Yet Another Zombie Survivors update 0.7.1 is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Yet Another Zombie Survivors patch notes, the latest update 0.7.1 added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.
Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Yet Another Zombie Survivors patch 0.7.1 will fix a few of these issues.
Check out more details below.
Yet Another Zombie Survivors Patch 0.7.1 Notes – November 29, 2024
New Additions
- Survival Guide:
- Serves as a fully optional tutorial / condensed in-game wiki.
- Covers the most important information & concepts of the game.
- Can be accessed from main menu and the pause menu while playing.
- Will be expanded to cover new information and upon your feedback.
- Steam Online Leaderboards:
- Supported game modes: Endless & Extermination.
- Every game version has a separate leaderboard.
- Leaderboards are separate for each Difficulty Level.
- Can be disabled entirely in Options -> General (cozy mode!).
- Available in the main menu and on the game mode selection.
- Top 3 scores are asked to submit a gameplay video (can be added later).
- Luck stat returns:
- Increases Magnet and Healthpak spawn rates (~1% per 2 Luck).
- Increases Crit Chance and Dodge Chance (~1% per 10 Luck).
- Increases Blue/Red XP Gem and White Power-up spawn (x2 at 100 Luck).
- Slightly increases Military Training rarity.
- Added to Infinite/Common/Rare/Legendary Military Training.
- 2 new Luck-related items, 1 item modified to also add Luck.
- 20 new items:
- Unlocked by default:
An Apple, Health Potion, Quicksilver Bullets, Buckshot Roulette, Combat Knife, Crowbar. - From achievements:
A Cookie, Smooth Moves, Bulletproof Vest, Toilet Paper, ACME Anvil, Omnigeode, Schrödinger’s Cat, Farming Tools, Metal Gear, Scented Candle, The Bomb, Jade Amulet, Plot Amor, Gold Medal.
- Unlocked by default:
Gameplay & QoL changes
- Game performance, stability, and engine update. Loading screens were added.
- FSR updated to its newest version – 3.1. Provides much better image quality while also improving the performance. Native resolution anti-aliasing option added in form of Temporal Anti-Aliasing.
- First batch of UI/UX improvements based on your feedback (some of which are listed below).
- Survivor busts on “Select Team Leader” screen are now 3D and animated.
- Synergies between Surviors are displayed on their cards at selection screens.
- Synergies now correctly scale their damage from the Ability owner’s stats.
- XP, Specialization, and Cash modifiers for the selected map, mode, and difficulty, are now correctly calculated and displayed at the “Select Loadout” page, before starting the run.
- Tag/damage type description improvements (total damage done & scaling).
- Players can now use the Conclude Run option in any game mode.
- Separate controller vibrations option to enable only the important vibrations.
- Game should now pause when the gamepad/controller disconnects.
- Skill Tree: Maxed out nodes are now displayed more clearly.
- Skill Tree: First row of the general skill tree highlighted as permanent upgrades.
- Other minor tweaks and language/translation improvements.
General Balance Changes
- Military Training: Infinite options for Survivors now give the same bonus to all team members.
- Military Training: Each Infinite option can get up to five times rarer the more it’s picked.
- Stats: Base 5 HP/s regen removed (was impeding certain in-game challenges).
- Skill Tree: Second HP Regen node added as a general skill tree tier 2 option.
Weapon/Ability/Tag Balance Changes
- Tank: Bombing Strike: +50 Damage, +1 Count (max rank & node).
- Engineer: EMP Grenade: +100 Damage, +1 Range (max rank & node).
- Huntress: Weapon reload animation speed increased, allowing for faster attacks.
- Huntress: Bear Trap: +100 Damage, +2 Count (max rank & node).
- Ghost: Shuriken: Boomerang: Damage is applied more consistently.
- Ghost: Shuriken: Single: Splits into additional projectiles on hit (-20% chance each time).
- Medic: Both Flask weapons has greater throw distance (both first and second flask).
- Medic: Medical Drone: Can now reach higher attack speeds (similar to Minigun).
- Medic: Experiment #21: 73: +100 Damage. 13: +50 Damage, +100 Damage per second.
- Kinetic: Injured: Base damage is now +10% (from +20%). Duration is now 3s (from 5s).
- Slashing: Damage is now based on the enemy’s current health instead of maximum HP.
- Explosive: 10+ effect: Explosion size bonus is now +10% +1% for every tag over 10.
- Explosive: New item “The Bomb”: +4 tag, increases the explosion size/radius.
- Fire: Burn: Base damage per tag is now +5 (from +3).
- Fire: 10+ effect: Chance is now 10% +1% for every tag over 10.
- Electric: 10+ effect: Chance is now 5% +1% for every tag over 10.
- Ice: 10+ effect: Chance is now 5% +1% for every tag over 10.
Item Balance Changes
- Some achievement rewards has switched places and unlock status.
- “Frozen Heart” and “Skip Rope” are now enabled on Endless.
- Boxing Gloves: Removed the negative effect.
- Burger: Decreases max HP by 1/3 (from 1/2).
- Ruby Gem: Weapon Critical Damage -> Weapon Damage.
- Slingshot: +30% Weapon Critical Damage (from +40%).
- Frozen Heart: +2 Max HP (from +1), +0.5 Armor (from +1).
- Stretcher: Dodge Chance decrease changed to -5% (from -10%).
- Glass of Milk: Now requires 20 basic enemies (from 10).
- Skip Rope: Awards tweaked, grants MT point every 5 points.
- Suspicious Pendrive: Damage increased to 2000 (from 800).
- Pills: Effect duration increased to 20s (from 10s).
- First batch of fixes for the game crashing on certain hardware & software configurations.
- Synergies will now scale their damage correctly from the stats of the ability’s owner.
- Locked Infinite Level-up option should no longer appear on standard Military Training.
- Fixes for Survivors sometimes targeting the dead enemies.
- Fix for Armor stat displaying wrong values above 100.
- Dodge Chance now has diminishing returns instead of a hard cap (our bad!).
- Fixes for some Ability Evolutions & Synergies breaking at certain scenarios.
- SWAT: Turrets should no longer dig into the ground (they are not dwarves).
- Engineer: Visual effects reworked to prevent the screen flashing visual glitch (fingers crossed this works, otherwise our programmer will need a few years of Zen therapy in the high mountains, having spent dozens of hours trying to fix just that one issue, again, and again, and again).
- Huntress: Now correctly doesn’t change anything when equipped with “Magazine Clip” item.
- Huntress: Arrows are less likely to get stuck in the air / on invisible targets.
- Ghost: Shuriken: Single: Should no longer lose its target and get stuck in place.
- Medic: Medical Drone: Attacks can now properly apply Injured status.
- Medic: Medical Drone: No longer displays healed amount when HP is at 100%.
- Other minor fixes.
What’s next?
Apart from fixing the potential bugs that might appear (let’s hope not!) in this version, we’ll be busy working on version 0.8, which you can expect to come somewhere in early 2025.
For the near future, we plan to work on the things listed below:
- Fixes and tweaks to the current systems based on your feedback,
- Customizable starting loadout / Team Leader perks,
- One Hit game mode rework into something more arcade’y,
- New gameplay mechanics/map interactables within the playable area?
- Further improvements to the item system: More items & synergies, possible item upgrades and/or combinations,
- Further improvements to the difficulty system and/or Boss type enemies & attack patterns,
- Separate, non-cloud save for in-game settings (e.g. graphics options),
- Steam Deck support improvements / verification,
- New map, new Survivor & more synergies,
29 November – Quick Hotfix for 0.7.1
- Luck is now correctly a team-wide stat.
- Fixed wrong cooldown values displayed in-game.
- Military Training should no longer change its rarity.
- Online Leaderboards font size and scrolling function fixed.
- Fix for Ghost’s title in synergy description not displaying correctly.
- Ghost: Shuriken: Single: Chance and lifetime decreased.
- Other minor tweaks.
Download Yet Another Zombie Survivors update 0.7.1 on PC.