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Zoom Error Code 100035000: How to Fix?

Zoom error code 100035000 is a common issue that users encounter when trying to join a Zoom meeting or webinar. This error often indicates a problem with the network connection, and it usually resolves after a reboot of the device.

Causes of Zoom Error Code 100035000

The primary cause of this error is a poor or unstable internet connection. However, other factors such as firewall or antivirus software, or an outdated Zoom application can also trigger this error.

How to Fix Zoom Error Code 100035000

Update Your Zoom App

One of the first steps in troubleshooting Zoom error code 100035000 is to ensure your Zoom app is up to date. An outdated app can often be the root cause of this error.

Check Your Internet Connection

As a poor network connection is a common cause of this error, it’s crucial to check your internet connection. If your internet connection is slow or unstable, you may need to switch to a more reliable network or contact your service provider for assistance.

Disable Firewall or Antivirus Temporarily

Sometimes, firewall or antivirus software can interfere with Zoom, causing error code 100035000. Temporarily disabling these can help determine if they are the cause of the problem.


What are the symptoms of Zoom error code 100035000?

The main symptom of Zoom error code 100035000 is the inability to join a Zoom meeting or webinar. The error message will typically ask you to check your network connection.

What are the causes of Zoom error code 100035000?

The primary cause is a poor or unstable internet connection. Other factors can include firewall or antivirus software, or an outdated Zoom application.

How can I prevent Zoom error code 100035000?

Keeping your Zoom app updated, ensuring a stable internet connection, and checking for any interference from firewall or antivirus software can help prevent this error.

What is the treatment for Zoom error code 100035000?

Updating your Zoom app, checking your internet connection, and temporarily disabling firewall or antivirus software are some of the steps you can take to fix this error.


Zoom error code 100035000 can be a frustrating issue, but with the right troubleshooting steps, it can be resolved. Always ensure your Zoom app is updated and your internet connection is stable to prevent this error.

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