What is error code 40026 in Star Citizen?
Error code 40026 in Star Citizen occurs due to game file issues on your PC, resulting in a client/server version mismatch and a bad product version message. These errors prevent the game from loading. However, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to fix this issue.
How to fix Star Citizen error code 40026?
To resolve error code 40026 in Star Citizen, follow these steps:
- Verify the integrity of game files:
- Open Steam or Epic Games Launcher.
- Go to Library.
- Right-click on Fortnite and select Properties.
- Click on the Local Files tab and choose Verify Integrity of Game Cache.
- Launch Star Citizen and check if the issue is resolved.
- Uninstall and reinstall Star Citizen:
- Press the Windows key + R to open the Run box.
- Enter “%appdata%” and click OK.
- Delete the rsilauncher folder.
- Enter “%localappdata%” in the Run box and click OK.
- Delete the StarCitizen folder.
- Delete the Roberts Space Industries folder in (install drive)\Program Files.
- Empty your Trash/Recycle Bin.
- Download and install a fresh copy of Star Citizen.
- Launch Star Citizen as an administrator:
- Right-click on the Star Citizen shortcut.
- Navigate to Properties.
- Select Compatibility and check the “Run this program as an administrator” box.
- Apply the changes and launch the game.
- Update your drivers:
- Right-click on the Start Menu and select Device Manager.
- Go to Display Adapters and expand the list.
- Right-click on the driver you’re using or the dedicated GPU card and select Update driver.
- Choose “Search automatically for drivers” and let Windows install them.
- Restart your PC and Star Citizen to see if the error is resolved.