm Dock Hydroponics reading the contents of Chute bins if they contained plants
- Fixed incorrect tooltip text on collector larry.
- Fixed slot strings for collector dock in stationpedia
- Fixed incorrect position for collector arm
- Added Code to get LArRRE Current Junction Index.
- Fixed LArRE arms could reach through walls and frames.
- Allowed larry arms to traverse a looping rail network correctly. The arm will move to the target along the shortest path.
- Fixed LArRE blocking logic was registering a false positive with floors under planter trays preventing interaction.
- Changed linear rail deconstruction tool to be wrench.
- Changed prevented interaction with activate button when arm action is blocked.
- Added Tooltip to LArRE when arm action is blocked by wall or frame.
- Removed unused CanConstruct checks in larry code.
- Added Gas Tooltip to Atmospherics LArRE pipe meter.
- Added Input atmosphere logic values to LArRE Atmospherics arm. If the Arm is connected to a passive vent this will show the passive vents pipe atmosphere information, other wise will show the world atmosphere that the arm will interact with.
- Fixed Atmospherics LArRE was interacting with the atmosphere at the arms rail position and not at the vent position.
- Increased Shadow draw distance for small devices from 5m to 10m
- Fixed atmos LARrE not taking damage from over pressure
- Added small offset to vent atmos sampling for atmos robot arm
- Fixed Atmos LArRE doing Atmospherics calls when destroyed on the main thread.
- Fixed ErrorSpam when LArRE destroyed.
- Fixed Filter slot on atmos LArRE was not filtering when outputting.
- Fixed LArRE would not exit bypass state in certain configurations when TargetIndex was not set to the Home Docks Index
- Fixed Regression from rev23616 where LArRE would be allowed to exit bypass state when another LArRE was occupying the dock rail.
- Made larry move towards the closest station index when looping rather than using the shortest distance.
- Added Clarification to Atmospherics LArRE description around atmospherics logic values.
- Added ‘position’ to the larry base tooltip which will be the last index visited. Also added this to the logic values.
- Fixed NRE when deconstructing collector larry dock.
- Fixed issue with arms moving in the wrong direction when building a looping rail network with multiple docks.
Download Stationeers update on PC.