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Friday, June 21, 2024

X4: Foundations Update 7.00 Patch Notes – June 20, 2024

X4: Foundations update 7.00 is now available to download on PC. According to the official X4: Foundations patch notes, the latest update 7.00 addresses some bugs and crashes.

Previously, a major update 7.00 added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s X4: Foundations version 7.00 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

 X4: Foundations Patch 7.00 Notes – June 20, 2024

  • New Feature: Reimagined Teladi and Argon capital ships.
  • New Feature: Redesigned Xenon PE and SE ships.
  • New Feature: Flyable Xenon ships (selected ships only).
  • New Feature: Historic Terraformer ships.
  • New Feature: Observation Deck module for stations.
  • New Feature: Additional sectors and landmarks.
  • New Feature: Race-specific managers’ offices.
  • New Feature: Improved AI.
  • New Feature: Reworked, improved and expanded tutorials.
  • New Feature: Late-game crisis for advanced players.
  • New Feature: Customisable radial menu for quick access to actions.
  • New Feature: Extended input mapping options.
  • New Feature: Enhanced external camera system.
  • New Feature: Visual Enhancement Goggles.
  • New Feature: Improved explosion effects.
  • New Feature: FOV slider.
  • New Feature: TAA support.
  • New Feature: Enhanced shadows.
  • New Feature: New accessibility options.
  • Added advice message for first-time players.
  • Added gamestart recommendations for new players.
  • Added Wayward Scion gamestart.
  • Added guidance to new HQ location when player scans old HQ plot signal leak with Kingdom End active.
  • Added more skilled marines to newly created Terran Asgard ships.
  • Added option to override ware baskets of subordinates with trade assignments.
  • Added indication of critical wares to AutoTrade default behaviour.
  • Added possibility to skip conversation lines in interactive dialogues with Space key.
  • Added option to choose default camera when piloting ships.
  • Added possibility to customise external camera position per ship model.
  • Added means to rescue people who are stranded in space suits, with options for player to request rescue.
  • Added crew bailing out of player-owned ships that are destroyed.
  • Added player character to list of things Live Stream camera can showcase.
  • Added auto-targeting of next hostile or next surface element on destruction of current target.
  • Added target type identification voice feedback for surface elements.
  • Added visual effect when hovering over HUD target elements.
  • Added icons to Data Vaults to indicate unlock progress.
  • Added icon on Map for orphaned build storages with wares to sell.
  • Added option to select order sector parameter by clicking on Map.
  • Added cover status information to message ticker.
  • Added player character portraits to New Game menu.
  • Added weapon and turret range of ships to Object Information menu.
  • Added wrecked equipment in Object Loadout menu.
  • Added full equipment and module names to mouse-over texts in Ship and Station Configuration menus.
  • Added number of available missiles or bombs in Ship Interactions and Ship Loadout menus.
  • Added new weapon modes and renamed some old weapon modes for clarity.
  • Added faction filter to Station Configuration menu shuffle function.
  • Added lock range, lock time and resilience against countermeasures to missiles in Encyclopedia.
  • Added link to Encyclopedia in Ship Information menu, and in Module context menu in Station Build menu.
  • Added full module names to search in Station Build menu.
  • Added visual hint to indicate which categories contain searched items in Station Build menu.
  • Added checks for missing equipment blueprints to construction plan selection in Station Build menu.
  • Added confirmation dialog when deleting Construction Plans.
  • Added separate default options for Global Standing Orders for military ships.
  • Added option to disable transform gizmo in Station Build menu.
  • Added ability to show external target view for ships in highways.
  • Added ability to move orders immediately to start/end of order queue in Object Behaviour menu.
  • Added information about automatically calculated buy amount to Station Overview resource boxes.
  • Added fleet and sector names to Map menu searches, and provided suggestion box.
  • Added skip buttons to sliders in menus to immediately set them to their limit.
  • Added ticker history to Logbook.
  • Added ability to select options in dropdowns by typing.
  • Added mouse-over texts explaining mission difficulties.
  • Added Interact menu of station or ship when interacting with surface elements.
  • Added Deposit Inventory order for multiple selected ships.
  • Added reset buttons to Global Standing Orders menu.
  • Added option to mark Build Storages as hostile.
  • Added mission arrow to HUD for multiple mission targets that are close together.
  • Added shield bar animation when receiving damage or boosting.
  • Added wiggle animation to hull and shield bar when being attacked.
  • Added visualisation for projected weapon heat after next shot.
  • Added up-arrow button above tab icons to close top level menu and hide icons.
  • Added warning about removing unavailable equipment when applying presets in Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added warnings about missing military or mining equipment to Ship Configuration menu.
  • Added warning when removing last controller input from certain important menu navigation controls.
  • Added support for customisation of keyboard modifiers and remapping of Shift and Ctrl keys.
  • Added feedback for input actions.
  • Added Numpad-5 as an additional input to reset map view.
  • Added wider range of ready-made input profiles.
  • Added new default profiles for various joysticks.
  • Added new default controller profile.
  • Added option to delete input profiles.
  • Added Menu Width Scale option to adjust menu widths in, e.g. multi-monitor setups.
  • Added HUD scaling.
  • Added docking UI in external view.
  • Added glow option for UI.
  • Added colour-blind options to accessibility settings.
  • Added Reduced Speed Mode accessibility option.
  • Added flickering of lights in rooms when ship or station is taking heavy damage.
  • Added low shadow quality setting.
  • Added more achievements.
  • Changed placement of station target elements to be in visual center of stations.
  • Changed appearance of mission targets that are relative to objects.
  • Changed target speed display to use more appropriate units.
  • Changed option to reset Global Standing Order responses for all ships to be on dedicated button.
  • Changed Object List and Property Owned menus to show stations under construction in same way as station entries.
  • Changed order of Dock Areas in station elevator menu to prioritise current location and ship dealerships.
  • Changed Map menu trade ware and storage type filter from being persistent per player/account to being persistent per save.
  • Changed discovered Data Vault icons to remain on Map even outside of live view.
  • Changed Laser Towers to show up as “ping” on map after long range scan.
  • Changed messages in ticker to no longer disappear while game is paused.
  • Changed faction colours to be more distinct.
  • Changed colour of collectable HUD elements that cannot currently be collected.
  • Changed hull bar colour in Map and radar from green to white to match HUD representation.
  • Changed missile reload bar to animate from full to empty.
  • Changed white flash effect when opening menu to more subtle colour.
  • Changed SSAO quality settings and added Ultra option.
  • Removed chance for fighters to deploy mines in dogfights.
  • Removed names of landmarks from target element.
  • Removed interaction icons for NPCs that are not current target.
  • Removed option to minimize Map menu.
  • Removed mouse HUD mode.
  • Improved ending of Combat Scenario to be less confusing.
  • Improved Hatikvah mission objective to indicate requirement to place 2 explosive charges during station sabotage section.
  • Improved strength of Xenon fleet in Mutually Assured Destruction mission.
  • Improved Find Resources mission to have more variation and to take into account new resource regions.
  • Improved station selection for Gride’s delivery station in Paranid story.
  • Improved scanning mission to verify that opposing faction matches that given in briefing.
  • Improved mission to track ship to abort if target was destroyed before accepting mission offer.
  • Improved balancing of mineral and gas region yields across whole map.
  • Improved balancing of drop rates, types and amounts for ships and lockboxes.
  • Improved balancing of seminar prices to match equivalent NPC hiring fees.
  • Improved balancing of stellar output across all systems to match stars and locations.
  • Improved balancing of storage volume for S and M storage modules.
  • Improved ware allocation for wharfs, shipyards and equipment docks.
  • Improved quantity and locations of Xenon Defence Stations (in new games only).
  • Improved fleet composition of Terran Protectorate.
  • Improved spacesuit manoeuvrability.
  • Improved character appearance when moving and performing certain activities.
  • Improved mission guidance and NPC pathfinding in large walkable areas.
  • Improved presentation of NPCs greeting passers-by in certain situations.
  • Improved behaviour of collisions between capital and S/M sized ships.
  • Improved tolerance of turret friendly fire between player and non-player factions.
  • Improved friendly fire handling between non-player factions.
  • Improved flee behaviour of S or M ships under attack by capital ships or stations.
  • Improved boarding pod launch velocity.
  • Improved accuracy of weapon aim prediction.
  • Improved auto-aim targeting on engines, shields and turrets.
  • Improved docking of spacesuits on S and M sized ships.
  • Improved behaviour of missiles targeting stations.
  • Improved flight behaviour of guided missiles and accuracy against certain targets.
  • Improved missile hit detection.
  • Improved docking guidance.
  • Improved precision of target guidance in space.
  • Improved automatic collision avoidance for player ship when near moving objects.
  • Improved AI flight by not interrupting travel mode due to small course changes.
  • Improved AI flight while moving to jump gates.
  • Improved capital ship movement when approaching and exiting gates, accelerators and highways.
  • Improved capital ship combat movement against large targets.
  • Improved ships unnecessarily dropping out of travel drive when flying in formation.
  • Improved boosting without flight assist to no longer set throttle to zero.
  • Improved undocking behaviour of S/M ships on stations such as Teladi Trading Station.
  • Improved high speed carrier undocking.
  • Improved combat behaviour of missile-armed fighters attacking large targets.
  • Improved combat approach for capital ships attacking very large, very slow or immobile targets.
  • Improved some cases where weapons fire with no chance of hitting target.
  • Improved turret behaviour to allow slow heavy-hitting turrets to target smaller/faster enemies if there are no more suitable targets.
  • Improved boost usage of ships in fleets that are traversing jump gate to attack.
  • Improved capital ships approaching gates prior to sector transition.
  • Improved fleet gate traversal to sectors with hazardous regions.
  • Improved manoeuvring capability of tugs while towing scrap cubes or wrecks.
  • Improved ships with very low strafe speeds flown by very bad pilots sometimes appearing not to move at all.
  • Improved long-distance movement to moving objects.
  • Improved gate transition for very long NPC ships.
  • Improved ships with mining orders avoiding asteroids they are not currently targeting.
  • Improved free traders finding trades when operating over multiple sectors.
  • Improved miner decision-making involving mining in distant sectors which are contested by hostile factions.
  • Improved manual mining order for solid resources.
  • Improved manual mining order when cargo is already full.
  • Improved reliability of capital ships getting supplies.
  • Improved reliability of construction ships building stations in owned faction space.
  • Improved repair and resupply for ships with repeating orders.
  • Improved repair and resupply by allowing player-owned ships to use player-owned equipment docks, wharfs and shipyards.
  • Improved damage calculations for certain weapons when player not nearby.
  • Improved response to being boarded.
  • Improved price balancing for several MK2 weapons.
  • Improved voice feedback for repeated target selection.
  • Improved fighter pursuit of very fast, large targets.
  • Improved fighter pursuit of targets when player not nearby.
  • Improved Flee order, particularly when fleeing from ships attacking head-on.
  • Improved Flee behaviour when fleeing ship was moving rapidly to distant destination prior to fleeing.
  • Improved drone launching and recovery at ships with launch tubes.
  • Improved behaviour of NPC ships regaining lost subordinates.
  • Improved reliability of carrier-based fleet subordinates.
  • Improved subordinates with Mimic to inherit commander’s default behaviour when promoted if commander is destroyed.
  • Improved fight-or-flight decision making for subordinates in fleet with Carrier or Fleet Auxiliary Ship in combat.
  • Improved stations set to sell excess resources in logical overview to no longer reduce automatic buy amount.
  • Improved station-based trader handling of ware shortages.
  • Improved redistribution of NPC military ships from long-standing quiet areas to potentially troubled ones.
  • Improved delivery of scrap to processing modules.
  • Improved order to deploy satellites to show radar range of satellite before deployment.
  • Improved messages for stations reporting friendly ships being attacked close to station.
  • Improved relation penalty on issuing attack order so that penalty is removed if attack order is cancelled before shooting has started.
  • Improved station deconstruction by transferring remaining cargo to build storage.
  • Improved Station Design Simulator environment.
  • Improved Live Stream view target selection logic.
  • Improved ticker message when picking up crates or asteroid chunks.
  • Improved selectability of small target elements in HUD.
  • Improved look and feel of mouse interactions in space and on radar.
  • Improved map zoom level range to allow it to show whole map.
  • Improved visuals of communication channel video feed.
  • Improved display of effective countermeasure resilience for missiles in encyclopedia.
  • Improved Controls settings menu layout.
  • Improved mapping of mouse buttons and mouse movement with Shift/Ctrl modifiers.
  • Improved support for joysticks with more than 32 buttons (up to 64 buttons per device supported).
  • Improved colours of exclusion zones and building lot bounds in station design menu.
  • Improved conflicting controls popup when remapping is not possible.
  • Improved range of control mapping options.
  • Improved support for DualShock and DualSense controllers.
  • Improved performance of Player Info menu under certain circumstances.
  • Improved black beard for human characters.
  • Improved cockpit visuals for Irukandji.
  • Improved historical accuracy of broken Terran jump gate model.
  • Improved presentation of loadout editor for Boron ships.
  • Improved structure of Options menu.
  • Improved visuals for Thermal Disintegrator bullets.
  • Improved rendering distance of Kha’ak Defence Platform.
  • Improved Kha’ak muzzle effect timing and appearance when viewed from far away.
  • Improved detail on wall of Terran 4M10S Luxury Dock Area.
  • Improved data leak visuals.
  • Improved appearance of stardust effect.
  • Improved lighting in Station and Ship Loadout menus.
  • Improved flickering of object lights when transitioning between functional and non-functional.
  • Improved UI colour differentiation between Realm of the Trinity and Kha’ak factions.
  • Improved clarity of icons representing obstructed enemies.
  • Improved icons for various ship types.
  • Improved visuals for scan mode.
  • Improved visibility of mining nodes on nearby asteroids.
  • Improved consistency of glow with different anti-aliasing and upscaling modes.
  • Improved readability of weapon heat bar on bright backgrounds.
  • Improved subtitle readability.
  • Fixed some pirates not being active in Kingdom End expansion sectors when gate opens.
  • Fixed missing default paint theme when at high reputation with Queendom of Boron.
  • Fixed Leda We being placed in same spot as Boron marine in The High Road mission.
  • Fixed Godrealm of the Paranid and Holy Order of the Pontifex being present in some Split sectors after Paranid unification.
  • Fixed Boron story sometimes getting stuck if Boron Shipyard is destroyed.
  • Fixed A Matter of the Utmost Gravity mission getting stuck if conversation with Kromancketslat’s lieutenant is interrupted by opening Map.
  • Fixed Trinity faction not able to rebuild wharfs, shipyards and other major stations.
  • Fixed stereo audio issues in some cutscenes of Boron story.
  • Fixed incorrect countdown in Casino welfare module research time trial.
  • Fixed E model Paranid capital ships not being used in Paranid story.
  • Fixed Covert Operations story sometimes getting stuck between Buy Plot and Build Station phases in Operation Hyena.
  • Fixed HQ-related achievements not being unlocked in some storylines.
  • Fixed speech being cut short in Rescue Ship generic mission.
  • Fixed being unable to dock due to reputation loss if player attacks Gride’s ship when it loses cover during Paranid story.
  • Fixed cipher ship vulnerability in Paranid story.
  • Fixed Gride talking about toolbox when the Paranid story already progressed past that stage.
  • Fixed story missions requesting player to deliver resources becoming blocked under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed passenger transport mission sometimes asking to pick up passenger from invalid location.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not being available to talk to continue Hatikvah story.
  • Fixed hidden mission objectives getting prominent target elements under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed potential freeze during Blazing the Trail mission.
  • Fixed stuck data heist mission of Covert Operations story.
  • Fixed items spawned from container in Find Object mission disappearing when player flies away.
  • Fixed Trade Subscription mission characters sometimes appearing behind counter in trade corner.
  • Fixed being unable to complete Northriver story if enemy with Teladi because basic engine research cannot be completed.
  • Fixed Ace just responding with same sentence when spoken to in High-Tech Hold-Up mission of Criminal story.
  • Fixed Ace talking when scanning ship after heist part of Criminal storyline already completed.
  • Fixed damage fields in Torus Aeternal.
  • Fixed mission-only module blueprints being unlocked in Station Design Simulator.
  • Fixed missing animations when selecting New Game under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed autopilot being active after teleporting to ship.
  • Fixed characters speaking to player sometimes looking in wrong direction.
  • Fixed NPCs facing wrong way when using transporter rooms in shops on dock areas.
  • Fixed reassigned pilots getting stuck leaving Boron ships when player not present.
  • Fixed ships not using travel mode when ordered to attack target in distant sector.
  • Fixed several situations where ships could fly through station or carrier while docking.
  • Fixed dock assignment and ship hologram persisting when stopping control.
  • Fixed various issues with retrieving ships from internal storage.
  • Fixed various issues with player docking requests.
  • Fixed NPC subordinates sometimes docking indefinitely.
  • Fixed some pilots finding it hard to land on Boron Wharfs.
  • Fixed Mk2 Laser Towers getting stuck in docking bay on launch.
  • Fixed player-owned police ships continuing to police old sector after player loses control of all sectors.
  • Fixed free traders sometimes not finding trades, particularly when only working with one ware.
  • Fixed ships sometimes reporting failed trade orders despite successfully completing trade.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes repeatedly trying to trade with stations they cannot dock at.
  • Fixed frigates, destroyers, and battleships sometimes not launching defence drones when they should.
  • Fixed transport drones on player’s personal capital ship not collecting drops when set to do so.
  • Fixed frigate-based defence drones sometimes escorting their frigate indefinitely rather than engaging hostiles.
  • Fixed ships tending to repeatedly switch targets if faced with multiple small targets in close proximity to one another.
  • Fixed non-capital ships in combat tending to always prefer to target individual ships rather than capital ships or stations.
  • Fixed NPC ships sometimes unintentionally initiating hostilities against neutral or friendly ships or stations.
  • Fixed ships performing queued Coordinate Attack orders trying to attack wrecked targets.
  • Fixed participants in Coordinated Attack pursuing targets to adjacent sectors.
  • Fixed Attack orders sometimes generating failure messages even if order resulted from automated behaviour.
  • Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes no longer following commander after commander’s pilot having been changed.
  • Fixed attack subordinates sometimes getting distracted by other targets far from their commander.
  • Fixed attack subordinates attacking targets other than their commander’s without provocation.
  • Fixed disproportionately large number of Xenon miners getting destroyed outside Xenon space.
  • Fixed infiltration phase of boarding taking longer with higher-skilled marines.
  • Fixed ships attacking targets that are being boarded by non-hostile faction.
  • Fixed ships that are unable to inflict damage potentially deciding to fight in response to attack.
  • Fixed turrets not shooting at station modules (especially Kha’ak) unless set to Attack my current enemy.
  • Fixed capital mining ships not firing on asteroids with some turret or drone configurations.
  • Fixed weapons aiming at target sometimes moving erratically when target is lost.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes approaching too closely in combat.
  • Fixed excessive travel-drive dropouts for small/medium ships during dogfights.
  • Fixed ships re-engaging in combat after being ordered to disengage or being given a move order.
  • Fixed Coordinate Attack including subordinate groups that have been set to Docked.
  • Fixed ships sometimes not considering other ships in front of them and therefore not slowing down.
  • Fixed ships sometimes spiraling around carriers while trying to dock when player not nearby.
  • Fixed ships sometimes flying backwards in Travel Mode after changing current orders.
  • Fixed subordinates wanting to undock if docked at commander that is further up their command hierarchy.
  • Fixed many cases of ships stopping abruptly upon destruction.
  • Fixed ships being forced out of highway when colliding, and several other cases of ships getting stranded beside highways.
  • Fixed AI-controlled ships with player passenger sometimes appearing in wrong position after gate transition.
  • Fixed large ships getting stuck when trading with build storage while station build plot size is changed.
  • Fixed unprotected player-owned miners mining in sectors with hazardous regions if no other regions with resources are found within range.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels sometimes idling next to gates to enemy sectors.
  • Fixed Construction Vessels with no drones having no efficiency penalty.
  • Fixed mining ships sometimes shooting empty asteroids when player is nearby.
  • Fixed mining nodes on asteroids being randomised when turning scan mode off and back on.
  • Fixed tug ships being unable to deliver scrap to stations without a suitable dock for them.
  • Fixed free-flying police scanning space suits.
  • Fixed friend/foe mines launched during dogfights sometimes not being hostile to their target.
  • Fixed guided missiles not properly targeting stations and build storage.
  • Fixed missiles sometimes not leaving launcher in forward direction.
  • Fixed turret control acquiring only one missile per missile swarm.
  • Fixed ships launching countermeasures against unguided missiles.
  • Fixed ships fleeing towards station stopping to recall subordinates.
  • Fixed trade discounts not being taken into account when traders are looking for trades.
  • Fixed stations not selling resources to their build storages under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain trading stations no longer buying or selling certain wares after changing ownership during story.
  • Fixed stations that are starved of resources sometimes not paying high enough price.
  • Fixed buy prices of Protectyon not updating based on supply and demand.
  • Fixed equipment on destroyed ships and station modules not contributing properly to scrap value.
  • Fixed trading stations sometimes deviating from average price for certain wares when they shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed factions not building certain factories needed to support ship building.
  • Fixed S and M variants for several weapons having incorrect prices.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in M turret pricing.
  • Fixed destroyed ship equipment being paid for when selling ships.
  • Fixed station-based traders trading with empty ware basket.
  • Fixed beams and ricocheting bullets distorting accuracy stats.
  • Fixed player being personally blamed for some hostile actions by other ships belonging them.
  • Fixed player-owned ships worrying that player will be stranded when player is on their own ship.
  • Fixed repair of multiple ships not working under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed ship repair taking longer than it should with crew aboard.
  • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating between two positions, e.g. when approaching player or while docking.
  • Fixed ships sometimes changing directions very abruptly.
  • Fixed ships disappearing during docking animation.
  • Fixed build storage with cargo sometimes not having any visible cargo pods, preventing their destruction.
  • Fixed excessive deconstruction times for station modules.
  • Fixed collision with invisible walls on some wrecked objects.
  • Fixed bullet impacts pushing ships with too much force.
  • Fixed small/medium ships sometimes teleporting short distance after being hit.
  • Fixed capital ships sometimes reacting too strongly to collisions.
  • Fixed force effects, e.g. of anomalies, not working after exiting superhighway.
  • Fixed mass traffic sometimes not having collisions.
  • Fixed unlocking of signal leaks in external view.
  • Fixed inactive mission line not being shown under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed wrong subordinate assignment displayed in Map under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed being able to purchase mining drones for installation onto ships that can’t use them.
  • Fixed loadout presets on player-owned shipyards not selecting optional software.
  • Fixed guidance on Map not working when not sitting or standing in ship.
  • Fixed re-selection of previous object after selecting None in Object List or Property Owned menus.
  • Fixed Protectyon Shield Generator showing up in Logical Station Overview menu if only condensate storage has been built.
  • Fixed Automatic Resupply option not allowing global or commander’s setting.
  • Fixed some Encyclopedia entries showing wrong names for construction methods.
  • Fixed Trade menu not allowing player to buy wares after previously planning to sell.
  • Fixed wares legality information showing factions that player does not yet know.
  • Fixed range of non-operational satellites and resource probes being shown on Map.
  • Fixed gate icons cluttering map when using filter text.
  • Fixed Map ware filters added multiple times under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed supply buy offers on stations hiding regular buy offers.
  • Fixed scan range for resource probes in Object Info menu.
  • Fixed sorting of subordinates in Object Crew Information menu.
  • Fixed Live Stream camera displaying spacesuit pilots in space.
  • Fixed menus in undefined state after using Live Stream View under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed unidentified Laser Towers showing as Unknown Ship in target monitor.
  • Fixed pilots of ships stored in internal docks not being visible during comm scenes.
  • Fixed UI shaking during cutscenes and when using Live Stream to view ship in highway.
  • Fixed missing confirmation dialog in Station Build menu when opening another menu with unconfirmed construction plan changes.
  • Fixed control mode message appearing in External Static View.
  • Fixed Left Mouse Button opening context menus in Floating View (F4) when player is not controlling ship.
  • Fixed first person interactions not working under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed conversation option to ask some NPCs for job not appearing.
  • Fixed Station Build menu freezing under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed menus not working correctly when using top level menu shortcuts under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed off-screen target elements appearing in front of player under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed target speed not updating correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed cases of being unable to select targets in HUD with Left Mouse Button.
  • Fixed surface elements not being auto-targeted in Gamepad Mode.
  • Fixed engine surface elements showing speed of 0 m/s at all times.
  • Fixed check engine light not showing when ship’s engines are destroyed.
  • Fixed Stop Engine button sometimes not working.
  • Fixed container magnet not working correctly on certain ships.
  • Fixed input being rejected when only changing direction of range input while remapping controls.
  • Fixed sliders in Station Overview menu stopping while dragging under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed radar not being interactive under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed turrets and shields on stations sometimes changing in Station Design Simulator when forcing construction of station with Administrative Centre.
  • Fixed Long Range Scan mode being available in menu in spacesuit.
  • Fixed save option being available in Station Design Simulator.
  • Fixed newly edited custom save name being reset after short time.
  • Fixed non-functional Mark as Hostile option being available for drops, lockboxes, nav beacons, resource probes and satellites.
  • Fixed missing deadzone for mouse axes when mapping controls.
  • Fixed toggling steering axis not affecting stick controls.
  • Fixed gamepad/joystick buttons not working when Shift or Ctrl are pressed on keyboard at same time.
  • Fixed release of keyboard keys such as Shift or Alt not being recognised under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed remapping control removing wrong input under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed not being able to manage controllers/joysticks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed certain supplemental input devices (e.g. VPC Control Panel) not being detected as joystick.
  • Fixed inversion of controller/joystick axis for Emulated Mouse Cursor not being saved in input profile.
  • Fixed removal of connected devices in “Manage Controllers / Joysticks” not being persistent across game sessions.
  • Fixed various input mapping issues when using specific joysticks, e.g. VPC Constellation Alpha Prime.
  • Fixed various other control mapping issues.
  • Fixed mouse cursor emulation for controller becoming active in Start menu after attempting to change input mapping.
  • Fixed cases of button auto-repeat not working on Linux when keeping joystick buttons pressed, e.g. during menu navigation.
  • Fixed not being able to use mouse on Linux when using certain joysticks with constantly pressed buttons.
  • Fixed joysticks on Linux sometimes changing input mode incorrectly.
  • Fixed Head Movement Intensity game option not being applied to camera shaking.
  • Fixed joystick/gamepad rumble not stopping when game is paused.
  • Fixed overlapping text at hacking terminals.
  • Fixed HUD monitors being cut-off on low aspect ratios.
  • Fixed weapon heat bar not scaling up linearly.
  • Fixed UI scaling issue in Overlay UI.
  • Fixed UI in external view being influenced by ship movements under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed faction name in target monitor not updating after uncovering covered ship.
  • Fixed incoming supply trades being listed for production resources.
  • Fixed ship attacked notification showing pilot upside-down if ship was destroyed.
  • Fixed Launch button being available for subordinate groups where setting has no effect.
  • Fixed submenu bar on left side of Player Info menu not showing up under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Interact menu opening too close to screen border.
  • Fixed misaligned Interact menu sub-options.
  • Fixed incorrect y-axis labels on some graphs.
  • Fixed target bracket size with non-default FOV.
  • Fixed speed SI prefixes in HUD not working for negative speeds.
  • Fixed motion blur persisting when leaving a highway while in external view.
  • Fixed interior reflections being permanently affected by effects.
  • Fixed falling through floor in certain situations.
  • Fixed outdated game start image of Boso Ta.
  • Fixed dock areas not having any props.
  • Fixed not being able to select all objects from Kalis, Sunder or Incarcatura cockpit.
  • Fixed excessively dirty cockpit glass in XL Argon ships.
  • Fixed incorrectly rotated shield impact effects.
  • Fixed ship ID being cut off on Syn and Guppy.
  • Fixed logo being cut off on Thresher and Dolphin.
  • Fixed logo and ship ID being cut off Heracles.
  • Fixed logo and ship ID on Yasur disappearing at certain view angles.
  • Fixed missing logo on Osaka lower left hull.
  • Fixed flickering surface on Yasur.
  • Fixed missing geometry on Asgard and Peregrine.
  • Fixed incorrectly placed elements near the docking area on Nomad.
  • Fixed space suit dock not being visually integrated into the Boron luxury dock.
  • Fixed floating geometry on Barbarossa.
  • Fixed floating geometry on Kalis fighter in ship build menu.
  • Fixed landing gear of Lux being out of place.
  • Fixed cockpit ramp of Shih clipping out of ship while in flight.
  • Fixed Ion Pulse turret bullets clipping into ship hull on launching.
  • Fixed certain small weapons not firing straight ahead.
  • Fixed floating turrets on Terran defence tube.
  • Fixed turrets of Scrap Recycler being inside module.
  • Fixed turret positioning issue on Magnetar.
  • Fixed incorrectly oriented weapons on Odysseus E.
  • Fixed shield generator positions on Donia, Yasur and Shark.
  • Fixed shield generator on Shark being located inside ship hull.
  • Fixed missing flame animation in Teladi S all-round engines.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned engine flames on small Xenon ships.
  • Fixed multiple cases of out of place hologram in airlock.
  • Fixed transporter room doors on small ships not closing properly.
  • Fixed black surface appearing on Kyushu when viewed from further away.
  • Fixed hole in Split corridor.
  • Fixed invisible keyboard in manager’s office.
  • Fixed paint mods not affecting cockpit frame on Kestrel and Guillemot.
  • Fixed visual glitch on capital ships under construction.
  • Fixed incomplete wreck for Falcon.
  • Fixed missing wreck for Jian.
  • Fixed missing wreck for collectible containers.
  • Fixed incorrectly textured wreck for Magpie.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Chimera.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck for Teladi small container storage module.
  • Fixed colliding with invisible wall when undocking from bay 6 on Boron luxury dock.
  • Fixed imprecise collisions with Asgard main weaponry.
  • Fixed imprecise collisions with derelict station in Duke’s Haven.
  • Fixed incorrect snap connections inside Terran Trading Station Hexa-Dock Pier.
  • Fixed incorrect rotations of station modules under construction after loading.
  • Fixed modules in station editor disappearing when selecting new module after resetting rotation.
  • Fixed Casino not being entirely visible in station construction menu.
  • Fixed ship doors remaining open when they become visible while ship is undocking.
  • Fixed force field in Paranid interior not preventing player from entering area.
  • Fixed several cases of weapons not being aligned properly.
  • Fixed logo being cut off on Kyd.
  • Fixed graphical glitch on Eclipse hull.
  • Fixed wreck of Medical Supplies and Hull Parts production modules appearing disconnected.
  • Fixed incorrect surface appearance of wreck of Paranid S Dome.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned wreck of Paranid L Dome.
  • Fixed free-floating debris pieces in wreck of Maja Snail production module.
  • Fixed missing detail on Boron M container storage causing turrets to appear floating.
  • Fixed NPCs in Baldric and Bolo not using holo-keyboards to left and right of seats.
  • Fixed transporter room door clipping through wall in Argon corridor.
  • Fixed transporter room door fading out too quickly.
  • Fixed being able to walk through dock area walls on Behemoth.
  • Fixed bridge of ship docked at Paranid pier sometimes becoming temporarily invisible.
  • Fixed glow on Boron dock area appearing cut off.
  • Fixed fast projectiles sometimes launching behind weapons when flying at high speeds.
  • Fixed sun shining through large ships in external target view.
  • Fixed engine flames of Kha’ak ships not being animated.
  • Fixed inverted player logo on Theseus.
  • Fixed logo on Pelican Sentinel being partially hidden.
  • Fixed missing headlights on Kuraokami and Nemesis.
  • Fixed incorrect orientation of right main weapon on Odysseus.
  • Fixed engine flame of Teladi Station Security Vessel A being visually disconnected from engine.
  • Fixed incorrect reflections on small and medium ship hulls.
  • Fixed missing sound on large mining turrets.
  • Fixed some joysticks breaking UI on Linux.
  • Fixed unnecessary CPU utilisation when game window is minimised.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.

Download X4: Foundations update 7.00 on PC.

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