A new Stationeers update 0.2.5025.22811 patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Stationeers update 0.2.5025.22811 will address some of these issues and bugs.
Read what is new and fixed in today’s Stationeers patch. Read the official patch notes below.
Stationeers Patch 0.2.5025.22811 Notes – June 13, 2024
- Tweaked lander capsule triggers for popping off the door.
- Updated several IExitable prefabs to ensure their camera points were correctly set. Chairs will no longer update every physics tick.
- Fixed players spawning in slots could sometimes have an incorrectly offset camera. Have moved logic which handles camera position out of every IExitable and instead put it in Entity.
- Tentative fix for dropped dynamic things flying off in random directions.
- Fixed laptop blueprint was incorrectly rotated.
- Fixed Issue with liquid evaporation where a liquid could rise above its maximum liquid temperature but would not evaporate. Now liquids that are heated above their maximum liquid temperature will boil off quickly.
- Changed PortableAC. Now requires coolant to be supplied via a liquid canister. In cooling mode the AC will move heat from the world to the coolant canister, Efficiency will decrease if the canister is hotter than the operating environment. In heating mode the AC will move heat from the coolant Canister to the world. If the coolant freezes or their is no coolant, the AC will use its built in electric heater instead. If the coolant canister pressure rises above 4Mpa the excess gas will be moved into the AC’s internal atmosphere. Opening the AC using thhe lever will dump the internal waste gas into the world. If the Ac is connected to a portables connector the waste gas will mix into the connected pipe network.
- Fixed a bug where the IC code editor window would still receive certain keyboard inputs when helper window search fields had focus
- Updated help key to allow opening stationpedia while editing IC code
- Fixed MoveToWorld setting local players root transform rotation. For the local player this should be zero and the rotation will be set on another child transform driven by the camera.
- Fixed ProcessUpdateTransform method was calling move to world for the local player. This should only be affecting other players as the local player will handle this themself.
- Fixed look direction can be incorrect when your character exits slots.
- Fixed clients not correctly exiting slots when other players pull them out.
- Disallowed the use of the words “backup”, “saves” and “autosave” in save file names. Using these words in saves can cause various issues when loading the save file list. Previous saves will be unaffected.
- Fixed furnace import bin being active while the furnace isn’t fully built
- Updated the behaviour of Rocket AutoLand – toggling it off will now shut off all engines and reset the throttle to max
- Updated Rocket IC housing to use less power – it now uses 5w instead of 50
- Updated the behaviour of AutoShutoff in the Rocket UI to leave any IC housing powered on
- Fixed objects having the wrong rotation when being precision placed
- Made lander capsules always be sent to clients at the top of the NewToSend list as they must exist before players so players can be inserted into them.
- Added handling of saving and loading of delayed spawn actions such as popping off the lander capsule door.
- Added first pass on lander capsule which players will spawn in the first time they join a world. After spawning in, the door will auto pop off but can also be manually popped off if needed.
- Added Start Condition Wrapper Data class for selected start conditions on new game. Valid Start conditions for the world are defined on worldsettings.xml.
- Added Brutal Start condition. A single crate with the bare minimum needed for survival.
- Added 1st pass of start condition selection screen.
- Added WIP Start condition UI for showing contents of start condition.
- Updated start screen crate contents tooltips to show reduced contents depth
- Added Passive vent can be upgraded to insulated passive vent with Adhesive Insulation.
- Fixed KeyBinds being able to change the FOV of the camera in the menu
- Added internal storage slots for lander capsule
- Tweaked slots on lander capsule
- Added WindTurbine to Europa Brutal Start conditions.
- Disabled raycast target on several components of ui prefabs which were causing spam of ui hover sounds
- Fixed WorldManager Changes not applied in scene.
- Removed Window Shutter from Stationpedia.
- Added Composite WindowShutterController and Composite Window Shutter to Kit (CompositeWindowShutter) and removed the old window shutter.
- Renamed Kit (Window Shutter) to Kit (Composite Window Shutter).
- Added Composite Window Shutter Controller. This is a wall like piece that has logic and power connections. It is able to control the open/close function of all connected window shutter pieces.
- Added Composite Window Shutter. These are a networked set of Windows with shutters. The shutter can be open and closed manually and a group of connected windows can have their shutters closed via a Window Shutter Controller.
- Recreated the world info prefab
- Made start conditions list items a little smaller
- Added a water bottle box and cereal bar box to the slots in the lander capsule.
- Changed Max Temperature of Portable AC to 50degreesC from 30degreesC.
- Changed Kit (Window Shutter) recipe to 2 Steel 1 Solder.
- Added optional WorldInject Element to StartConditionData. This Allows Modders to specify which Worlds they want their start condition to be available on. i.e <WorldInject Operator=”Any”> <World Id=”Mars”/> <World Id=”Moon”/> </WorldInject>
- Changed Replaced SolarPower Packsge with Gas Power Package in Mimas Brutal Start.
- Added Portables and Crate Slot type.
- Fixed Crates and Canisters could span in the wrong slots on Lander.
- Changed All SpawnDatas are now located in StartConditionData.
- Fixed GasTanks on Lander not showing on startCondition Menu panel.S
- Added Radial spawn rule option for spawnDatas. Allows important start items to spawn in a more controlled manner.
- Fixed A new batch of atmospherics Workers were being created on each world load. Potential cause of Atmos thread lag after multiple save/loads.
- Added scroll box to start conditions info box
- Added movement or jumping to get you out of a seat
- Added light to inside of lander capsule
- Changed Prevented un-assignment of External Vent on AirLock when Internal vent is assigned. The order of the airlocks assigned devices determines the assignment on deserializing and the first vent in the list is assigned as the external vent. Reassigning the external vent when an internal vent is assigned puts the list in a non-deterministic order when cause the vents to get swapped on reload.
- Changed Applied Change from rev22741 to standard Airlocks also.
- Changed lander capsule door back to draggable thing and made it deconstructable with the angle grinder
- First pass of entry vfx
- Added an entry animation to the lander capsule
- Fixed Terrain Generation Lag when loading into a save. In some cases this could cause the game simulation thread to lag out for a number of seconds. This terrain generation work has now been moved earlier into the terrain loading sequence which will result in slightly longer load times.
- Fixed Large objects travelling fast in the space level would overwhelm the terrain generation system and cause the simulation thread to lag out permanently.
- Updated serialization for lander capsules
- Removed delayed open interaction from the lander capsules spawn conditions as it will now be done in the ControlledDescent method
- Made sure lander door pops off after its controlled descent and also when the world is loaded mid descent
- Commented out code for missing EntryEffects class – to be added back in once this goes in.
- Fixed missing entry effects script
- Fixed No StartCondition available for Asteroids world. If a world setting has no start conditions listed then the default setting will be added.
- Added new graphics for starting condition buttons
- Changed WindowShutterController open variable cannot be written to when device is unpowered.
- Fixed Player could interact with disabled panel on window shutter controller when device was turned off.
- Changed WindowShutterController now ignores multiple Open interactable calls of the same value.
- Added distinct button background images to the starting condition selection screen
- Made lander capsule descent target height closer to the ground
- Added wip thruster effects to lander capsule
- Changed Lander will no longer drift away if bumped when in zero gravity worlds (asteroids world).
- Fixed fall-back spaceMap was missing names for all its locations.
- Fixed lander effects not being disabled correctly when loading a game
- Made lander capsule terminate its descent if it hits something to stop it going through structures
- Fixed first Simulation Tick after loading into the game having a larger DeltaTime and affecting the LightStress of plants
- Changed Plant Life tick now runs after the atmospherics calculation on the gameTick. The first life tick of a plant would not see the correct lit state as the lit state had yet to be calculated.
- Fixed Compilation error from rev22766.
- Updated the Game Name text field to now be on the final screen
- Updated new game menu texts
- Fixed plant serialization not including PlantStatusTypes
- Fixed canister slot visible in insulated canister storage.
- Fixed Unpack button for insulated cannister package not available.
- Added StartCondition for Asteroids World. Includes Ingots Crate, Rocket Crate, Liquid Oxygen tank and Liquid Volatiles Tank.
- Fixed lander capsule position being way too high on load if saving while still descending.
- Changed lander capsule to use Mode to track its state instead of an IsDescending bool.
- Fixed Asteroid belt start had an over-pressurised LiquidVolatiles Tank.
- Changed Vulcan and Venus Brutal Start to include a tank of oxygen and a 12L canister of water.
- Locked lander capsule when it is descending to stop players jumping out or opening the door too early
- Added Ambience and door release sounds to lander capsule.
- Fixed decent unitask not being cancelled correctly when terminating the descent.
- Fixed door open events being fired multiple times when landing.
- Fixed lander door getting stuck when loading a game.
- Updated lander thruster material to make the transparency behaviour more consistent
- Fixed can’t deconstruct lander capsule. Moved lander proximity trigger to ‘ignore raycast’ layer. Will now no longer block deconstruction.
- Fixed Camera shake on Lander Capsule was incorrectly implemented, it was shaking the capsule, I have changed it to use the existing camera-shake effect on the camera controller.
- Fixed lander capsule door could be stuck closed on load.
- Fixed a Clients could get stuck in lander capsule on load.
- Added LanderCapsule now spawns with a breathable internal atmosphere.
- Added Vent depress effect to capsule on landing.
- Polish pass on Lander capsule event timings.
- Added Audio to Lander Capsule Landing sequence.
- Changed First Game save now runs after the player exits the LanderCapsule.
- Changed Increased force of lander capsule door ejection.
- Changed increased range of lander capsule thruster audio.
- Changed Decoupled LanderCapsuleFX from Landing simulation loop (that only ran on server).
- Fixed Camera Shake not working on clients.
- Fixed Thruster FX not turning off on LanderCapsule on clients.
- Fixed compile error caused by Accidental commit in rev22789
- Fixed Slot Rotations for lander capsule storage slots.
- Added WaterBottleBag and CerealBarBag. These spawn in the starting lander and contain starting food and water for each player.
- Fixed players not being moved to lander capsules correctly on dedicated server. Removed wait for inventorymanager when executing move player as it is no longer needed and will wait forever on dedicated server.
- Fixed bug where loading a saved game with plants would cause the plants to accumulate excessive amounts of light stress
- Fixed WorldManager SourcePrefabs not updated in scene.
- Changed Impact sound of capsule door.
- Fixed Door Collider of lander capsule interactable on clients after landing.
- Updated start screen list to expand container contents when clicked
- Added data references to default spawn and respawn conditions for starting conditions that were implicitly using the default settings. Going forwards StartConditions will need to explicitly define their player spawn and respawn kits.
- Fixed start conditions list tooltips flickering and sometimes not showing up correctly
- Removed MiningSupplies package from Asteroids Survival Crate.
- Added 2x Oxygen tank and 1x Nitrogen tank to Asteroids StartCondition.
- Tweaked lander capsule slot positions slightly as bags were clipping with their holders
- Optimised Concurrency behaviour when registering a new sound that subscribes to a StopFarthest type concurrency.
- Added Open/Close Sounds to Window shutters.
- Fixed Incorrect thumbnail for lander capsule.
- Updated start conditions screen to make landers and player capsules distinct elements
Download Stationeers update 0.2.5025.22811 on PC.