A new Yet Another Zombie Survivors update 0.8 released on PC. According to the official Yet Another Zombie Survivors patch notes, the latest update 0.8 addresses some bugs and crashes.
Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Yet Another Zombie Survivors patch 0.8 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Yet Another Zombie Survivors Patch 0.8 Notes – March 11, 2025
- New Survivor: Mechanic.
- New tier 3 weapon option for every Survivor.
- 8 new items, 3 new badges, 9 new achievements.
- Most pick-ups now have an area spawn, instead of being an enemy drop.
- Rank unlock requirements changed to every 40 & 20 levels (from 20 & 10).
- Skill tree point spent reset due to the above change (no points are lost, don’t worry).
- One Hit mode: Leaderboards were added for every map and game difficulty.
- One Hit mode: Is now fully optional, with related Steam achievements removed
(to be restored later as optional, in-game challenges).
- Visual Effects Transparency setting has been added (Options > Accessibility).
- Enemy Indicators Color setting has been added (Options > Accessibility).
- Enemy attack indicators’ visibility has been further improved.
- White Power-Ups now have their own on-screen blob indicators.
- Improved ragdoll effects & other tweaks to visual effects/readability.
- Camera no longer flies by when starting a new run (is now centered).
- Many new/improved sound effects, with volume adjustments to others.
- A brand new tune plays in the background while in endscreen interfaces.
- Jukebox: Added tooltips explaining how each of the play modes works.
- Game version is now displayed on game over / endscreen interfaces.
- Improvements to many in-game descriptions (e.g. tag effects).
- 2D bust art touch-ups for every Survivor.
- Other minor tweaks.
- Magnet spawn chance increased & spawn interval decreased (more magnets!).
- Skip function now grants 300 Cash and regenerates 20% HP (from 150 & 10%).
- Cooldown times between Dodges and Parries are now equal to the value of Invincibility After Hit stat.
- Hardcore mode: Horde HP scaling reduced for Isolated City and Vile Wasteland (difficulty reduced).
- Toxic, Burn, and Electrify (Thunder Strike) status effects damage will now additionally scale from the weapon or ability damage stat of the Survivor that caused the effect.
- Electrify stun base duration increased to 1s (from 0.5s).
- Electric damage 10+ tag Thunder Strike effect has now lower chance per tag scaling, but much greater damage scaling.
- Electrocuted and Frozen statuses will not be reapplied if they already exist on an enemy.
- Burn status effect base damage is now 25 (from 15).
- Bleeding appliance chance changed to +0.5% per tag (from +1% per tag).
- Injured defense reduction effect changed to -0.5% per tag (from -1% per tag).
- All changes below refer to Damage as a total sum of rank upgrades & skill tree node bonuses. Most changes affect every rank.
- SWAT: Assault Rifle: Damage per bullet increased by +10.
- SWAT: Sniper Rifle: Damage increased by +50.
- Tank: Shotgun: Damage per projectile decreased by -10.
- Tank: Pump-Action Shotgun: Reload time increased by +0.1s, projectiles fired decreased by 1.
- Tank: Minigun: Damage per projectile decreased by -10.
- Tank: Rocket Launcher: Damage increased by +50.
- Engineer: Tesla: Damage increased by +100, and it now more effectively damages all enemies targetted by the beam.
- Huntress: All tier 3 weapons: Now start with 6-7 arrows and can fire up to 3 additional arrows (8 in total).
- Ghost: Thousand Cuts: Cooldown decreased by -0.1s (it now attacks more often).
- Ghost: Windcutter: Damage increased by +25.
- Medic: Syringe Gun: Damage increased by +50. Removed the DPS stat (wasn’t working correctly).
- Medic: Antidote Flasks: Damage increased by +100. Removed the DPS stat (same as above).
- Medic: Freezing & Antidote Flasks: Projectile trajectory and speed drastically improved.
- Pyro: Fireaxe: Attacks more often at every rank. Cooldown decreased by -0.1s. Damage increased by +10.
- Pyro: Blowtorch: Damage increased by +50.
- Pyro: Flamethrower: Damage increased by +50.
- Pyro: Infernax: Attacks more often at every rank. Cooldown decreased by -0.5s. Damage increased by +50.
- SWAT: Grenade Trail: Grenades now explode sooner.
- Tank: Sawblade Drone: Enchantment: Additionally increases damage by +75.
- Tank: Minefield: Mines last for 5 seconds less, but explode when they expire.
- Engineer: EMP Grenade: Electrocution range is now bigger, and its stun lasts for 5s (from 0s, oops!).
- Engineer: Electric Turret: Cooling: Range decreases by -2 (from -2,5).
- Engineer: Electrocution: Passion: Additionally increases damage by +25 (300) and reduces cooldown by -2s (10s).
- Huntress: Arrow Penetration: Barbed: Additionally increases the activation chance +15% (75% max).
- Huntress: Bear Trap: Fire: Additionally increases damage by +25.
- Huntress: Zombie Decoy: Moving: Additionally increases damage by +50.
- Ghost: Pulsar: Damage increased by +150 (That’s a ton of damage!).
- Ghost: HoloGhost: Sub Zero: Additionally increases count by +2 (holograms make a snowflake now, aww).
- Ghost: Shuriken: Boomerang: Shurikens now last longer.
- Medic: Resuscitation: Valhalla: Health points restored now increases by +30% (80% max).
- Medic: Medical Drone: Offense: Damage increases by +225 (from +150).
- Medic: Stimpack: Evolutions removed from the One Hit game mode (less level-up clutter, yay!).
- Pyro: Fire Walk: Damage increased by +100.
- Pyro: Makeshift Bomb: Damage increased by +50.
- All items effects are now removed when swapping an item out (Glass of Milk).
- Some achievement rewards as items have switched places (ACME Anvil).
- Ban Hammer: Now additionally grants +10 Luck stat.
- Suspicious Pendrive: Fixed an issue that caused it to deal less damage than intended & explosion range increased greatly.
- ACME Anvil: Slowing effects are now twice as strong (from 50% stronger).
- Scented Candle: Decreases statuses duration by -25% (from -50%).
- Stretcher: Decreases Dodge Chance stat by -2% per stack (from -5%).
- Camping Set: Decreases Movement Speed stat by -5 per stack (from -10).
- Vampire Survivors: Maximal HP regenerated is now 400 (from 500).
- Ring of Power: Cap decreasesd to one less SOS Signal. Offers smaller boost but is easier to stack across all game modes.
- Wooden Stick: The additional passive effect is now +10% EXP (from +20%), doesn’t affect the empty slots effect.
- Icon of Pestilence: Effect changed from increasing the Toxify explosion size, to spawning a cloud of toxic fumes on toxified enemy death.
- Icon of Tempest: Effect no longer chain activations for every electrified enemy.
- Multiple confirmed and potential fixes for the reported game crashes.
- Fixes for freezes caused by the Huntress Survivor in certain conditions.
- Precautions against situations where some enemies persisted from previous runs.
- Fixes for some Weapon Damage stat boosting effects not updating correctly.
- Additional preventions for Engineer’s attacks causing screen flashes.
- Fix for Item Chests skips not granting Cash properly.
- Fixes for experience gems appearing at certain spots of the maps.
- Fixed inacurrate data display on the Military Training points bar.
- Some weapon sound effects are now correctly attached to Weapon Volume setting.
- Fixed occasional audio volume changes caused by alt-tabbing the game window.
- Fixed some issues related to Jukebox and playing music by a playlist.
- Fixes for some wrong values displayed under item icons in the in-game HUD.
- Mouse cursor should no longer stay on screen when switching to a gamepad/controller.
- Some previously missing weapon stats are now listed correctly in their descriptions.
- “Glass of Milk” item now displays correct amount of stacks/activations.
- Tank: Sawblade Drone: Should now correctly deal Slashing type damage.
- Pyro: No Pain No Gain: Is now correctly disabled in the One Hit game mode.
- Electrified status effect’s duration now scales properly (was always very low before).
- Engineer’s synergy with Ghost no longer causes Shuriken ability to display 0 DPS at the endscreen.
- Getting killed by the Big Mummy’s projectile no longer displays as if the player died from a Scarab.
- Non-unicode symbols in Steam nicknames no longer print errors in the game’s log file when displayed on the main menu screen.
- Other minor fixes.
Download Yet Another Zombie Survivors update 0.8 on PC.