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Tiny Rogues Version 0.1.6 Patch Notes – October 9, 2022

Tiny Rogues update 0.1.6 is now available to download on PC, Ps4, PS5, and Xbox one. According to the official Tiny Rogues patch notes, the latest update 0.1.6 addresses some bugs and crashes.

Previously, a major update 0.1.6 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Tiny Rogues version 0.1.6 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Tiny Rogues Patch 0.1.6 Notes – October 9, 2022

  • Almost all Blessings (Meta Progression) have been reworked, they cost less and are more powerfulThe game still can be completed by skilled players without investing into any meta progression. Meta progression is for players who want to feel super powerful or need assistance to learn the game and progress further. You got a refund for spent Souls on the previous blessings and the save system has been improved to make you lose less progress when changes happen. 
  • You gain more Souls in early floors now.
  • New enchantment system that gives a weapon a special modifier.
  • Most enemies and boss fights have been buffed or changed, including Mimics and Basilisks.
  • Mind Flamer and Mega Death’s health values have been reduced.
  • Cerberus and King Ooze are a bit more agile now.
  • Lock picking takes skill now.
  • Added a random button to class selection.
  • Getting drunk was nerfed.
  • Doppelganger, Knight, Warrior and Pyromancer got new passive abilities.
  • Curse has been reworked.
  • Added a new status effect that makes you take more damage (and has no upside currently): Death’s Mark.
  • Wins VS Death and Wins VS Mega Death are now displayed in the class selection menu.
  • A ton of bug fixes and quality of life improvements.
  • Soul Pylons now spawn always on floor 3, 6 and 9, have more health and drop Soul Shards now.
  • Hardcore mode has been (re-)moved. It is now the first Cinder modifier for the upcoming Cinder system. (Can be found in-game in a menu in character class selection on the top right.)
  • Shrine effects have been buffed.

 General Balance Changes:

  • Armory rooms now will more often contain weapons which have scaling from your highest attribute point.
  • You can now scroll the status effect list in the Character Panel.
  • Status effect list panel elements have also been made a bit smaller.
  • Juggernaut Potion was renamed to Agility Potion and doesn’t grant Cannot be slowed anymore.
  • Increased gold reward amount of Petrified Hoards and Golden Treasure Chests.
  • Purging Stones now don’t recover the health lost by getting cursed.
  • Energy Shrine, Blood Energy Shrine and Cursed Energy Shrine now grant +1 Stamina instead of increased stamina recovery speed.
  • Blood Shrines now last for 20 rooms.
  • Normal Shrines now last for 10 rooms.
  • Frenzy Shrine and Blood Frenzy Shrine now grant 25% more attack speed up from 20%.
  • Power Shrine and Blood Power Shrine now grants 25% more damage dealt up from 20%.
  • The “Magic” damage type is now called “Magical”.
  • Increased prices at Charon (Soul Shopkeeper)
  • Ethereal Dice now can’t drop while at max traits.
  • Healing rewards (Heal pickups, Health fountains) now adjust their weighting slightly depending on if player is missing health or not.
  • Added a confirmation window to giving up.
  • You can now consume Repair Powder with the healing hotkey. (H)
  • Small Gold rewards now grant at least 10 gold. Medium gold rewards also grant a little bit more gold.
  • Reduced base mana degeneration rate by 25%.
  • Mana Potions now only spawn a mana star every 5 seconds, up from every 4 seconds.
  • Floor 5 average room sizes has been made a bit smaller.
  • Curse doesn’t half maximum health anymore.
  • Curse now stacks infinitely and reduces red hearts by 1 for each stack. Health bar now shows cursed hearts for each stack of curse.
  • There is now a minimum of 1 red heart while not having Arcane Potency trait.
  • Purging Stones now dispel 1 stack of curse.
  • Added a new status effect: Death’s Mark, which increased damage taken by 1 heart for each stack. Currently this effect is only a downside but I plan on to add more interactions and synergies with the status effect in the future.
  • The Forbidden Tome event in floor 8 now inflicts 1 stack of Death’s Mark instead of putting player at 1/2 heart of health.
  • Prices of a certain shopkeeper found in floor 4 have been reduced by a lot.
  • Class chests (Mage Stash, Warrior Stash and Ranger Stash) now don’t contain attribute pickups anymore.
  • Wins vs Death are now displayed in the character selection class inspector.
  • Wins vs Mega Death are now counted and displayed in the character selection class inspector. This won’t apply retroactively as Mega Death kills weren’t counted previously. Mega Death kills also count as normal Death kills.
  • A little bronze, silver, gold or diamond trophy is displayed next to the Wins counters for each class. Requirements for the trophies are: Bronze: 1, Silver: 3, Gold 6, Diamond: 10
  • Added a random button to character selection.
  • Hardcore mode moved into the Cinder System and is currently the only Cinder modifier available in the game.
  • Hardcore mode now also doesn’t require to defeat Death 5 times before being able to use it.

 New Feature Enchantments:

  • The inferior / superior system has been completely reworked.
  • Weapons can now be enchanted with 1 modifier. There are currently 16 different enchantment modifiers in the game:

    • Awful: -10% DMG
    • Inferior: -5% DMG, -5% APS
    • Slow -10% APS
    • Violent: +10% DMG
    • Amplified: +20% Area Radius
    • Deadly: +30% Crit. Hit Multiplier
    • Massive: +20% Range
    • Nimble: +20% Reload Speed
    • Precise: +10% Crit. Chance
    • Quick: +10% APS
    • Superior: +5% DMG, +5% APS
    • Blessed: +20% DMG against Fiends and Undead
    • Ethereal: +20% DMG against Abberrations and Celestials
    • Feral: +20% DMG against Beasts and Monstrosities
    • Unreal: +10% DMG, +20% Reload Speed, +5% Crit. Chance
    • Legendary: +10% DMG, +10% APS, +5% Crit. Chance


  • Added a new NPC to the tavern: The Enchantress. She will reroll the enchantment of your weapon for 30G.
  • Added a new consumable: Twilight Branch, which rerolls the enchantment of your weapon. Can be bought in shops and found in secret rooms and locked cellars.

 Tavern Changes:

  • Added a new NPC to the tavern which gives context to the Fair Lady NPC, making it a little less suggestive.
  • The Fair Lady NPC’s dialogue now states the effect of what happens when you accept. (fully recovers health)
  • The Tax Collector NPC in the tavern now awards gold 4 times faster than before on trade.
  • Added a new NPC to the tavern which gives more context to what Death’s Mark is and what it does. They also graciously gift the player 1 Red Eye Orb.
  • Tipsiness now grants 8% increased damage, down from 10%.
  • Due to infaltion, beer at the tavern now costs 10G up from 5G. 🙁
  • Due to beer being more expensive, the Samurai NPC has increased his prices for Sake from 10G to 15G.

 Meta Progression Changes:

  • All boss Soul rewards have been adjusted (buffed), now granting a minimum of 500 Souls.
  • Cost of Blessings has been normalized, each level costs now 500 per level. (500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500…)
  • Blessing Changes:
    • Most blessings have been reworked. You will get a Soul refund for each level you put into Blessings before this patch.
    • The save system for Blessings has been improved so in the future, you won’t lose any progress anymore. (hopefully…)
    • Removed these blessings: Alchemy (potion effect), Ash Frost and Storm (elemental damage), Dirty Techniques (physical damage), Enlightenment (shrine duration), Fanatcisim (damage vs undead), Tireless (stamina recovery speed), Wisdom (mana degeneration rate).
    • NEW: Adaptive Learner: You can reroll traits 1/2/3 additional times.
    • CHANGED: Ambush: Grants 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% more damage after entering a room for 4 seconds.
    • NEW: Backstab: Grants +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% critical hit chance against enemies moving away from you. Backstabs are indicated by a purple blade icon appearing on damage number.
    • NEW: Big Game Hunter: Grants 5%/10%/15%/20% more damage dealt against bosses.
    • CHANGED: Charisma: Reduces prices of items in shops by 10%/20%/30%.
    • NEW: Fatal Flaw: Increases “damage bonus if enemy is weak to attack” by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%.
    • CHANGED: Finesse: When you dash, gain 5%/10%/15%/20% increased attack speed for 4 seconds.
    • NEW: Head Start: Start with +1 level.
    • NEW: Magentism: Grants +2/+4/+6/+8/+10 pickup radius (works also for mana stars)
    • CHANGED: Master Bomber: Grants 25%/50%/75% increased bomb damage AND radius.
    • NEW: Opulent Arms: Grants 5%/10%/15%/20% increased chance for weapons to be enchanted.
    • NEW: Regeneration: Recover 1 heart after picking a trait.
    • NEW: Toughness: The first damaging hit you take in boss rooms deals 1/2 red-hearts less damage.
    • NEW: Unchanting: Deal 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% more damage against enchanted enemies per level.

 Enemy Balance Changes:

  • Enemies that are weak to an attack now only take 25% more damage, down from 50% more.
  • While some jumping / leaping enemies had their health increased this patch, all of those enemies can now be hit while they are jumping. (but they can’t hit you during jump)
  • Mimics now scale their health by floor level.
  • All mimic encounters have been made more difficult. (They all shoot more, attack more, attack bigger, …)
  • Basilisk enemies have been reworked and made more difficult.
  • Reduced health of Death slightly.
  • Reduced health of Mega Death noticeably.
  • Mega Death’s rotating beams now rotate faster.
  • Adjusted some timings of Mega Death and increased size of some indicators / telegraphs to make the fight more fair.
  • All boss enemies health has been halved.
  • Boss enemies now enrage upon depleting their health, recovering to full life and gaining new abilities. (previously happened at half health)
  • All boss encounters start a tiny cut-scene to signalize that the 2nd phase (enrage) has begun.
  • When the cut-scene starts, players and enemies become invulnerable during cut-scene and all projectiles and damaging attacks are destroyed similar to what happens on room completion.
  • Small Spiders in floor 1 are now a bit faster.
  • Raging Spirits in floor 2 are now a bit faster and shoot more often.
  • Bone Archer arrow speed in floor 2 increased slightly.
  • Skeleton Warriors in floor 2 are now a bit faster.
  • Unreasonably Angry Carrots in floor 3 are now a bit faster and more active.
  • Rooms that contain Unreasonably Angry Carrots now on average contain 1 more carrot.
  • Centipedes in floor 3 have had their speed and aggressiveness increased.
  • Ghosts in floor 4 now act a bit quicker.
  • Witches in floor 4 move faster and now shoot homing fireball attacks at player.
  • Cactus Boxers in floor 5 shoot more projectiles after jumping.
  • Mummy enemies in floor 5 now shoot bigger and more bone projectiles. They also have slightly more health.
  • Snakes in floor 5 have had their trailing projectile duration increased and they move a bit faster.
  • Jellyfish in floor 6 will act quicker upon player entering the room.
  • Crabs in floor 6 will act quicker upon player entering the room and shoot more projectiles.
  • Calamari in floor 6 have had their behavior completely changed. They now will disappear and appear and then shoot projectiles at player.
  • Ifrit enemies in floor 7 shoot less projectiles but now will attack with a scorching ray laser attack.
  • Blazes in floor 7 will shoot projectiles into all direction when starting to channel their main projectile attack.
  • Red Dragon Wyrmlings in floor 7 are now a bit faster.
  • Rooms that contain Red Dragon Wyrmlings now on average contain 1 more dragon.
  • Volcanolings in floor 7 will jump and shoot further and their health has been increased slightly.
  • Imps in floor 8 shoot larger projectiles.
  • Horn Devils in floor 8 will shoot a homing claw projectile after bouncing the 2nd time.
  • Medusa enemies in floor 8 now got 2 laser beams instead of just 1.
  • Lost Souls in floor 8 have had their behavior change slightly, they will now teleport, shoot, move and shoot again.
  • Normal Oozes in floor 9 have had their health increased and they now shoot actively at player after jumping.
  • Flying Brains in floor 9 now teleport around and then shoot.
  • Cloaker enemies in floor 9 are now a bit faster and gained an immunity to knock-back.
  • Purple Worms in floor 9 have had their speed and aggressiveness increased.
  • Animated Greatswords in floor 10 move and attack slightly quicker.
  • Fallen Angels in floor 10 have their arrow speed increased slightly.
  • Minor Banshees in floor 10 have better aiming with their mortar attacks now.
  • Death Knights in floor 10 will act quicker upon player entering the room and they emit more projectiles when using their slam-dash attack.

 Boss Changes:

  • Soul Pylons now count as boss enemies, which makes them drop mana stars at certain health thresholds. This is a buff to weapons that stack upon defeating bosses with them.
  • Soul Pylons now always spawn on Floor 3, 6 and 9.
  • You are now prompted to confirm to leave the floor, if door that leads to a Soul Pylon spawned.
  • Soul Pylon health now scales differently, giving the last encounter a bit more health appropriate to floor 9.
  • After defeating a Soul Pylon, the Boss Defeated Banner will now state Soul Pylon 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.
  • Soul Pylons now drop Soul Shards. 3 Soul Shards will combine into a new consumable item that will help you in the fight against Mega Death.
  • Rocks that fall from ceiling during Minotaur fight now will target player more often.
  • Made Spider Queen a bit more accurate.
  • Lich got a new movement behavior and a teleport ability to make him a little bit more agile. Lich also will shoot a bit more projectiles.
  • Banshee projectiles had a few tweaks making some attacks harder and others easier.
  • Mandrake now continously leaves behind roots that damage player while moving. Mandrake shoots more projectiles.
  • Queen Bee attack 2 has been reworked and she now shoots projectiles before charging at player 3 times. Attack 1 projectile speeds have been tweaked.
  • Gargoyles changed a lot, especially due to the new enrage mechanic. Both gargoyles have had some changes made to their attacks.
  • Vampire was made a bit harder but telegraphs and indicators were improved.
  • Sphinx was largely untouched but some attacks have been made less punishing for close range attackers.
  • Pharaoh boss shoots more projectiles now and spawns more falling sarcophagus during invulnerability phase.
  • Neptunes phase 1 has been made harder but phase 2 (enrage) has been made slighlty easier. (mostly projectiles and projectile speed tweaks)
  • Kraken shoots more projectiles, especially in phase 2 and now got a 20% damage reduction while standing still in attack 3 where the ship projectiles spawn.
  • Phoenix attack 1 now will actively target player with falling meteors.
  • Red Dragon’s attack transition times have been adjusted. Improved the aiming of his mortar attacks.
  • Cerberus has had the last phase with rotating beams removed and it has been replaced by a more active laser shooting phase. Standing still just didn’t cut it for a floor 8 boss.
  • King Ooze was reworked and many attack phases changed. He now spawns normal Oozes regurarly and the attack in which he stands still in middle of arena has been changed.
  • Mind Flamers health was decreased significantly and the amount of projectiles emitted in phase 2 (enrage) has been reduced.
  • Death now will stay at a minimum distance from arena border during the rotating beam phase.
  • Death gains a 20% damage reduction status effect during the attack phase in which they stand in middle of arena.
  • Mega Death gains a 20% damage reduction status effect during the “A Storm of Souls” attack phase.
  • Mega Death will now inflict 1 stack of Death’s Mark upon transitioning into phase 2 (enrage).

 Enemy Enchantment Changes:

  • The delay before lightning strikes of Storm Enchanted come down has been increased. Storm Enchanted spawns more lightning strikes.
  • Arcane beams of Arcane Enchanted rotate faster and are longer.
  • Electricity Enchanted now shoots 5 projectiles up from 3.
  • Frozen Enchanted explosions will spawn a lot more frequently and radius got increased slightly.
  • Laser Enchanted will spawn lasers more frequently.
  • Mortar Enchanted will spawn mortars more frequently.
  • Thorn Enchanted will shoot thorns more frequently.
  • Web Enchanted will spawn webs more frequently and webs laser longer.

 Trait Changes:

  • Cull the Weak now grants “Enemies take 10% more damage PER status effect on them” instead of “25% more damage dealt against enemies with A status effect on them”.
  • Lethality now grants 125% increased critical hit multiplier, up from 100%.
  • Sword and Board is now a dexterity biased trait. Increased DMG dealt by shield bash attack from 150% weapon damage to 200% weapon damage.
  • Glass Cannon now makes you take +1 heart of damage taken instead of doubling damage taken.
  • When you die and revive while having Arcane Potency, you now gain Soul Hearts instead of recovering normal hearts.
  • Proficiency traits (Beef, Intuition, Keen Mind) now dynamically display the bonus damage gained.
  • Gunslinger now also resets the attack cooldown so that you can shoot immediately after dashing.

 Weapon Changes:

  • Weapon scaling was extended and will now go up to S+++.
  • Damage bonus gained from upgrading weapons is now affected by (hidden) weapon tier, increasing the benefit of upgrading early-game / bad weapons. Damage increase per upgrade level now ranges from 15% to 9%.
  • Changed the APS of Harp from 2 to 4 but removed the inherent “repeating” effect. Harp also got a new sound effect.
  • Deck of Cards, Enchanted Bow, Frostbane, Laser Gun, Laser Rifle, Salamandra and Soulthief Dagger now deal Magical damage and thus will benefit from mana.
  • Added an extended description to Cluckeye Bow which states: “Chicken deals 1800% more damage.”.
  • Added an extended description Berserker Axes regarding Berserker Rage which states: “Stacks up to 4 times. \nGrants 5% increased\nattack speed per stack.”.
  • Golden Skean APS increased from 1.5 to 1.75 APS.
  • Ninja Dagger bonus critical hit multiplier increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Shadowsneak Dagger DMG increased from 250-275 to 275-300.
  • Skinning Knife DMG increased from 250-275 to 275-300.
  • Soul Thief Dagger APS increased from 2 to 2.5 APS.
  • The Hungry Blade now gains 30% critical hit multiplier on boss kill up from 25%. Increased APS from 1.5 to 2 and base bonus critial hit multiplier from 25% to 50%.
  • Archon Scepter DMG increased from 175-200 to 225-250. Decreased APS (tick rate) from 4.5 to 4.
  • Disintegration Scepter DMG increased from 50-75 to 75-100. Increased APS (tick rate) from 3.5 to 4.
  • Freezing Scepter DMG increased from 50-75 to 75-100.
  • Mana Scepter DMG increased from 100-125 to 125-150.
  • Toxic Scepter APS (tick rate) increased from 3.5 to 4.
  • Spore Flail DMG increased from 100-125 to 125-150.
  • Sun Vortex flail DMG was increased from 250-300 to 375-400. Internal rarity was increased by 1 tier.
  • Zweihander now can hit twice. Increased DMG bonus per strength from +5 to +10.
  • Butcher Cleaver was adjusted (nerfed) after an oversight in last patch where bleed damage was doubled. Now deals 100% more bleed damage down from 250% more bleed damage.
  • Life Drain Scepter and Lifehunt Scythe now have a 10% chance to drop a heart healing-pickup on kill instead of recovering 1 health per kill.
  • Scepter (ray channeling) weapons are now be a bit smoother to aim.
  • Removed all knock-back from Bible and Flail weapons.
  • Blizzard Scroll, Arctic Wand and Frozen Orb wand now always apply Chill.
  • Nimbus Scroll, Gungnir and Lightning Javelin now always apply shock.
  • Flame Wand DMG increased from 275-300 to 325-350.
  • Shuriken have a new (not final) projectile flying behavior.
  • Razor Wand projectiles now seek enemies. DMG was decreased from 150-175 to 125-150 and APS was decreased from 4.5 to 4 APS.
  • Spectral Blade Wand projectiles now fly in a helix behavior. APS was increased from 2.5 to 3 APS.

 Gift Changes:

  • Amethyst Ring is now unlocked and equipped by default.
  • Ethereal Dice has been replaced with a Red Eye Orb gift. Consuming a Red Eye Orb will inflict 1 stack of Death’s Mark. Which currently provides no beneficial effect other than maybe for a challenge run.

 Equipment Changes:

  • Silver Serpent Ring now spawns a soul on room completion. (1x Soul is worth 50 Souls)
  • Flame Treads now specify damage dealt in description. (250-300)
  • Horn Helmet now specifies damage dealt in description. (3000-4000)
  • Kitsune Mask now specifies damage dealt in description. (250-350 per fireball)
  • Top Hat now specifies damage dealt in description (1500-2000)
  • Skull Ring rarity tier decreased by 1. (is now more common)
  • Sorcerer Cloak now grants 40% slower mana degeneration rate up from 35%.
  • Ruby Ring now grants 20% increased Burn damage.
  • Sapphire Ring now grants 20% increased effect of Chill and Frostbite.
  • Topaz Ring now grants 30% increased effect of Shock.
  • Equipment items don’t grant immunities anymore.
  • Plague Doctor Mask now grants: 10% increased DoT tick rate
  • Dragonscale Greaves now grant: When you dash, deal 15% increased melee damage for 4 seconds.
  • Thieves Boots now grant: When you dash, gain +10% critical hit chance for 4 seconds.
  • The Mojo offhand now grants 15% increased poison tick rate.
  • Diamond Ring now grants +10% to critical hit chance, up from +8%.
  • Pyromancy Flame now grants 15% increased damage over time, down from 20%.

 Class Changes:

  • All classes now have a baseline mana of 2 mana stars. Which is a buff to things like Warrior but a nerf to Sorcerer.
  • Knight now gains 8% more damage per maximum armor, previously 5% more damage per current armor.
  • Pyrmancer got a new passive ability: Dark Arts: You deal 8% more damage per stack of curse on you. You start with 1 stack of curse.
  • Warrior got a new passive ability: Bravery: You gain 6% more attack speed per heart container you have. The changes to Pyromancer and Warrior were made so now all classes are more of a blank slate and can be turned into a bigger variety of builds. You can now play a mage Warrior or a ranged Pyromancer.
  • Doppelganger now copies another class each day. (rarely might repeat) Doppelganger is now not a challenge character anymore but more of a fun “overpowered” character.
  • Doppelganger now gains an enhanced version of the copied class ability. e.g.: Enhanced Mage Armor: Gain +2 Soul Hearts when you enter a new floor, Enhanced Survivalist: Grants 2 additional random consumables upon killing a boss, …
  • Thief technically got nerfed because players now have to win a lockpicking minigame to pick locks. Thief will only resort to picking locks when they have no key.

 Minor Other Changes:

  • Infusion effect consumable descriptions now are phrased in plural, stating “Infuses weapons” instead of “Infuses weapon”.
  • Added a particle effect and animation to Soul pickups.
  • Added a resolution option for 1680×1050.
  • Added a resolution option for 1280×800.
  • The HUD XP bar now states “LVL” instead of “XP”.
  • Healing pickups now make a sound when they spawn.
  • The floor transition animation now displays the player characters head.
  • Titles of Blood Shrines are now red.

 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the Hero’s Red Dice vanished if the inventory was full while acquiring it.
  • Fixed a MAJOR bug / oversight where the game would make attribute pickups of your highest attribute type 10 times more common than it was supposed to. This was adjusted and is a big change, you will find A LOT more mixed attributes pickups now.
  • Fixed a bug where rooms that granted a key as reward could be locked.
  • Fixed a bug where rooms that granted bombs as a reward could be blocked.
  • Secondary weapon actions now work “on-press” instead of “on-hold” which lead to weird behavior with weapons like Deck of Cards.
  • Fixed a bug where both doors could roll the same reward if player used a Red Dice.
  • Fixed a MAJOR bug where the game sometimes made mistakes when querying stat values, making it so that sometimes certain stats would apply or not apply while not expected to do so.
  • Fixed a bug where players could equip items of any type by using drag and drop to swap the item.
  • Fixed a bug where equipment that provided maximum health would be able to heal the player in a variety of scenarious. Equipment that provides maximum health will now only once, on being fully attuned, recover health.
  • Fixed a bug where the Kitsune Mask was shooting at bosses during the small cut-scene before the boss encounter starts.
  • Fixed a bug where orbitals granted by Inferno Potion, Armor of Thorns, Armor of Avernus or Armor of Agathys got permanently destroyed when the player supposedly died but then defied Death or got revived.
  • Fixed a lot of typos. (Many more are left…)
  • Fixed a bug where some equipment descriptions would mention chance to ignite instead of chance to burn.
  • Fixed a bug where the character panel didn’t automatically close when entering a boss room.
  • Fixed a bug where a late-game reward would promise a random helmet but then awarded a random body armor.
  • Fixed a bug where a random offhand reward sometimes would show icon for a helmet.
  • Fixed a bug where Berserker Potions granted 20% increased attack speed instead of the 15% stated in the description.
  • Fixed a bug where the Runestone Event in floor 7 didn’t make the player level up.
  • Fixed a bug where the Circlet helmet would state to give “spell attack speed” instead of “magic attack speed”.
  • Fixed a bug where the game didn’t save after spending Souls to acquire a new class.
  • Fixed a bug where special equipment effects weren’t always applied and removed correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where Constitution would apply “on room completion”, not as stated “on going to next room”.
  • Character panel now correctly states “Soul Health” instead of “Protection Health” which was the legacy name for that.
  • Fixed a bug where some lightning strike attacks from enemies weren’t destroyed on room completion.
  • Fixed that the extended description of weapons would round APS values to 1 decimal place instead of 2 decimal places.
  • Fixed that you could interact with events while in trait selection or even during game over.
  • Fixed a bug where the collection item for “The Hero” wouldn’t unlock by default.
  • Fixed a bug where bosses could get stuck if you leveled up and got into trait selection during their cut-scene.
  • Fixed a bug where “Stamina On Hit” effects could trigger while already being at maximum stamina.
  • Fixed a bug where the game timer wouldn’t go beyond 1 hour and instead loop to 0.
  • Fixed a bug where if Souls spawned outside of the arena, they didn’t get moved into arena bounds.
  • Fixed a bug where Throwing Knives and Poisoned Throwing Knives wouldn’t update their shot origin position correctly.
  • Started to improve loading performance between dungeon rooms by spreading the generation of a new room over 2 frames instead of 1 frame.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing escape in certain class selection menus lead directly back to title screen instead of closing the menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the laser vizier granted by weapons like Sniper Rifle would “aim” and “move” while the weapon wasn’t moving, for example while interacting with menus.

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