Tap Wiza update 3.7.4 is now available to download on PC. According to the official Tap Wiza patch notes, the latest update 3.7.4 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Previously, a major update 3.7.4 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.
Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Tap Wiza version 3.7.4 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Tap Wiza 3.7.4 Patch Notes
-Added the ability to re-roll the Time Cloak Spell Choices in Limbo
-Totems have indicator when you can level them up
-Mentioned common reasons for being banned from leaderboard
-Many revisions to the Minotaur of Chaos:
–Appears a lower wave
–The Phase descriptions are hidden until the boss appears, then you’ll get an indicator on the Spyglass
–You cannot Kindle if fighting the Boss
–Phase 1: Totally reworked!
–Phase 2: Damage debonus reduced to 20%!
–Phase 3: No change!
Balance Changes
-Shard Bolter Elemental Overload has been buffed
-Shard Bolter has x2 projectile lifetime
-Shard Bolter Slayer Perk has been reworked
-Buffed Lightning Orb Status Affinity Perk
-Fixed Toxic Domination Perk for Poison Golem (was non-functional before)
-Cleaned up the formatting in some Perk descriptions
-Fixed the Cauldron not properly calculating the time left for the next Brew after returning from Offline
-Fixed the Vase not properly showing how much Essence you gained while Offline
-Fixed a variety of bugs with the Fire Spirit Totem
-The Wand of Chaos will get put back into your Staff if it happens to ge