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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Witchfire Update Patch Notes – Oct. 19, 2024

A new Witchfire update patch notes are released for players. Since the last major update, players have been experiencing multiple issues and bugs Hopefully, today’s Witchfire update will address some of these issues and bugs.

Read what is new and fixed in today’s Witchfire patch. Read the official patch notes below.

Witchfire Patch Notes -October 19, 2024


  • The Island now has a new Obelisk event, a mini-boss and a new area around the galleon with an extra event. A tease of upcoming new things hangs nearby.
  • Experimental ːcoolstar2022ː: added Crosshair Spells Notifiers — a widget which is displayed around the crosshair and notifies you when one of your spells recharges. This feature is experimental and hidden by default, you need to turn it on in Settings -> Gameplay -> Experimental section. (Please note that this feature isn’t guaranteed to stay and may be removed in the future.) Tell us what you think, we’ll be happy to read your feedback!


Ring of Thorns

  • Ring of Thorns has undergone a thorough redesign.
  • Designer note: Ring of Thorns requires a very risky gameplay style, and thus needed a much bigger reward for playing well – hence the redesign.


  • Whisper can once again stun Familiars and Faithfuls, but it takes a few shots, depending on the target’s size


  • Removed a hidden “Fourth Mysterium” from Hangfire, that ballooned its single target damage out of proportion.
  • Designer’s note: Early in Hangfire’s design process, it had a different Mysterium II:”Explosions get stronger the more bullets are lodged in the same enemy.”We changed it to the current version, not only because it wasn’t particularly engaging and was pretty overpowered with the right setup, but we also found out that making Hangfire a more crowd-fighting oriented hand cannon gave it a stronger identity. The problem is…that Mysterium was accidentally never removed from the game, So both versions of Mysterium II activated when the gun was upgraded. Whoops.
  • Hangfire had its single target explosion damage and stun damage adjusted: subsequent explosions on the same target deal less and less damage.
  • Even with the “Fourth Mysterium” removed, Hangfire’s single target damage and stun potential was still just a tad too high for its desired place in the combat sandbox. This feature was implemented so it could be reigned in without compromising its crowd-fighting capabilities
  • Increased Hangfire explosions base stun damage on initial target by 300%, and lowered Hangfire’s bullet stun damage by 20%.
  • This makes Hangfire actually better at controlling spread-out crowds with explosions, while not being overpowered on single targets thanks to the new stun damage decrease on subsequent hits.
  • Increased ammo reserves from 90 to 120


  • Increased Mysterium II bonus damage on Burning targets


  • You can no longer trigger Mysterium III repeatedly by interrupting reloads.

All-Seeing Eye

  • One more bullet in the clip community suggestion

White Raven’s Feather

  • Cost on Unveiling Arcana lowered from 2 to 1
  • Slightly lowered the amount of Feathers dropped

Foul Stimulant

  • Now grants +100% witchfire for the whole run duration, in exchange for lowering health and stamina by 50% and preventing the corpse from spawning on death.

Witchfire Guard

  • Now protects all volatile witchfire on death, but there will be no corpse left behind to recover treasures from

Merchant’s Stone

  • Now grants a significant heal, but consumes three random treasures from the Inventory


  • Fixed Stake Gun projectile launch location
  • Fixed an issue that caused enemy pathing to fail following the target
  • Fixed Buckler Swordsman collision to correctly reflect the mesh community request
  • Fixed teleporting enemy losing the elemental status applied prior to teleport community request
  • Removed some clutter from the Adventure Log, like mentions of locked supply chests
  • Tweaked some enemy drops to be more appropriate to their difficulty
  • Fixed a bug that caused “New Elixir slot unlocked” to display on incorrect levelup
  • A thorough balance pass has been made on Arcana parameters
  • Adeptus Major and Adeptus Minor had their description tweaked to better describe their use
  • Adjusted some Mirror Lock switch locations that were unreasonably hard to pinpoint. Fixed reward chest that spawned turned the wrong way around
  • Improved Rarog’s Egg event rewards community request
  • To avoid confusion, changed the Soultrap’s “Event Failed” notification to “Event Finished” when you fail to fill up the Soultrap before the timer runs out and only get partial Demonic Ammo rewards.
  • Absorbing Manifestations now heals significantly more
  • Potions now drop slightly less often from chests
  • A malevolent being now watches for Manifestations left unused for too long…
  • When inspecting the monk statue in the Tower, golden footsteps now lead you to the scepter making the statue puzzle easier
  • Witchfire cost of cleaning areas with the scepter has been lowered from 5K to 2K
  • Witchfire cost of Gnosis Upgrade has been raised to limit accidental upgrades
  • Added the the second ship objective for Gnosis I to clear up any confusion
  • Ambush at Tower Gate has been polished and is a bit more newbie friendly
  • Fixed Ice Sphere and Heavy Gunner’s shield being valid targets for the stake
  • Fixed Firebreath second mysterium always being active
  • Fixed Firebreath second mysterium affecting enemies that weren’t already on fire
  • Fixed multiple gameplay related crashes
  • Fixed broken spells inputs after switching spell casting mode back and forth in the settings
  • Fixed locked dash direction on controller when switched dash mode for KBM
  • Enemies no longer lose their elemental statuses when teleporting
  • Severed Ear’s reload trigger is no longer spammable due to reload interrupts
  • Fixed conditions for 2nd Mysterium activations objective for Hypnosis
  • Fixed sometimes incorrect notifications about available Ascension
  • Rotten Fiend is no longer a valid target for lightning jumps between enemies
  • Casting Rotten Fiend when another one is already active will correctly remove the previous one on any Mysterium, rather than only on the highest one
  • Fixed Rotten Fiend’s Decay aura
  • Fixed a crash happening when some inputs were left unbound in the settings
  • Fixed hidden weapon bug when trying to swap weapons and using Elixir at full health
  • Fixed Silent Secondary corrupted Arcana preventing swap to Demonic weapon using Quick Swap input action
  • Fixed loot drops for Sister, Devotee, Wretch and Sentinel enemies
  • Trying to cast a Spell while dashing will now correctly cast it right after dash ends instead of failing
  • Stun bar UI above enemy health should now correctly display its value after switching targets
  • Spell cooldown icon no longer appears as ready when it’s still recharging (micro cooldown bug)
  • Increased the threshold required to change platform input icons using mouse or controller thumbstick
  • Moving the cursor with thumbstick while pressing (A) will no longer display KBM icons on the UI
  • Improved rebinding so that you can override other binds
  • Added better Sharpen option (lets you restore the soft pre-patch look)
  • When interacting with the Gunroom, you will now see notification icons (little stars) leading you to the new gear. No more guessing whether ‘new gear’ means new weapon, spell, relic, fetish, or ring. Little star (and corresponding objective: ‘New gear awaits in the Gunroom’) will disappear after you hover a new item with your cursor — there’s no need to equip it if you don’t want to.
  • Added a new objective displayed in the Hermitorium when it’s possible to start researching a new gear (weapon / spell / magic item). This should help new players understand how Workshop Mirror works. It should also eliminate instances when you start a new expedition only to realize you forgot to start a new research. (However, please note that objective is only displayed when there’s gear to be researched — incantations are currently ignored, as they are not limited and can be researched infinitely.)
  • Added safeguard in the logic of displaying map icons, which hopefully will fix the bug with the icon with empty name and description
  • Settings / Controls: missing bindings are now displayed in red, making them easier to spot.
  • Settings / Controls: added warning popup which is displayed when you try to go back from the settings, and some of your bidings are still missing
  • Settings / Gameplay: changed the names of ‘Screen effects’ setting options to be more descriptive
  • Adventure Log should no longer display duplicate messages
  • Optimized Adventure Log memory footprint
  • Updated credits
  • Fixed mouse cursor hotspot being in wrong position across various screen sizes
  • Fixed Striga’s projectile sometimes phasing through enemies
  • Better collision detection for Striga’s projectile
  • Slightly lowered tracking on Warrior Priest and Maceman attacks to make dodging them more viable in intense combat scenarios
  • Slightly lowered aim leading for Devotee projectiles and made her more inclined to push closer to its target
  • Fixed camera shake rotation on melee attacks from sides to better reflect hit impact direction
  • Fixed All Seeing Eye position while aimed-down-sights community feedback
  • Shieldbearer’s Shield dome radius increased by roughly 20% to make staying in it a slightly more managable task


  • Added ambient sounds to the Island of the Damned
  • Designed sounds for the Obelisk scenario that occurs in the Island
  • Replaced the All Seeing Eye’s radial damage sound
  • Designed an additional radial damage sound for the All Seeing Eye’s decay shockwave
  • Added a new sonic element to part of the reload sounds for Hangfire
  • Tweaked the attenuation range of Hangfire’s explosions
  • Improved the sonic transitions that occur when the preyer teleports in and out of the Wailing Tower
  • Tweaked the End of Cooldown sounds for the Charged Melee, Light, and Heavy Spell abilities to make them more audible
  • Tweaked the attenuation ranges of many of the Proximity Mine sounds
  • Fixed a small issue present in the sound of the Proximity Mine’s explosions
  • Made a change so that the Bells that anticipate a Calamity remain audible for players who mute the game’s music
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Cornucopia’s casting sound to get interrupted

Download Witchfire update on PC.

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