How to Install MacType Font on Windows 10 and Chrome


The MacType font software update 1.2017.0614.0 is now available for download. The latest update comes with minor changes and improvements. The software update also fixed the issues which were causing blue screen error on Windows 10 anniversary update and Creators Update. The update also improved Chrome compatibility.

Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS both use different font rendering algorithm. However, Windows fonts look awful even after enabling ClearType fonts. This is where MacType software comes in action. MacType font software for Windows is a simple program that overrides the font rendering software on Windows PC and makes the fonts look more like Mac systems. Software supports all version of Windows including Windows 10.

What’s new in MacType font software

  • Software now supports Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10.
  • Directwrite tweak re-enabled (Enable this tweak by adding DirectWrite=1 to the general section. No other parameter available).
  • Upgraded FreeType to 2.6.5. Note that this version brings to you a different rendering result.
  • HiDPI ready for MacTuner and MacTray.
  • Folder support for MacType wizard in profile thumbnail view.
  • Multi-lang switch effect optimized.
  • Chrome compatibility improved.
  • Injecting to metro is possible in all loading modes.
  • Vertical layout in firefox and some other programs has been fixed.
  • Clipbox parameter is no longer required, it has been fixed for all programs.
  • MacTray can identify more OS versions now.

How to install MacType font software on Windows

1. Download the latest version of the installer and run the downloaded installer file.

3. When prompted, choose “Complete” install.

4. Select run it as from the registry as it is the best choice.

Windows Mactype Font
MacType v1.2016.0904.0 font wizard after installation.

5. You will then be presented with some presets of different rendering settings. Pick the one that looks best for you and that completes the setup.

Windows MacType v1.2016.830.0
Select font profile to display on your Windows.

6. Restart your computer.

Enabling MacType fonts on Chrome:

  1. Type chrome://flags address bar.
  2. Search Disable DirectWrite (#disable-direct-write), click on Enable.
  3. Adjust Number of raster threads (#num-raster-threads) to 1.
  4. Add the following startup parameter to your Chrome shortcut: –disable-directwrite-for-ui
  5. Restart your system.

Download MacType font software for PC